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Let me tell you a story.... [Archive] - TrogWorld

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03-17-2004, 12:34 PM
Just to keep you peoples reading your own damn forums I´ll tell you one of the stories I´ve created for my first NWN character from long time ago.

The Fallen One

In ancient times when the Gods themselves were still young, a little child was born in an elven city far from the warm southern lands. This child was given name Dy´nellen Holy, because anyone just looking at his eyes could see the holiness in his soul. Happily the child was raised and teached the ways of magic, he became a diviner of some power. His family thought he would become someone of great power with age.......... And they were right, not in the way they expected, but still he gained incredible power. Let me tell you a story of The Fallen One........

In the village the child was born everyone lived happily, these were the times when gods were young and only wanted good things for all the living. One day Dy´nellen was taken to a trip in the forest surrounding his home. And so it began....... Orcs... Cursed creatures attacked and a slaughter followed, young elf could only run, run as fast as he could. But he had still seen the blood and the torn apart bodies of his whole family. Something twisted in the young elves soul no one knows what it was but since that day Dy´nellen seemed to be just a normal elf and no one suspected anything..... Little did they know....

As Dy´nellen grew up he became slowly lonely, he kept distance to others. At time he builded a huge house to the middle of the city. The walls made of the beautiful trees nearby, the finest glass humans can do. It was a true palace wich everyone adored... Everyone but Dy´nellen himself, for him the house was just a tool to hide his true nature... the nature of a Necromancer. Yes that was what he had became, a necromancer, the servant of death. In silent he builded a laboratory under his house, deep below the ground level, where only few candles gave light to the dark rooms filled by the smell of death and bottles filled with deadly potions and experiments.

One day Talipher, one who thought to be Dy´nellens friend, came to the house but didn´t find Dy´nellen anywhere. He seeked everywhere, from upstairs from everyone of the huge and many rooms but he only founded emptiness. Finally he entered the dark basement holding a torch and he shouted for Dy´nellen, but only the echo answered. He went closer to the wall and saw with his extremely sharp elven eyes a hidden door standing there. Slowly he forced the door and started the trip down the stairs. The corridor was dark and filled with horrible smell, Talipher had no idea this was the way to his death.

Deep down in the laboratory Dy´nellen was doing experiments with dead animals, raising them back from the other side. Suddenly a torch flashed behind him and turning around he saw.... Talipher.
Dy´nellen voice rose, it was filled with power greater than many other had known. It was a voice of agony and sorrow, a voice of fallen elf.
“So you have discovered me finally.....”
Just by looking at the dark black robes, covered by runes of death and magic Talipher knew what Dy´nellen had become. And so Talipher did the only option left for him... he ran.
“There´s no way out for you... my friend.”
Dy´nellen smiled to himself and disappeared to the shadows covering every area of his laboratory.

Talipher ran as fast as he could, not looking to his back, hoping this would be a bad dream.
As he finally got back to the ground level he saw Dy´nellen step out of the shadows next to himself.
“Talipher, Talipher, Talipher you were foolish to come here......”
And few words did Dy´nellen say, and immediately Talipher fell on the floor, deep asleep.

And Dy´nellen dragged Talipher back to deep underground where he put the sleeping elf on an altar. Then he stepped on an ring of glowing runes, runes of protection. His dark voice raised, hands wawing in the midair forming glowing runes to the air itself.
“Shadow demon Oxyclia I summon Thee!”

And a demon of great power, a demon formed of the shadows slowly appeared through the fiery gate in the otherside of the room.

“Mortal you have summoned me, what do you have to say before you shall die?”

“Great demon I bow before your power and I have a gift for you, an elf to toy with.”
And Dy´nellen pointed sleeping Talipher.

“This one shall give me great joy, yes I won´t kill him.... And you shall have a gift.”

The demon gave Dy´nellen a staff of great power and grabbed Talipher by the waist and dragged him to the hell with the demon.
The staff was glowing with an unholy dark glow and an unholy aura surrounded it.
Dy´nellen raised his staff and felt his newfound powers raise.

“From today I shall be known as Dy´nellen Unholy, and all peoples of this land shall know my name!”

And as he said, so happened but this is the story of The Fallen One, Dy´nellen Unholy did many dark deeds and gained incredible powers, but that is to be told some other day.

Who am I you ask? I´m Dy´nellen Unholy, the one to banish the one who first carried this name in these lands. Thousands of years later from the events I described here I´m The Fallen One and I´m eternal.......