View Full Version : I have my Hordes!!
12-04-2003, 04:09 PM
Na Na my copy! :P :P :P
Just had to say that. :grin:
And now on to drinking and updating EB for Hordes. :beer: :beer:
12-04-2003, 08:53 PM
... i hate you :-x
WNxIthron Eldin
12-04-2003, 08:58 PM
sweet !! I have had mine but am waitng for the updates soooooo......hurry up AL!! :grin:
12-04-2003, 09:29 PM
They havent put out the update for the Linux server yet. Waiting for the patch guys.
Bounty Hunter
12-05-2003, 10:49 AM
He he, I´ve had my Hordes for 3 days now. :D
Already did lot of sp. But no mp servers to play on. :sad:
12-05-2003, 01:36 PM
Don't even know if I will even bother with buying it. I might get a ripped copy and play single player, but thats about it.
I've done all you can do with bioware's NWN for now...played, coded, planned, and built for it. I wish NWN will grow into something really special, Bioware showed what they can truly do with an RPG in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and it leaves NWN in the dust. (seriously it does)
Hordes of the Underdark will be a nice story to play through, but it will totally wreck havoc on the community of Persistant World servers, many will simply not even install the additions and the ones that do will have incredible problems with balance in relation to existing monsters and spells versus the new abilities. Trust me, there will be some server owners that won't think it through and install the game and the players run all over it like they are in an amusement park :)
Anyhow, one day, I'll come back to the game, for now it just doesnt hold much for me.
12-06-2003, 10:20 PM
..hmmm, that makes me think geno...
well, I hate you all anyway...
12-08-2003, 11:59 AM
I picked up the game on Friday and I'm nearly done with the campaign. I think my character level is 26. Unless I'm missing something, The Valsharess is dead, the demon she was controlling killed me and my party, and now I'm banned from Toril with my party in the Nexus.
For those that have completed it, how close am I to the final?
Bounty Hunter
12-08-2003, 07:04 PM
Heh!!! I´m stuck in fu*king Undermountain lvl 2 for 2 days now. Cant solve the colour pool riddle.
I have all 4 chains attached to piedestals but havo no idea what to do. I click the pool, pull the chains and sometimes I hear bell ringing and sometimes a little red dragon spawns.
I think that I have tried all combinations. This game is drivning me crazy. Same riddle bs like in SoU.
12-08-2003, 08:59 PM
calm down mighty bounty... err, hope you get an answer soon mate.
While you wait, here, :whisky: on the house!
A question mates... is the game really worth having? Im talking about the single player missions, I know it wold be good in multi, but sometimes I like to play alone.
Bounty Hunter
12-09-2003, 08:49 AM
I love single player missions (when I´m not stuck :twisted:) . Much more the NWN or SoU. But then again we have drow here. :D
Serioulsy I love the sp but I have a feeling that I will not like mp. They are making it too complicated. Too many things to think on.
12-09-2003, 02:38 PM
W00T! Finished the Game!!!
Character: Female - Level 27 - 10 Fighter/10 Arcane Archer/ 7 Wizard
The Puzzles near the end were frustrating as all hell to figure out. Not hard just frustrating. Best installment of NWN to date!!!!
3 battles which were bastards to beat (for me)
The Big M. - I think I fought him for 1 1/2 hrs.
Did mention the puzzles were really cool??
My final single best peace of gear...Composite Longbow +6
modified to be +10 attack +10 mighty.
My archer was dealing around 98 damage on a crit. Oh final attack bonus with gear and b4 buffs was 52.
Game has multiple endings depending on what you did during the game.
Your actions and some quests.....
Going to immediately REPLAY with a caster, maybe try out dragon disciple.. Hmm I think I'll try Wizard 20/Monk ??/ and disciple
for Bounty
that puzzle is EASY...
after you put the chains in place and touch a the apex of the pool, a dot of light will appear. It will switch colors, SIX times. Write down the pattern of the changes and touch those pedestals in that order and poof, door will open. I ought to write a walkthrough since I beat the game with no FAQs or help....(heh I don't think many have beaten yet anyways)
heh that cracks me up...geno thinks he isn't gunna buy it, then he falls in love and raves all over i can't wait :( it will be great
12-09-2003, 06:47 PM
Ahem....Madd...I did NOT purchase the game. I "acquired" it the same day it was released in stores.
