View Full Version : Elite stores items
Bounty Hunter
10-16-2003, 06:03 PM
Last night Al asked us to post what items we would like in Elite store. I didn´t find any topic about it so I´ve made this one.
Like Geno said, some item with + to parry on it would be nice. Helm, light armour or robes, short sword or rapier.
Keen short sword or rapier would be good too.
Weapon that do massive criticals or extra slashing/piercing/bludgeoning damage are fun too.
Short sword with disease or posion are alweys fun (make those paladins use those spells :D).
That is all I can think about now.
10-17-2003, 08:33 AM
how bout armor that, when attacked, does damage to meelee attacker...
Like an elemental sheld...
...can that be done?
10-17-2003, 09:00 AM
no and it wont be done. You want elemental shield, be a mage.
10-17-2003, 09:46 AM
awwww.... just a bit?.... no fair :P heheh
how about weps with more tahn one element in em, like acid sonic or something.
10-17-2003, 10:04 AM
None of the weapons in the elite store will have elemental damage. The elite store will be shared by all.
hmm. how about some scythes with massive crits and +AB? and keen, dont forget keen...:D i LIKE my critting dorf fighter/barb. atm, at lvl 10, i am criting between 85 and 120. and thats with an item that has 1d6 acid dmg and +3 ab....:D have i said i like my scythe?
i made one in area in the dev section..but i forgot that other people might want inout, so here is what is said from the one in the area
K, in game al asked for what types of weapons we want for the elite(15+) store
well, i would like...
a Kukri with keen and enhancement....maybe vamp regen too...
A katana, just really nice...maybe +5 with some extra damage...
and, a weapon other than a warhammer with HA(just for some diversity)(maybe a two-handed weapon*cough*doubleAxe*cough*)
o, and a nice scythe
No, make a greatsword, that way Paladin gains the HA but looses AC due to no shield.
Add + parry item
Add + discipline
Add + tumble
Throw mages a bone - some cloak that hooks up Con magic user only or fighters would be wearing it.
Some +spot and listen item to help find invis people or stealthers
Make better use of some of the more "unused weapons" in the shops.
Like the two bladed sword or the Heavy flail or morning star.
Hell make the holy avenger a heavy flail.
don't include items that are unique to some classes ie evasion. Take a look at those BS items from old WNxarena and mod them.
Have some item that helps every ring of str or ring of wis...something...just my thoughts
01-14-2004, 03:15 PM
The store seemed kinda... empty, on mage stuff like staffs and scrolls...
02-21-2006, 06:33 PM
Hows about a Scythe with massive criticals and keen and a Halberd with +1d12 Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning Damage?
02-21-2006, 09:21 PM
this, right after i reset the starting level to 8 and do a vault wipe :P
03-05-2006, 05:37 PM
Another idea - something to support PMs. As they're pretty weak by themselves, all they do is fill in as a support role. As Undead Graft and Deathless Master Touch are both touch attacks, maybe you should make some gloves that give an AB to the PM's unarmed strike attack. Since the touch attack AB is based off of the unarmed strike bonus, this will help the PM hit stuff.
Felonious Monk
03-05-2006, 07:52 PM
There already are gloves that give AB bonuses. Honestly, it's more likely that that target will simply make it's save than not get hit. Touch attacks are insanely easy to pull off against low-DEX chars.
03-07-2006, 01:07 PM
But, like Trog said, Dex-based characters are what ruined PVP in the first place, so there must be a lot of them out there.
03-07-2006, 03:00 PM
eeh dex based charactpors fixed wit a fewew things called having greataxes/swords/ non finnese items that dont have enhancement. they just double in attack bonus. ( +5 enhance=+10 attack bonus ( and still add elemental damage) this way you can stack up your AB when needed just an idea
Oh about the gloves just do the follow: make required class pale master
so whatever monks can get at them.. this they spend at least 4 lvls to get them
Felonious Monk
03-07-2006, 06:05 PM
Touch AC is almost always really low, it's just that DEXers tend to do better in that regard than full plate wearing STR fighters. At level 20, a 37 DEX (25 base + 12 items) halfling with Haste and +4 AC gear will have a touch AC of 32 (10+13+4+4+1), and that's a best-case scenario for a non-monk. A pure wiz/PM with 10 BAB can hit that nearly every time with only True Strike (what else are you using it for?). If the mage is invis and catches the halfling flatfooted, its touch AC drops to 15 without Uncanny Dodge and 28 with.
And +10 AB >>> +5 enhancement. Hell, I'd take +6 AB over +5 enhancement nine times out of ten and +5 AB over +4 enhancement every time. Putting a class restriction on the gloves wouldn't do a thing to deter rogue/monks or assassin/monks.
Without corner sneaking, DEX builds are really weak against DR. Even the 5/- stuff is enough to negate most of the damage that isn't from SA or DA.
04-01-2006, 07:22 PM
One reason people corner sneak, and I'm betting that's why Trog dislikes DEX builds.
I'm working on a new build that should really kick some ass (it did in EW). I just need to throw it into EB, monitor my own progress, and post it in the builds post.
Simple answer.
Include gear that lowers all saves by 3(enough to do some damage on you)in exchange for sneak immunity. Dodge one class and get ****ed over by the other.
07-30-2006, 10:50 PM
simple answer thats totally imba gives paladin/cot imba abilties cot gives + 5 all saves....-3 just amkes it +2 to all saves pally/cot > mages and rogue and because of the buffs of pally > fighter ( + cot ab bonus ^^)
07-31-2006, 08:01 AM
I agree.. -3 saves to a pally/cot combo is nothing! Good idea though. :)
07-31-2006, 01:42 PM
Hell, I gotta solution.
If the Pally/COT/Whatever does use it, then simply add a WIS & CHA penalty of -2. That'll disable plenty of his buffs & decrease the effectiveness of Smite Evil & Lay on Hands, among other things.
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