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02-02-2010, 11:58 AM
With my upcoming donation(s) I have been planning out what I wanna do...

Here are my thoughts right now...

Full Plate +5 AC = 5 Points
+4 [Soak 15 Damage] = 10 Points
Strength + 2 = 4 Points
Cast Spell - Ethereal visage (0.5 * 6 = 3) 2 Use/day = 6 points
Bonus Feat - Knockdown = 1 Point
Regeneration = 1 Point

Total = 27 Points

+2 Strength = 4 Points
+2 Constitution = 4 Points
+4 [Soak 15 Damage] = 10 Points
Damage Resistance: Divine Resist 10/- - 1 point
Damage Resistance: Magical Resist 10/- - 1 point
Damage Resistance: Negative Energy Resist 10/- - 1 point
Damage Resistance: Positive Energy Resist 10/- - 1 point
Damage Resistance: Sonic Resist 10/- - 1 point
Regeneration = 1 Point

Total = 24 Points

Constitution +5 = 10 points
Strength +2 = 4 Points
AC Bonus +5 = 5 Points

Damage Resistance: Acid Resist 10/- = 1 point
Damage Resistance: Cold Resist 10/- = 1 point
Damage Resistance: Electrical Resist 10/- = 1 point
Damage Resistance: Fire Resist 10/- = 1 point

Regeneration = 1 Point

Total = 24 Points

Please correct my math and lemme know. But I think this is remotely right. And then lemme know if these are doable.

02-02-2010, 12:51 PM
Full Plate +5 AC = 5 Points
+4 [Soak 15 Damage] = 10 Points
Strength + 2 = 4 Points
Cast Spell - Ethereal visage (0.5 * 6 = 3) 2 Use/day = 6 points
Bonus Feat - Knockdown = 1 Point
Regeneration = 1 Point

Bonus Feat - Knockdown is not allowed.

+2 Strength = 4 Points
+2 Constitution = 4 Points
+4 [Soak 15 Damage] = 10 Points
Damage Resistance: Divine Resist 10/- - 1 point
Damage Resistance: Magical Resist 10/- - 1 point
Damage Resistance: Negative Energy Resist 10/- - 1 point
Damage Resistance: Positive Energy Resist 10/- - 1 point
Damage Resistance: Sonic Resist 10/- - 1 point
Regeneration = 1 Point

From my understanding, damage soak does not stack, so no need to put +4/15 on this item.
None of the damage resistances on this item are allowed - only fire, electrical, acid, cold

Constitution +5 = 10 points
Strength +2 = 4 Points
AC Bonus +5 = 5 Points

Damage Resistance: Acid Resist 10/- = 1 point
Damage Resistance: Cold Resist 10/- = 1 point
Damage Resistance: Electrical Resist 10/- = 1 point
Damage Resistance: Fire Resist 10/- = 1 point

Regeneration = 1 Point

You cannot have more than a total of 6 ability score points on any one item. You have 7 on this one (Con +5 & Str +2)

02-02-2010, 01:33 PM
Thanks Al! I appreciate you pointing those out to me... So, here is an updated version with some changes. As long as the AC bonus's stack.

Full Plate +5 AC = 5 Points
Strength + 2 = 4 Points
Constitution +2 = 4 points
Cast Spell - Ethereal Visage (0.5 * 6 = 3) 2 Use/day = 6 points
Regeneration = 1 Point

Total = 20 Points

-/20 Piercing Resist = 8 points
+3 Strength = 6 points
+3 Constitution = 6 Points
Regeneration = 1 Point

Total = 21 Points

Constitution +5 = 10 points
AC Bonus +5 = 5 Points
Damage Resistance: Acid Resist 10/- = 1 point
Damage Resistance: Cold Resist 10/- = 1 point
Damage Resistance: Electrical Resist 10/- = 1 point
Damage Resistance: Fire Resist 10/- = 1 point
Regeneration = 1 Point

Total = 20 Points

02-02-2010, 01:40 PM
Yes, your second attempt is doable.

02-02-2010, 01:46 PM
Alright... Since i have a helm currently with the damage soak for now, I will leave that off. Then when I go for a helm we will go over it again. ^_^

02-02-2010, 03:45 PM
i would replace the piercing resistance with bludge, but that is just me.

02-02-2010, 06:58 PM
I have a current belt with Bludge on it and one for slashing. So this is got them all covered.

02-02-2010, 08:53 PM
ah ok, that explains why you do so well in the ogre's then lol.

02-03-2010, 07:04 AM
Yeah... 20/- on bludge is nice against them! :P So, I am thinking elemental resistance would be more helpful for later on down the road.