I'm gonna still stick to what I said initially about this expansion. It will cause a LOT of module owners out there to re-think adding it to their worlds. People will have to do some MAJOR and hell I mean MAJOR overhauls to large PWs. As I said, my char was only level 27 and pulling off 98 hp criticals with a bow. I saw my weaponmaster henchman do 148 with a heavy flail. Some of the spells are completely bogus, the dragon disciple class is WAY overpowered. PVP servers are gonna have to shut down for weeks or not install Hordes at all due to balancing issues caused by classes. Uh huh, cleric/sorc/disciple fighter/cleric/weapon master ...or the combo im using my second time around...sorc/monk/disciple....its really insane...only 3 fights in the single player even gave me the slightest bit of trouble...and my char was doing the most killing....
Don't think Bioware had the community PWs in mind when they made a lot of XP2. NOW the game is PERFECT for a weekly get together of yer buds to play a DM run dealie where the DM is builder/scripter/admin etc. I would play a LAN session everyweek if I could find a game group, I think my online playing time will be either limited or over.
Hordes will encourage the worst in players..i.e. Quick-looting for noobs and vets alike, endless bitching about how some guy(s) are far too powerful, exploitation of new found bugs etc etc...the list is too large to type here.
Still though for pure playing enjoyment...the game is beautiful, was totally peaceful to work hard to kill a monster..calmly walk over to the chest to check the contents and find it all there still, not looted by a greedy guy and then watch him log off.
or heh the old trick I saw in NS b4..player loots big kill, player casts time stop, player leaves party, casts greater sanctuary and quickly leaves the scene with everyone wondering what the hell :) I had to laugh myself silly for the guy's smart attack and gran and run tactic, too bad it was the gear from The Great Wandering One. :(
yea...some other the servers are gunna be thinks there gunna be a huge bunch of new PW's taking reign for XP2
Bounty Hunter
12-10-2003, 08:08 AM
Yeah, I´m afraid that time of PvP is over. Even PvM will not be the same. My rogue build is not that powerfull since I use dex and can´t get those nice crit feats (use short sword and still lowest crit is at 15). But I use it only to have some challenge in the game.
Fighter/dragon disciple or dwarven wizard/pale master who oe what would ever dare to fight it. Fighter with insanly high ab and damage or mage with lot of hp and some really really nasty spells.
PvP time is over.
12-10-2003, 01:08 PM
Yeah, I´m afraid that time of PvP is over. Even PvM will not be the same.
Expansion packs do that. PvP and PvM weren't the same after SoU, so it's the same deal here. Things'll get nerfed, modders will come up with uber monsters, so things will end up about the same (Aside for the modders get a whole lot of extra playing around :razz: )
My rogue build is not that powerfull since I use dex and can´t get those nice crit feats (use short sword and still lowest crit is at 15).
Seeing as I don't have HotU yet, I can't really say for sure, but I'll be very surprised if I don't use a dexer. Yes, despite the fact that I'll be missing out on those feats. Why, you ask? Because dexers will still have more AC then strength based characters, and who cares how big a crit is, if you need to roll a pair of 20s to land it? Not to mention that permanent 50% concealment rogues can get...
Fighter/dragon disciple or dwarven wizard/pale master who oe what would ever dare to fight it. Fighter with insanly high ab and damage or mage with lot of hp and some really really nasty spells.
The AB before items is only going to be up ~14 or so with HotU, so that's not really that big, especially when you factor in the greater AC available before items... and if you look at +20 everything, then AB won't matter anyways, 20s are the only thing that'll hit. Wizards will still be vunerable to KD spam and dispells, and fighters have never been that good without multiclassing anyways, and it's not like they're adding a bunch of insanely uber spells.
The show will go on, there might be some dramas with everyone discovering new uberbuilds (like that didn't happen with SoU), and it might take some major nurfing of things, but in a month or two, everything'll be back to normal.
Well, that's my opinion, anyways :razz:
12-10-2003, 06:46 PM
That may be the case...we shall see.
12-14-2003, 12:57 PM
I beat the single player for the second time through. The Sorcerer proved too much for 98% of the monsters in the game. I truly beleive that I didn't even need henchman to pull this one off. The only spot that gave my char ANY trouble was the magic dead area of the Beholder camp. The end boss went down in 3-5 minutes. The Epic spell of summoning a red dragon was nice to distract the end boss and I dropped in all the cloud damaging spells. Sheesh I never got to cast more than 8 spells on him!
