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In-Game Story Chapter 3 [Archive] - TrogWorld

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12-29-2003, 09:42 PM
Chapter 3- Do dreams come true?

Next day, the party awakes with a new sword by their side.

Rune- Aaaahh, I needed that rest... Hmmm, I feel quite different.
Xander- Thats cause were in the top of a tree!

Rune looks down and sees he IS indeed in the top of a tree. The party was sleeping on a giant tree branch.

Rune- Oh god, were gonna die!
Al- Not yet. Ah, who did this?
Narf- Ehhh, hey Al, you got a note on your back.
Al- Eh? what the... Its from Robino.
Rune- What does it say?
Madd- Ahhhh! Dont you understand that Dwarves are terrified of heights!
Narf- No we arent. Shut up and let Al read the letter.
Madd- Ahh, maybe you dont show your feelings but im not afraid to show mine... Ahhhh...
Al- It says: "Sorry mates, I got my own business to deal with. Got to keep my reputation ya know? Anyway, if you need my informing skills, you can find me in Astral City Tavern."
Bounty- Ok... that doesnt help on our little problem.
Al- Hey wait, theres more. "PS. If youre wondering why youre in the top of the tree, I did it. And took the gold you owed me... well, actually I forgot how much was it exactly so I took it all... tata."
Geno- Sneaky son of a!
Al- Ok, how do we get down now?
Bounty- Easy.
Al- Easy?
Bounty- Watch the master.

Bounty draws his scimitar and aims at the branch

Party- No NO WAIT!

Bounty cuts the branch. The party fell to the ground (dur).

Al- Great master...
Bounty- ahh, Well, we got down right?
Xander- Oh my head...
Rune- Hey, it didnt hurt that much actually.
Geno- Thats cause you landed on your head.
Madd- Hahah! good one!
Rune- Hey!... I landed... on the side of head ok?... you merlin freak...
Geno- What did you said?
Rune- That I love meat.
Geno- ?
Rune- ... I dont have to make sense ok!... lets just go on...
Al- ah... Ok, lets continue.

As the party continues on the road.

Xander- Great... Our new sword abandoned us and left us a little surprise. Hey Al, how much he took?
Al- Hahah, as my old granddaddy said... Never leave all your fruits in one basket. I just had like 50 gold in my pocket. My secret pocket has 600 gold.
Rune- Secret pocket? Might I ask where it is?
Al- ... Dont ask, wont tell...

Almuric jumps on the air once.

Al- Hmm, I feel a bit lighter than ever....

Almuric reaches for his... secret pocket (yuck).

Al- uh oh.
Geno- Uh oh?
Al- Ahh, nothing.
Geno- No, no one says uh oh for nothing.
Al- ... My gold is gone.
Geno- ... ok, I think Robino deserved the money if he reached "that place" without you knowing.
Al- Damnit.
Rune- Ah well, look at the bright side...
Al- Well...
Rune- Let me think damnit... no, no bright side... im so glad im not you man.
Al- ... remind me why youre in the party?
Rune- Cause im fun, cool and very powerfull?
Madd- Didnt he owed us 6,000 gold for the church he incinerated and we had to pay for it?
Rune- Oh yeah, that too.
Al- Ah, thanks for reminding me.

Party continued through the road. After 5 hours of walking the party finds the town sign. Welcome to Woo Pass town.

Rune- ... Is it suppose to be named like that?
Al- Guess they didnt had enough money for the "d".

As the party enters, they found the town in ruins.

Al- Holy...
Narf- What happened?
Geno- What we feared, the town was attacked.
Al- Ok guys, look for anything... Survivors, enemies, clues, anothing salvageable.

The party began to look for any clues about the attackers and the fate of the townfolk. After they spended the day searching, the party meets where the town square once was. Almuric settled up a fireplace.

Al- Ok, I didnt found anything. You?
Madd- Nothing.
Bounty- Not a damn thing... I dont get it.
Xander- Its like they dissapeared in thin air.
Geno- hmmmm...
Al- ... well, whatever happened, they left in an awful hurry. Personal stuff is laying all over the floor.
Rune- Well, at least they left their money and weapons... actually everything valuable.
Al- That makes me even more worried.
Rune- ?
Al- Well, they left their weapons, armor... I dont even see blood in the floor nor in the weapons... cant even find one arrow that was fired. This doesnt sound like a battle took place here.
Geno- ... doesnt makes sense...
Al- What?
Geno- Oh, its not about this...
Al- Well, were out of ideas... I say lets just smoke a bit, camp here and drink up.
Madd- Couldnt agree with you more!

