View Full Version : Update History
05-18-2008, 12:16 PM
This thread is a copy of the contents of the update board in Limbo:
03/28/2009 - Module updated to CEP2.2c, numerous bug fixes and creature adjustments.
03/15/2009 - Addition of all new Abyss dungeons.
03/06/2009 - Module modified to run under NWNX and completely rebuilt to 1.69 base mod to accomodate horse scripts. Shayan's Subrace system added (see website for subraces), DMFI system, NWNX Banking, NWNX Housing and Storage, Neshke's Spawn System updated to latest version.
05-18-2008, 12:17 PM
07/23/2008 - Module updated to 1.69 + CEP2.1_c
06/21/2008 - Hrethgiran Fells and Dhakra Headlands added.
06/01/2008 - Completion of Undermountain dungeon.
05/18/2008 - Undermountain dungeon added, abyss removed, numerous bug fixes throughout the module.
03/22/2008- Experience Bank added, 4 new desert areas, New quest dungeon (Blue Dragon), Moved "sick child" quest NPC to Daegard Docks, Mordenkainen's Sword now summons an epic helmed horror if casterlevel > 30, Increased level of the summoned shield guardian, half-celestial warrior, half-fiend warrior, and summoned white slaad.
01/20/2008 - Added new shops to the city of Daegard. Beholders petrify gaze is no longer permanent. Shorten rest duration.
01/11/2008 - Numerous bug fixes since the server reface. Increased the xp and gp rewards for starter quests in Archill.
05-18-2008, 12:17 PM
12/21/2007 - Massive refacing of server in progress. Larken and Sunbrook removed, Daegard added, module renamed.
11/11/2007 - Tweaks and bugfixes to the Drow Wizard Tower. Experience awarded by Archill quests has been greatly increased. The Strong Arm Smithy vendor and the Hillview Shop vendors have both been updated to give instructions on where to travel.
10/22/2007 - New dungeon added in the underdark.
10/06/2007 - 2 new player houses added, new dungeon added, Dragon breath weapon damage increased.
09/12/2007 - More bug fixes associated with new content.
09/05/2007 - Flame weapon and darkfire changed to 1/2 standard duration, bug fixes associated with new content.
09/01/2007 -
Areas added:
Elemental Plane of Fire Outside of Phasta's's Palace, Fire Giant Goddess
Elemental Plane of Fire Phasta's's Palace, Fire Giant Goddess
Elemental Plane of Fire East layer 1
Elemental Plane of Fire East Layer 2
Redrock Wolf Cavern
Bugs fixed:
Fixed the Archill Spider cave quest to now give party xp and gold instead of individual xp and gold.
Balanced the trolls better for the level they should be for.
Tweaked fire elementals in Setal's dungeon to have fire element immunity. no reason that they shouldn't have that.
Fixed Marlak's sales to have a gold cap.
07/07/2007 - Bug fixes for spawning have been put in place. Rod of Return added.
06/27/2007 - Numerous spells adjusted for epic levels, new dungeon (Plane of Fire), balance issues addressed in come areas.
04/25/2007 - Greater Planar Binding modified for greater summon at caster level 21. New dungeon areas.
04/17/2007 - Bug Fixes and addition to Sunbrook sewer.
04/13/2007 - Bug Fix update.
04/08/2007 - Adjusted several monsters for balance, fix Taurbane transitions and spawns,
04/07/2007 - Gate spell modified for greater summon at caster level 30.
04/05/2007 - Added in new area to Paranor named Taurbane. Taurbane was made by WNxAnessen. Archill Spider Cave is filled with spawns and a new quest for lower levels.
02/23/2007 - Added Player Housing for Anessen & Volran.
01/31/2007 - More areas to UnderDark, including a vendor.
01/21/2007 - Addition of numerous new areas to the UnderDark and a new dungeon.
01/15/2007 - Fixed Saving Rune so it doesnt add to your inventory if you already have one, added new dungeons in the Underdark and in Paranor.
01/12/2007 - Fixed save item scripts, beholder mother spawn, reduced places mod saves character file to reduce crashing.
05-18-2008, 12:17 PM
12/23/2006 - Added new spider cave, and Plane of fire that is unpopulated atm.
12/21/2006 - Added in updated scripts for saving character. Also added in a save character item that is gave to each character on Enter. Scripts and save item compliments of WNxAkurei.
12/20/2006 - Fixed some minor bugs with a area transition.
12/08/2006 - Almuric updated transitions in Sunbrook crypt for use as DM event area for the time being.
12/02/2006 - Updated merchants to carry stacks of 10 potions and fixed script for storage for a few new player housing chests.
11/14/2006 - Player Housing for Blade, Tink, and Tet the doors weren't closing after opening. Also the PS chests inside were never set to usable..
*Monk store fixed.
*Beholder Mother now should spawn.
*Added in signs for arena, and Silvertree emporium in Larken.
*Added in Place markers on the map for the arena and Emporium.
10/17/2006 - Fixed druid side quest , skelly knuckle quest and claudia xp bug in Archill. Added in Larken PvP Arena, Archil - North, Nature guild tower, Larken thieves guild area. Renamed Fire Plane to Setal's Dungeon. New Plane areas soon to be added. New monk & item merchant in Larken.