Still it was a fun game, can't wait until someone creates a lengthy sinple player campaign that I can get to level 40 on. Oh my characters ended up level 27. I missed one area in the whole game, the Construct Island, so I don't think a person can get past level 28 b4 the end of the game.
Was still great fun.
12-17-2003, 04:55 PM
Okay, got HotU now... and it hasn't changed my opinion of anything. :razz: Even better, it hasn't changed my character's build at all, except that I can throw in 4 more levels of Cleric and get Duel-Weild for insane IKD spamage! :grin: :razz:
Anyways, I can't see anything too bad about all the new stuff, some of those metacasting feats are going to be annoying, but meh. IMHO the really nasty stuff is already there, for example Arcane Archers are insane now (like they weren't before :razz:). Which is annoying, because they don't use kamas. :( :razz:
Anyways, think 26 AB from levels, 15 AB and damage from AA levels, 13-33 AB and 11 damage from buffs (because it's a cleric/wizard/AA of course) and 21 AB from dex, and 20 from that uber +20 longbow of uberness, and 4 from feats for 110, or 130 for 9 seconds. And that Fireball arrow thingy? 61 DC. :razz: Good luck dodging that! :razz:
And then of course there's my top secret Kama Cleric build, but I'm not about to discuss that one. :P
Meh, anyways, I don't see anything that nasty in the new stuff. Weapon Masters don't get that good an AB and have to go strength, Dwarven Defenders and kinda vunrable to ranged weapons/spells, Red Dragon Disciple is good for the wings and precious little else. Pale Masters are the best of them, with the AC increase and immunity to critical hits, but even then, the AC increase isn't that much, especially now that fixes for Improved Expertise casting are available.
Anyways, just my opinion, but I'm really not seeing anything really insane aside from the increase in levels and item properties, both of which can be controlled by a mod.
12-17-2003, 06:27 PM
waaaahhhhh :-(
ill never be able to play :-(
and I was the best :lol: ... ok, maybe not that good... but im good... somehow... dont mess with me... when I come back, ill make a sorceror... it atracted my attention and was able to build one in Legion... only prob was 2 days later a slaughter happened in my house...
can any of you post any screenies of HoU?... for me? for the pub? for... the drinks?
ah yeah... ill finish the chapter 3 tonight... maybe. Illl be sure to give it to Narf by tomorrow. Sorry for the wait.. I was a bit... whats the word?... really really lazy...
12-18-2003, 01:23 AM
I like sorcs :) They're sooooo KDable :razz:
Anyways, I'm starting to find some of the bugs now... they're probably going to change my mind about the XP pack. :(
...I swear, someone needs shooting for some of the scripts in this...
12-18-2003, 08:23 AM
All the "uber" AB builds are relying on something that any sane server builder would never do: not selling items with insane enhancements for your players to buy. What kind of DM gives away +20 items?? So long as you remember to balance while you build there wont be that many problems.
12-18-2003, 10:22 AM
Sorcerers won't be SO easy to IKD or KD. Just save skill points from creation..Have like a 14 INT just for points. Pick Disciple and throw all the points into your NEW CLASS skill of Discipline. Your skill level will equal that of most melee characters unless they are pure melee chars. Yes my sorc in single player had a 45 discipline.
12-18-2003, 01:18 PM
All the "uber" AB builds are relying on something that any sane server builder would never do: not selling items with insane enhancements for your players to buy. What kind of DM gives away +20 items?? So long as you remember to balance while you build there wont be that many problems.
True, but you can still get a very nice 90 or so without those weapons. Cleric/Wizard/Arcane Archer...
Sorcerers won't be SO easy to IKD or KD. Just save skill points from creation..Have like a 14 INT just for points. Pick Disciple and throw all the points into your NEW CLASS skill of Discipline. Your skill level will equal that of most melee characters unless they are pure melee chars. Yes my sorc in single player had a 45 discipline.
And watch as that monk resists all your spells, unless they roll a 1 on their SR check. :lol: But they won't be able to KD you! :razz: Besides, a 1 is an automatic fail, and if you're fighting someone with 10 attacks per round, that's a lot of chances to fail.
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