Madd gets the drinks from his pack.

Al- Why am I not surprised your pack is filled with drinks?
Madd- Maybe cause its the only thing I fill it with.
Al- AH...
Rune- Hey Geno... what was the thing that didnt maded sense to you?
Geno- ?... Oh, nothing... probably nothing...
Xander- Well, tell us... maybe we'll fall asleep again.
Geno- ... joy... Well, remember when Rune and Beo found those 4 gods having a meeting in the woods talking about the elemental battlegrounds?
Rune- Ehh, yeah, it was like 3 days ago.
Geno- ...what I dont get is that Exec told us that the battles and transformations happened only a few months ago. I dont get it. If the whole battle between elements already took place, why did they met again saying that they agree with the battlegrounds thing?
Al- ... this is all taking a weird turn... Guys, be carefull of what you do. And Geno, dont tell this information to no one. Someone is hiding something. This goes to you guys as well.
Rune- Wait, im sure of what I heard.
Geno- We know... You might be a moron, but youre an honest moron.
Rune- ...thanks alot...
Xander- Do you think Exec is still hiding stuff from us?
Al- Well, theres no sense of covering up this. I bet they are just as confused as us.
Geno- Hmmm, I need to contact Exec.
Al- Good idea, but do it tomorrow. Lets rest tonight here.
Rune- Ok... but I dont knowif I can sleep in this ghost town.
Geno- Want me to colorspray you?
Rune- Ehh, nah, ill deal with it.

As the night passed, Almuric had a nightmare. He and his party were standing in the middle of a burning town. A misterious hooded figure on a black horse was in front of him. The figure spoke to him saying that the doom of life was near and not even him (Almuric) could stop it. When Al heard this, he looked behind him wondering why was his party so quiet. He found all of them in the floor motionless, but Rune was pierced by his own spear. His hanging body was a horrible sight. Then Al heard in his head, "So it begins. It will start here. If you cant stop it, death will come to us all." At that moment Al woke up in a cold sweat.

Al- Ahhh...
Rune- hmm? what is it Al? The sun isnt even shining.
Al- Ah, nothing... just a dream...

Almuric spended the rest of the night awake. In the morning, the party wakes up. (dur again)

Rune- Hey Al... wat to talk about your dream last night?
Al- Eh?
Rune- You did had a dream right?
Al- Oh yeah... uh, I prefer not to talk about it.
Rune- Ok man... suit yourself.
Xander- Ah, whats for breakfast?
Madd- Well, we got Margarita, Tequila or just plain beer.
Party- ....
Madd- What, its a great menu.
Bounty- Guess I better go out and hunt something before we die of Maddness...
Madd- ... lame ass drow...
Bounty- Bah, shut up...
Narf- Try and catch a deer or something with alot of meat.
Bounty- Ok... maybe a bear...
Al- Just find it fast, Geno, contact Exectech and tell him our situation.
Geno- Ok... it will take a few minutes.
Al- ...I dont want to stay here any longer.
Xander- ? Whats wrong with you?
Al- Ah nothing. Just got a bad feeling about this place.
Narf- Dont worry man, whats the worst that could happen?
Al- I really dont want to find that out.

As Bounty tried to find breakfast, Geno went to communicate with Exectech.

Geno- Ok, got it.
Al- And?
Geno- He thinks this was the doing of the possesed.
Madd- shh... cant they pick a better name?
Xander- shut up man...
Madd- ... damn humans dont have any sense of imagination... Ill think of a name later.
Geno- As I was saying, he wants us to investigate a cave nearby.
Rune- Joy...
Bounty- Look at what I found!
Rune- ... 3 bunnies...
Madd- I guess each one of us gets a leg...
Narf- ... does it actually have meat?
Bounty- Hey! It was hard as hell to get em so eat it and dont be selfish!
Rune- Allright... mommy...

After the party eats the 3 bunnies, they prepare to part for the cave.

Al- Ok guys lets go.
Bounty- Go where?
Xander- They told us to go to a cave.
Bounty- Is it just me or are these orders sounding stupider every time?
Rune- Youre not alone man. Lets just do this and get it over with.
Al- Right, lets go then.

The party finds themselves on the cave entrance.