07/14/2006 - Linked in 5th layer of the Abyss, adjusted Khrrallion dungeon, added UnderDark dungeon areas.
06/17/2006 - Modified the spawn script slightly to help with server crashes.
06/04/2006 - Changed spawn and rest scripts to check for valid area before saving characters, increased maximum gp death penalty from 10k to 100k gold.
03/19/2006 - Corrected death script on new monsters, added player house.
03/16/2006 - Adjusted Cheeva drops, added new crypt and sewers dungeons to Sunbrook region. Addition of persistent chests scripts for player and guild housing.
03/07/2006 - Corrected signs in Hillview, adjusted Rasakith, increased XP for Half-Dragon Warriors.
02/01/2006 - Adjusted Khrrallion lair to epic difficulty, increased xp awards for dwarves in the ice plane, other small adjustments.
05-18-2008, 12:18 PM
05/05/2005 - Lowered the XP Debt Penalty, and bunch of little tweaks and fixes.
04/25/2005 - Rewrote the XP Debt script to allow for easier editing. Searched through the entire mod for any scripts that contained GiveXPToCreature() to make sure that you will always have to go through the XP Debt Script. Recompiled the mod. Fixed the Party XP Script to Check if you are dead. Fixed the the money split script where it will check and make sure party members are in the same area as you before spliting xp to all party members. Fixed an error where if you had the weapon equiped the weapon quests would not enchant.
04/19/2005 - You can now pay back your XP Debt by using gold. They are at a 1 XP to 5 GP level.
04/18/2005 - Added XP Debt Script. When you respawn you do not loose XP. You gain a Debt of XP that can only go as high as 66% of the current amount of XP you need to level. When you receive XP 60% goes to pay off you debt the other 40% goes to the character.
04/17/2005 - Fixed an incorrect listing for Short Sword in the Magic Item Quest. Added Invis potions to Marlak's Regular Shop. The smart adventure will buy a potion and sneak by the bandits. Added the Underground Pass to The Great Forest. There is three ways to leave ArcHill. The Northern Crossroads, The Underground Pass, and the Plane Shifter. Recomplied the spawn script the Magic item quest now spawns all the correct monsters.
04/12/2005 - Fixed a few errors and tweaked the Magic Weapon quest.
04/11/2005 - Removed the Elementals out of the Haunted Mines, and replace them with a undisclosed moster type. The second upgrade for the Magical Weapon quest is finished. You can learn about it at the General Store in Hillview. I pulled out my 3.0 and 3.5 Monster Manual because I don't remember a Pulse Drown effect. The closes thing is vortex and that doesn't kill or players who don't make a 20 Fort check, and it only does damage. The DC is now only 12 at least bioware gave us a way to fix that huge mess up. A CR 4 that requires a save DC of 20 or death. Damn that's just wrong.
04/10/2005 - Marlak has two shops now the secret one and the regular one. You can now buy scrolls from him at anytime. Added the first of many Magical Weapon Enhancement Quests. You can start the quest by speaking to Hafur at the Strong Arm Smithy. There is now an event that will happen every few (server) days in Hillview. You now will get XP for killing Morin in the Bugbear quest.
4/05/2005 - Added banks in Larken and Archill.
4/04/2005 - Fixed a bug in the item level restriction script. Removed level limit on the entrance to the Broken Tusk Clan cave. The amount of time to wait for rest has now been maximized to no more then 10 hours.
4/02/2005 - Fixed another bug with the Hillview transistion.
3/31/2005 - Fixed an error where you if you never bound to a binding location you would respawn at the same location you died and not take and experience penalty or gold loss.
3/29/2005 - The second level of random items has been released on the server. A few can be found in the gnoll caves and the Bugbear caves.
3/28/2005 - The ArcHill area is revealed to all now when they first enter.
3/26/2005 - Fixed Error with Hillview transition. Added binding points persistance. Your binding point will now remain even after a server reset.
3/09/2005 - Added quest to the Orc cave in the Redrock Lowlands.
3/04/2005 - Tweak the Redrock Lowlands more of challenge. Reduced the number of Archers leaving ArcHill. Changed the Hillview area. Increased the difficulty of the Bugbear Caves. Fixed the quest to deliver the medicine to the sick child in Hillview.
3/01/2005 - Completly Finshed with the Gnome Dungeon. Removed some Archers on the Pass. The Great Forest is now open to all levels.
2/28/2005 - Added Gnome dungeon, binding tome, town of Fionaz. Tweaked Custom XP Script
05-18-2008, 12:18 PM
3/12/2004 - New dungeon added.
3/10/2004 - Find traps spell now only finds traps, it does not remove them.
3/9/2004 - Added Redrock Ogres and prepped several areas for new dungeons. Potions of Death Ward are now available.
3/4/2004 - The Gold Dragon ship Essex now cost 50,000 GP. Plus an error where Prince Setal would choose the Great Sword as his primary weapon.
