View Full Version : Hiyas
01-11-2004, 12:45 PM
Greetings Pally!
Its you old friend Pill here, finely made it around to checking out your mod. We played last night for 4 hours or so and had a great time although Sydra's char seems to be at a bit of a dissadvantage being a pure healer and not having offensive spells. Just out of curiosity is there any other major cleric nerfs we should know about? Was a bit supprised when she could on heal for 150hp, gonna make things very hard on her when I have 500+. Also I dunno if it was intentional, but theres no check on your auto-respawn to see if the player is actually dead before porting them back, thus completely nerfing raise and ressurection. I notced your post down below about offering a list of spell changes and nerfs but couldnt find it anywhere. Just wondering if she is wasting her time trying to make a pure support char or not. Other then those couple of issues its a great place so far, we probly give it some more time today and see how things turn out :)
Oh and as always with any mod I spend time on, if you guys need a hand with small stuff to improve things drop me a line and I'll work on some stuff aslong as its not huge two week tasks :lol:
01-11-2004, 03:49 PM
Improved Invisibility isn't working properly right now, and Greater Sanctuary is only usable once every four minutes.
They're the only ones I can think of that'll effect a healer cleric, but then, I don't play healer clerics, so there's probably a whole bunch I missed. :razz:
01-11-2004, 05:21 PM
Imp inivs is a HoTU bug, theres a fix out for it, I havent looked myself I could probly script a fix and send to al if he wants ;)
01-11-2004, 06:51 PM
Hey there Verox! Glad you finally stopped by. There's going to be a list of spell changes, but I've been lazy and havent done it yet. I'm going to try and work on it this week along with some mod updates.
As far as Heal goes.....yes 150 is it, and I'm considering dropping it to 100. The on-death script doesnt currently have any provisions for res and raise dead spells. There's alot of work to be done on the mod still. I have my hands full.
01-11-2004, 07:21 PM
Yeah its all good, I dont agree with lowering heal any further. Look at things in the long run, I know my build gets almost 1000hp before its all said and done, he will be 500 or there abouts at level 24 so making heal even less would only put the few people that actually play clerics to heal others right out the window. Dunno I dont even play clerics anymore but still think they deserve the right to heal :)
01-11-2004, 08:15 PM
Hiyas, great job on the mod. I really enjoy playing there.
But I am a little concerned about the nerf of heals. I play a pure healer cleric with just enough strength to carry my own gear. Nerfing the heals to only 100hp will make a healing cleric and the spell itself almost useless, seeing that a cleric with heal domain and a maxed cure crit can almost get 100 hp healed. Also, like Verox said, with high hp it's gonna be really useless.
But I'm seeing where you're coming from. Being from Gods I saw quite a few battle clerics wiping the field with uber melee abilities AND full heals.
Maybe there could be some compromise? For example, on Gods a heal-on-self would only heal 50% of the hp, while a heal on other people is a full heal. OR maybe a 20hp heal per lvl? that would ensure that good lil support clerics like me :lol: get their heals, while battle clerics only get a small hp heal because they usually don't take many cleric levels.
Again, nice job on the mod, I'm looking forward to playing some more
01-11-2004, 11:37 PM
Greater Sanctuary is only usable once every four minutes.
Scripted that change in on purpose. Was too easy to abuse, in a lot of way tons more abusive and powerful than Hide in Plain Sight. Hey look on the bright side, at least I didn't remove the spell.
Another nerf or "tune" as I call it, is Harm does 150 hp Max and has a more realistic melee touch attack.
01-12-2004, 04:08 PM
Yeah, I realize the GS change was intentional :razz: I still worship that spell though, nothing beats it for those times when you realize you really shouldn't be sticking around :razz:
The heal change is probably a little harsh, I know my build can dish out a good 26-63 damage at level 20, so 150 really isn't much at all.
I like the 20 HP/level idea, altough that number does seem a little high. Maybe 10-15 per level, with a bonus for clerics with the Healing domain? 20/level would still ensure the battle clerics (and kama clerics :grin: ) still get a good 160-320 HP from a heal, and it's not like there's any better level 6 spells for a battle cleric anyways, so they'll have plenty of heals.
Not that I mind heals right now of course, seeing as I don't even have 150 HP, but meh. :razz:
01-12-2004, 04:25 PM
Grok Beryebil WILL do 150hp damage with a 15-20 crit rage at level 22, thats one hand with a bastard sword.. IF he can manage to find a keen one taht drops to 13-20 crit range :) I have this char on a persistant world and his sword thre is +2 enhace with 2 sonic and 1 lightning damage, and he crits for 130+ so I figure here with just the items I have acess to at level 13 he can best that at like 150 or s0.. Think damage vs healing, as stands a full healer couldnt heal a tank fast enough to keep up with that kind of damage..
01-13-2004, 08:34 AM
That's just one character. Every character has its counter. For your powerful fighter, along comes a mage and hurts you.
01-13-2004, 05:14 PM
Those are valid arguements about changing the heal spell. It's not changed yet, just was on my list of things to consider.
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