Madd- Ahhh, what are we suppose to find here?
Al- Anything suspicious.
Madd- Ok... suspicious like?
Al- Anything weird.
Madd- Define weird.
Al- Damnit!
Narf- Are we going to enter the cave or what?!
Madd- Damnit, just wanted to be sure of what to find.

Finally the party entered the cave... god I wanna kill myself.

Bounty- Crap, can someone see something?
Xander- hey... Arent you suppose to see in the dark?!
Bounty- Oh yeah...
Al- What can you see?
Bounty- Wow, its amazing!
Narf- What? WHAT?!
Bounty- Its pitch black!
Rune- ...and I was hopeless...
Xander- OW!
Geno- Oops, sorry.
Xander- Learn how to walk!
Geno- ...

Geno Fireblasted Xander

Xander- *Cough* *Cough*
Al- Hey, we could see for a while! Do it again.
Geno- My pleasure.
Xander- No, what are you thinking damnit!
Geno- Oh allright.
Madd- Is it me or I see a light down there?
AL- ? Where?
Madd- There.
Al- I cant see you damnit!
Madd- Look at where im pointing moron.
Al- We cant see Einstein!
Madd- Oh yeah... well, just look at the bright spot.
AL- What bright spot damnit?!
Rune- ... Hey, I see it too. Follow me.
Geno- Im surprised someone is reading this story...
Narf- I got an idea. Hold hands everyone.
Geno- We are reaching an all time low.
Al- I feel like a school girl. Hey Geno...
Geno- I wold fire the writter before this goes public.
Al- Geno....
Geno- I wonder why this depresed so called man hasnt commited suicide.
Al- Geno!
Geno- What? This story sucks!
Rune- Hey!
Al- Just hold hands!
Geno- ... it isnt enough we got to be in this story so now we got to hold hands like fags?
Rune- Just hold hands!
Geno- ...crist... how did I ended like this... should have killed you when I met you Rune...
Rune- ?
Al- Just shut up and keep in the story line!
Geno- ...arg...

The party followed Rune in a straight line... they really looked like sissy girls...

Al- ? Damnit Xander- your hand is all wet.
Xander- Oh sorry I was thinking of Miz...
Party- ...
Xander- Not that way!
Al- Remember me to wash my hands after we encounter water.
Xander- Darn... no respect.

As the party got closer, they encountered something they did not expected. It was an old man and a fireplace.

Rune- ?
Old Man- ...
RUne- ...ehemmmm
Old Man- ...
Xander- Go on Rune, talk to him.
Rune- You talk to it!
Al- Hes not an IT, hes a man.
Rune- ... smelly old man really... you talk to it then.
Al- umm, hello there fellow adventurer, are you one of the survivors of the town Wood Pass?
Old Man-...
Rune- Nice going...
Al- Shut up.
Old Man- ... Survivor? depends...
Rune- EEEK!
Xander- ACK creepy!
AL- Jesus crist guys, cant you shut up and show respect?
Rune- ... cant you keep on story line?
AL- I am on story line!
Rune- Jesus doesnt exists here!
Al- How do you know that eh?
Narf- Guys, can we begin conversating with the old timer here?
Rune- ah sure...

Old Man looks at Almuric that was shouting at him.

Al- ... ok ok... dont be so sarcastic...
Rune- AHAhahahahah! I like this guy!
Al- Ok... damn old fart... What are you doing here?
Old Man- ... That is not the question you want me answer... young paladin.
Al- hmm, you are very wise to know I wanted to ask another question indeed.
Old Man- ...Another word is, its none of your damn business punk.
Rune- Ahahahah! This guy is awesome!
Al- Shut up Rune!
Rune- ah... cant even take a joke...
Old Man- Come... Bring your party to the fire. We will talk.

Almuric, still suspicious, kept his hammer in his hand. The rest of the party sat around the fire.

