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Update 0307 [Archive] - TrogWorld

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01-30-2010, 04:30 PM
Abyss Bosses made more difficult
Halask & Kalask (layer 49) - removed dev crit and replaced with vorpal bite.
Bug Fixes in Water Plane
Plane of Water Myconids changed faction from commoner to hostile
Sacred Grove exit now relocks so key is useful.
Sentil Lord in Archill quest now drops some magic items as part of his reward.
Removed chest from Hanan Crypt and put drops on boss.
Changed transition to Marlak's home to only work for players and not monsters.

01-31-2010, 10:50 AM
Update 0307a

Braxis cloak drops on boss.
Changed ambient sounds in Redrock Wolf Cavern and Den.
Lowered AC on Troglodyte Footpads and added drops to Troglodyte Warriors
Modified Ice Dwarves for balance
Modified dragons for balance

02-06-2010, 08:19 PM
Update 0307b

Added visual effect on level up
Fixes in Daegard - Graveyard Pit & Aserrawry Cavern
Shop in abyss now sells heals in stacks of 10.

02-27-2010, 02:08 PM
Update 0307c

Koldar added to random loot drop system.
Level limits for abyss moved to Layer 1 portals. Now anyone can port to the abyss, but only level 30+ can use the portals on layer 1.

03-14-2010, 06:42 PM
Update 0307d

Heal potions in abyss shop are now unlimited.