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Donation Awards [Archive] - TrogWorld

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02-01-2010, 11:18 AM
Server Expenses and Funding thread here - http://www.trogworld.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1225

Benefit #1 - Access to an exclusive shop area with items for sale that are available nowhere else on the mod granted once donation level reaches $20.

Benefit #2 - Your choice of one-

10000xp and 10000gp per $1 donated (given in $5 increments)


1 or more custom magic items per donation (no combining of donations)
The custom magic item is requested based on point value listed here $1 = 1 point. The item must be approved first.
Example - $10 donation = +3 keen bastard sword with 2d6 cold damage (3 + 2 + 5)

Custom Item Creation

Ability Bonus: (+2 For each bonus increase) - You can have a maximum combined ability score of +6, but no single bonus can be over +4. For instance you could create an item with a +2 Dex, and +4 Cha, or you could create an item with a +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int.

AC Bonus: (+1 For each bonus increase)- Maximum +5 Base AC.

Attack Bonus: (+0.5 for each melee bonus rounding up and +1 for each ranged bonus) - Maximum of +5 on one-handed weapons, +6 on two-handed.

Base Item Weight Reduction: +1 50% reduction only

Bonus Feat (+1 For each): You can give the following bonus out: Alertness, Extra Turning, Spell Focus (any).

Cast Spell: (+0.5 per spell level.) You may not give out Unlimited Uses/Day. +1 for each use per day, charges do not count.

Damage Bonus: 1d4 - +1, 1d6 is +2, 1d8 +3, 1d10 +4, 2d6 +5 2d6 is maximum.

Damage Reduction: (Start at +3 points. Each +1 bonus adds a +1 also each soak of 5 adds another +1) You cannot give out a damage reduction higher than +5 [Soak 10 Damage]. For instance a +2 [Soak 10 Damage] would be considered a +7. Because 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7. Or if you had a +4 [Soak 15 Damage] would be consided a +10. Because 3 + 4 + 3 = 10.

Damage Resistance:

+2 for -/5 Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing
+4 for -/10 Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing
+6 for -/15 Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing
+8 for -/20 Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing
Total Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing resist is 20 on one item.
+1 for each -/10 resist of elemental damage, only allowed types are fire, electrical, acid, cold, maximum of + 50 Resistance on one item. Split any way you choose.

Darkvision: (+1)

Enhancement Bonus: (+1 for each bonus) - Maximum of +5 on one-handed weapons, +6 on two-handed.

Freedom of Movement: (+6)

Haste: (+5)

Holy Avenger: (+5)

Immunity: Damage Type – Not allowed

Immunity: Miscellaneous – Not allowed.

Immunity: Spell School – Not allowed

Immunity: Spells by Level – Not allowed

Improved Evasion: (+5)

Keen: (+2)

Massive Criticals:

+1 for 1d6
+2 for 1d10
+3 for 2d8
+4 for 2d12

On Hit: There are too many possible combinations here. As this is awarded the point value will be added as an example here. On Hit Slay is not allowed.

On Hit Daze (DC14)(Duration 25% / 3 rounds) - +2
On-Hit Stun (DC26)(Duration 25% / 3 rounds) - +13
On-Hit Dispel (DC26) - +6

Regeneration: (+1 for each) No more than +1 on any item due to it’s stacking ability.

Regeneration: Vampiric (+1 for each bonus) Maximum of +5

Saving Throw Bonus: (+2 for each Universal bonus) Maximum of +4 universal save on any one item.

First Group: (+0.5 for each rounded up) Acid, Cold, Divine, Electrical, Fear, Positive Energy, and Sonic (Maximum of +5).

Second Group: (+1 for each) Disease, Fire, and Poison (Maximum of +5)

Third Group: (1.3 for each bonus rounded up) Death and Mind Affecting (Maximum of +5)

Saving Throw Bonus: Specific (+1 for each) (Maximum of +5)

Skill Bonus: (+1 for each 5 bonus points) (Maximum of +20 individual skill points per skill, +50 total skill points per item.)

Spell Resistance: (+3 for 10, +4 for 12, +5 for 14, +6 for 16, +8 for 18, +10 for 20) You may not assign a spell resistance higher than 20.

True Seeing: (+7)

Example Items:
Long Sword (10 points)
Enhancement Bonus +5 (+5)
Massive Criticals [1d10 Damge] (+1)
Saving Throw Bonus: Universal [+2] (+4)
Great Sword (7 points)
Light (+0)
Keen (+2)
Damage Resistance: Electrical [Resist 20 / -] (+2)
Regeneration +1 (+1)
Saving Throw Bonus Specific : Fortitude [+2] (+2)
Chainmail (2 points)
Darkvision (+1)
Bonus Feat: Alertness (+1)