Xander- Hey, youre not bad after all!
Madd- ... and you dont have bad taste! Nice Ale collection!
Old Man- Hehah, you may choose one so we may drink from it.
Madd- Hahah, dont mind if I do...
Bounty- Hey! Gimme some!
Al- Allright boys, behave.
Geno- ahh....
Old Man- ?... Why does a spirit like you travels with an uncommon pack?
Geno- Who me?... business.
Old Man- Ahhh... hmmm.
Al- Ok, I want to know some things now like, What happened in the town? Where are they?
Old Man- All in good time will be revealed. Now, I sense trouble in your dreams.
Al- Ah... er, yeah. But that doesnt has to do with whats happening.
Old Man- ... sometimes dreams are the answers to your questions.
Al- ... But, it doesnt make any sense.
Old Man- Remember, Tyr hasnt forgottened you.
Al- !
Madd- Whats happening here?
Old Man- You people have a hard mission in front of you, dont you?
Bounty- You can say that again! Let me tell you something...
Geno- Shhh! Shut up!
Bounty- Why? Bah, let an old man know... what can he do?
Geno- Well...

Bounty told the whole story to the Old Man.

Bounty- And thats how we ended up here... now thats a story or what?

Madd, Rune, Xander and Narf were asleep.

Bounty- huff, Thanks for the attention!
Old Man- ... now let me tell you a story.
Al- Wait, let me wake up the guys.

As Almuric moved Madd, he jumped up and bit Al's hand.

Al- OW!
Madd- ruurrf?
RUne- What the?...
Narf- Eh?
Al- Damn dwarf!. Hope you dont have rabies!
Madd- Nah, I was already medicated...
Al- Ill pretend I didnt heard that.
Xander- ... umm... oh yeah... right there... ohh... pink...
Geno- ?
RUne-... this will haunt my dreams...
Al- Xander! wake up!
Xander- Eh?... oh hi guys, had a good dream.
Narf- We know...
Al- Please, you can start your story now.
Rune- Oh goodie, a story!
Old Man- hmm, its not really a story, but it will help you.
RUne- Bah...
Al- Rune! Pay attention!
Old Man- Now, there is a story about a man that became so powerfull he almost became a God right?
Al- Eh yeah.
Old Man- What you didnt know was he maded an amulet and copied all of his powers before he wold loose them to the other Gods. His plan was when he lost, he wold take the amulet and aclaim victory over them. One problem was that a goblin overheard his plan, came to his tower and took it before all of it wold happen. The goblin kept the amulet without knowing how to operate it. Years passed and the amulet passed out of all knowlege. Years later, the amulet was in the possesion of a human mortal. Fairly weak, he was ambushed by orcs. His party was dead and he was close to see what was beyond life, until his amulet misteriously turned on. He vanquished all the orcs. He later became very skillfull with his new talent found. He went to one of the Gods dimension and try to overtake him. In the end, he became mad with the power he had. The Gods maded an alliance to erradicate him forever. In the end, they captured him. When the Gods tried to kill the mad Human, they couldnt, his power was too great. The god-like human was given a far worse fate than death. He wold spend eternity trapped inside the very same amulet that maded him mad. The Gods were afraid that if someone found it, they wold create chaos yet again, so they gave it away to Tyr, the most lawfull of all. Later, it will pass to another God to take care of because they were afraid if that a God kept it for long, it wold drive him to madness. As it kept passing, the old alliance was forgottened. Later, no one knew who had the amulet. They began their was on each other. Strangely, the Last god that had it, hid it in Cloakwood Forest. There he thought no one wold find it. The God forgot completely that the amulet had the powerfull Human in it.
Geno- Long and boring... Why do you refer to him as The Human?
Old Man- Let me finish and all will be answered. Where was I?... Ah yes. It is unknown, but the legend says that whomever finds the amulet, it will release... him again... there happy?
Geno- Yeah...
Old Man- I call him Human cause... he was a human, but mainly because his name is forsakened to say.
Geno- ... in other words, you dont know his name...
Old Man- Knowlege is not everything you know?
Bounty- I dont get it, in what way does this has to do with our problem
Old Man- hmmm, he was well known for his trichery. He is a master of the mind. He can make brothers betray each other.
Bounty- ... you lost me.
Geno- hmmm... are you saying that if he is here, he maked the illusion of the 4 gods in the woods and he is controlling the people around here? Just to make us confused?
Al- But that means someone already found the amulet.
Geno- I dont believe it. The God that left that amulet wold have known about what wold happened if it was found. Gods cant be that stupid.
Old Man- Maybe stupid... but a genious in his own way.
Geno- What?
Old Man- I forgot to mention. The God began to know he was getting mad, so he gave it to the wood elf folks. He knew they did not cared for power. He was suppose to leave it there untill he felt better to take it back with him. However, fate happened and bandits stole it. The amulet maded itself invisible to the gods eyes. The God that left it was so ashamed that he did not explained what happened, instead, he lied saying he never had it.
Geno- Ok! You got me more confused damnit!
Rune- Hey... id didnt get it...
Old Man- heh, you really dont have to get it, you just have to know of its existence.
Geno- ... stupid story...
Old Man- Hahah... you will see with your eyes...
Geno- ?
Old Man- All of you... you must keep heart on you and your friends. I sense you will all begin to doubt others... you must all see without curtains... you must see what is happening from another point of view... dreams point of view...
Al- ...
Xander- ... ahhh nice story... Yawn... ah can I rest a bit?
Old Man- Of course... I must go anyway.
Al- What?
Madd- Dont!
Old Man- DOnt worry, we will meet again... and ill bring more ale.
Madd- YES!
Al- ... see you later...