3/3/2004 - You and your party are only rewared XP and GP if you are in the same area when the XP and GP are given out. Added a new sign in this area called: "FAQ - Examine Me." The price for the portals has changed to 3000 GP instead of 1500 GP. A minor fix to group XP to check location and area instead of just location before rewarding XP for monster kills. Fixed the Kitt Quest where GP rewarded are now 280 instead of 200.
2/25/2004 - Fixed some quests. Fixed a bug in Portals. Added magic items to the Item Respawn Script. Added to Starting locations one for good the other for evil. Fixed the group xp script there should not be any errors now.
2/21/2004 - Numerous quests in Archill, item level restrictions has been changed to onequip instead of onacquire, portal system updated, Devastating Critical banned, Holy Avengers require 15 levels of Paladin to equip, player level max increased to 30, group xp script removed.
05-18-2008, 12:19 PM
12/23/2003 - Added Crawley to the job board. Moved the Goblin Caves to ArcHill, also added a random respawning items for this area.
12/11/2003 - Added a new quest to the ArcHill Job Board. (Kitt Bats)
08/02/2003 - Adjusted Group XP. Timestop now requires a material component.
07/29/2003 - Added Item Level Restrictions. Characters are limited to items of twice their current level.
07/17/2003 - Added new areas, fixed numerous small bugs.
07/02/2003 - Fixed the ability for adventurers to pull the ArcHill Taining Dungeon spawn switch multiple times. You must now kill everything first. Now monsters cannot exit the spawn room.
07/02/2003 - Lots of Updates over the last two weeks. Two biggest ones Portals and Group XP. The best group size is 4-6.
06/15/2003 - Fixed a problem with the shop. It now works.
06/10/2003 - Changed up the way the factions worked and added a magic shop in ArcHill. It's hidden.
06/09/2003 - Added more to ArcHill. A new quest on the job board. I'm really proud of it. Also, you can go to the training dungeon in Barracks.
06/04/2003 - Well, everyone will hate me for a little while, but I added the script to remove items with the following item properties:
Immunity: Damage Type
Immunity: Miscellaneous
Immunity: Spell School
Immunity: Spells by Level
This was decided to help balance the game. Many creatures were being killed way too much. It was this or a character wipe. I'm sorry about your loss of items. If it makes you feel better, I to lost items.
06/02/2003 - Added a level restriction of seven to the ArcHill Job Board. Made some more fixes.
05/29/2003 - Added a bunch of new little touches in ArcHill. Many more fixes in world.
05/08/2003 - Added a new area in ArcHill West (Wysper's Area). Corrected some of the new areas. Rotated areas to fit map better. Changed up some of the items. Made the bats hostile. Added a bone collector in the ArcHill cemetary.
04/28/2003 - Set some NPCs to plot. Fixed the Binding Gond at the JuGarLan Northern Crossroads. Changed it so items do not disappear after creature death. Updated the script to award our second monthly champion of legion the Helmet.
04/25/2003 - Changed the XP respawn penalty to 250 * level - 750 after 3rd level. Items should not disappear after corpse disapears.
04/23/2003 - Changed up the transitions in the Red Rock Region to make a little more sense. Fixed some areas in the new Sunbrook area. Changed the training dummies to give away damage + 50 xp per hit up to first level. Added the ArcHill - Old Sewers area (by WNxWypser). Made the monsters around in two of ArcHill's areas easier for low levels. Changed the loot script so it informs and splits gold, but that is it.
04/18/2003 - Added two new binding object one at the Northern Crossroads the other in Sunbrook.
Added a new potion for higher level characters. It does 8d8 +20 points of healing. You can find them in Larken and Sunbrook.
Added a loot script. Gold will be split between party members evenly. Items will be randomly moved to a players inventory. A message will display telling which player took the item. This applies to Corpses and Chests.
04/17/2003 - Added new areas to the Red Rock Region (Sunbrook). Made a major tweak to the spawn script.
04/16/2003 - Added monsters to all the areas around ArcHill. Changed up the XP script.
04/15/2003 - Added a new job on the ArcHill job board. Added Torches to help light the streets of ArcHill.
03/01/2003 - 04/01/2003 - Many little things were added.
02/03/2003 - Added Barracks in ArcHill. Added Training Dummies in the Barracks. Added Blindness and Deafness to the Resting Script. Changed the Rest time to Total Level divided by two. Fixed Marlak's Quest it now can be done by multiple people per reset.
02/03/2003 - Major change to all waypoints for monster spawning to decrease amount of CPU ussage and lower lag.
02/02/2003 - Fixed the Logon Death Script Problem and Bleeding Script problem.
01/13/2003 - Modified the XP penalty to 500 * level - 1500. You will now only lose 500 XP at 4th level.
01/12/2003 - XP and GP loss on death has been added to the server. You will lose 10% of your gold on death. If you are above third level, you will lose 500 * level in XP. If you are at or below third level, you will no lose XP. This XP penalty will never cause you to loose a level.
01/12/2003 - Added a rest script that will only let you rest once per hour * level.
03-30-2009, 04:04 AM
12/16/2002 - Added a binding stone. Talk to Claudia.
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