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I hate sunday [Archive] - TrogWorld

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Bounty Hunter
10-19-2003, 05:24 PM
I really do. Sundays are really boring days.
You either have a big hangover or you are sorry why you didn't went out drinking last night.
All the servers are either full or totaly empty and even if one place get open space ping is soooo high that it is not even worth it.
Plus sundays mean end of the weekend. It is not like saturday when you can say I had a great day but I'm free tomorow too. Nooooooo. On sunday next day means monday. Woot woot!!! Things to do here I come.
I hate sundays. Alweys did. I can easily say that sundays are worst days then mondays.
And not even to talk about your family wanting to spend some quality time with you on sundays.
Sunday this is all I have to say :P :P :P :P :P !!!!

And this sunday had more special things in it.
First off all it was raining all day and now even night.
Secondly, Alija Izatbegovic, president of Bosnia died today at 14.15 PM. Everyone knows what I feel about politicians but this was the only man I really respected. The only man that wanted a change to help people and not other politicians. Off course like all politicians he too was trying to get something in the process but still he helped Bosnia most. He was the man that was not afraid to visit us on the front lines and show his support with a rifle in his hand.
Today Bosnia and the world lost a GREAT man.

I hate sundays!!!

10-19-2003, 07:04 PM
i think tuesdays are the worst..but thats me...

hmm...looks like ill be talking about that is geography class tomarrow bounty...right now we are on eartern/southern europe, so ill bring it up in class for ya...just to see what happens...my class is too smart for thier own good :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

10-19-2003, 07:14 PM
i hate mondays
...really dont need an explination on this...
...everyone hates mondays... except those few lucky bastards that have monday free...


10-19-2003, 07:48 PM
i got a question for all you netherlandish people...or people who live by france...is it true that they get wednesday off from school? but have to go longer? i wish i could have wednesday off...

Bounty Hunter
10-20-2003, 08:05 AM
See Madd i do take care of you. I´m even doing your homework. :D

I don´t know about france but while I was in high school in Sweden we didn´t get a day off but we had 1 class shorter every day but went 2 weeks extra in school. It is the same shi*t just diffrent package. No matter how long you are in school it alweys su*k. :D