As the Old Man began to walk, he stopped and looked back.

Old Man- Oh yes, I forgot. Almuric, dont weep for the loss, he will come back as another till his mission is over.
Al- ?

The Old Man left.

Geno- What a weird guy.
Rune- Damn, hes my new hero.
AL- OK guys, lets get out of here. Geno, report to Exec of what happened...
Geno- Ok... we met a crazy old fart in the smelly cave... gotcha.
Al- Rune... stay near.
Rune- Why?
AL- So you dont screw up.
Rune- ... so unfair.
Geno- Done.
Al- ? Damn that was fast.
Geno- He want us to go back to Astral City. New findings has been uncoovered and he want to brief us there.
Al- Ok, guys. Lets head back.
Narf- Finally.
Bounty- Ahh.
Madd- I liked this quest.

Party looked at Madd

Madd- Ok, maybe not.

As the party got out of the cave, they noticed the sky was very clouded, mist was everywhere, you couldnt see what was a yard away from you.

Al- Damn, what is this?
Geno- Ok, this should fix this.

Geno casted a spell. The mist began to dissipade a bit.

Geno- Heh, this mist is stronger than the usual.
Al- What?
Geno- Dont worry. Well, I havent seen a mist this strong. Looks... magical.
Al- ! Draw weapons!
Madd- ?
Al- Evil is near.

The party drew their weapons, but with the heavy mist, they couldnt see what was in front. They formed a circle, covering each other.

Al- Stay near.
Whisper- ... end...
Party- !
Whisper- ... is near...
Rune- Can I piss my pants now?
Narf- Whos there! Show yourself coward!

The mist was put aside. In front of them, a figure was appearing. After the mist was gone in front of them (it was still surrounding them), they could see what was the figure. A young boy, between 14 and 16 years old. He was mounted on a black horse. Upon a closer inspection, the horse was a bit bloody, eyes red and didnt looked alive. The Boy smiled at Rune.

Narf- Well, I didnt expected that.
Rune- Heh! all this fear just for a little boy!

Rune began to walk toward the boy.

Al- No Rune!
Rune- Dont worry man! Ill deal with this one.

Rune stepped in the side of the boy and his horse.

Rune- Hey there. You gave us quite a scare... Who are you anyway.
Boy- ... Kaloth
Rune- ... weird name... what are you doing here? It might be dangerous.

The Boy smiled back at Rune.

Boy- Only to you.

The boy grabbed Rune's lance with incredible speed and aimed it at Rune's chest.

Al- Rune, get out of there!

The boy thrusted the lance in Rune's chest, then he raised his still-alive body to the air.

Xander- Rune!
Rune- ...end... is now...

The Boy threw Rune's body with the spear aside. THe party was so mad they attacked without hessitation. Bounty's arrow hitted him, but nothing. Geno's magic contacted, but no damage. The boy just raised his hand and all the party members were thrown aside. The Boy began to leave with his horse through the mist. Bounty quickly got up and shot an arrow through the mist, but didnt hit a thing. Gradually the mist began to dissapear. Just in a few seconds it was bright daylinght. The party surrounded Rune.

Narf- Holy shit! Make way! Let me heal him!
Madd- Cmon man!

The healing spells were misteriously repelled, as if he had to die right there.

Narf- Darn, it doesnt want to work!
Rune- ... sto
Al- What?
Rune- ... stop it... he.. was right
Bounty- WHo? Who lad?
Rune- The boy... my end has come...
Al- Damnit Narf help him!
Narf- I cant!
Rune- Dont worry... I feel... ok... it was an honor... sharing my life with... all of you... it was fun while... it lasted. Ill die a happy man... thank you all... for... everything...

Rune's last breath passed out of his body. The party buried him right in the spot where he died. Almuric is now carrying his spear, as if he owes Rune a payback for his death.

One of the group is dead now... but is he lost?

Story by: Rune
Sorry. No corrections on this one... sorry Narf. People wanted me to post it as soon as possible.

Hope you guys like it... yeah I know... im dead... bummer...

12-31-2003, 12:14 AM
Wow, no reply... I guess you guys hate it :-(

12-31-2003, 06:51 AM
:razz: You know we replied on the other board. Its good man. So how's the PC?

12-31-2003, 09:46 AM
ooo go go me! these things make me laugh o so much :D :P

12-31-2003, 11:03 AM
OK...I finally read the second half. Wow Rune....where you going with this?

12-31-2003, 11:20 AM
to tell you the truth... I got no idea...
Im just making it out as I go...

...and in my imagination... I died... that sucked... ah well, ill be back... So anyway if any of you die you wont have to get sad cause I died first... I hate myself...

About PC I found something new... my forsaken pc wasnt alone. My sister has one with the exact same problem. She got tired and now wants to give it to me... im telling you, if it does the same as the one before, im gonna kill it... well, its not alive but... you know what I mean damnit...

12-31-2003, 01:24 PM
The party finds themselves on the cave entrance.

Madd- Ahhh, what are we suppose to find here?
Al- Anything suspicious.
Madd- Ok... suspicious like?
Al- Anything weird.
Madd- Define weird.
Al- Damnit!
Narf- Are we going to enter the cave or what?!
Madd- Damnit, just wanted to be sure of what to find.

Finally the party entered the cave... god I wanna kill myself.

Bounty- Crap, can someone see something?
Xander- hey... Arent you suppose to see in the dark?!
Bounty- Oh yeah...
Al- What can you see?
Bounty- Wow, its amazing!
Narf- What? WHAT?!
Bounty- Its pitch black!
Rune- ...and I was hopeless...
Xander- OW!
Geno- Oops, sorry.
Xander- Learn how to walk!
Geno- ...

Geno Fireblasted Xander

Xander- *Cough* *Cough*
Al- Hey, we could see for a while! Do it again.
Geno- My pleasure.
Xander- No, what are you thinking damnit!
Geno- Oh allright.
Madd- Is it me or I see a light down there?
AL- ? Where?
Madd- There.
Al- I cant see you damnit!
Madd- Look at where im pointing moron.
Al- We cant see Einstein!
Madd- Oh yeah... well, just look at the bright spot.
AL- What bright spot damnit?!
Rune- ... Hey, I see it too. Follow me.
Geno- Im surprised someone is reading this story...
Narf- I got an idea. Hold hands everyone.
Geno- We are reaching an all time low.
Al- I feel like a school girl. Hey Geno...
Geno- I wold fire the writter before this goes public.
Al- Geno....
Geno- I wonder why this depresed so called man hasnt commited suicide.
Al- Geno!
Geno- What? This story sucks!
Rune- Hey!
Al- Just hold hands!
Geno- ... it isnt enough we got to be in this story so now we got to hold hands like fags?
Rune- Just hold hands!
Geno- ...crist... how did I ended like this... should have killed you when I met you Rune...
Rune- ?
Al- Just shut up and keep in the story line!
Geno- ...arg...

The party followed Rune in a straight line... they really looked like sissy girls...

Al- ? Damnit Xander- your hand is all wet.
Xander- Oh sorry I was thinking of Miz...
Party- ...
Xander- Not that way!
Al- Remember me to wash my hands after we encounter water.
Xander- Darn... no respect.

by far the best part! o man i could read that forever

WNxIthron Eldin
01-03-2004, 05:17 PM
Al- ? Damnit Xander- your hand is all wet.
Xander- Oh sorry I was thinking of Miz...
Party- ...
Xander- Not that way!
Al- Remember me to wash my hands after we encounter water.

Hahahahahhahahahahaaaa!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

01-03-2004, 06:58 PM
nice... runes dead, im a mutant, madd is drunk, al is... well, al... robino is a con, miz is hot....

storys lookin kinda grim aint it???

still a great read... like its lot.... im guessing that the boy let the dude out of the amulet???

01-05-2004, 10:04 PM
hey, you want it to end worse?

...im still not finished with you thundey... 8) just wait...