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And they lived happily ever after... not really... [Archive] - TrogWorld

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09-24-2003, 04:38 PM
Hmm, hey, why dont I post the sories here instead of WN?

I was including Geno and Bounty... and I still want to include em.

You guys just left like that! Whithout thinking the harm that you did to my great, terrific, amazingly, superb stories taht I havent even posted! :P

It will include all of us in this place...

All I need is the background story you guys will give to this server.


09-24-2003, 05:45 PM
I am looking forward to the story Rune. I dont have a background story, but maybe we should. It will involve an epic battle between the forces of Air, Water, Earth, and Fire Elemental Planes.

Oh yes, and the coming of the void. The dark emptiness and power of the void......

09-24-2003, 06:54 PM
maybe rune could write the background...since he seems to be writing alot now a days

and don't forget the god Almuric :P

09-24-2003, 07:07 PM
oh poo...

ehhh, darn... let me see what I can come up with...

a battle between the elemental planes eh?...

gimme some time on this one... Ill have to see the gods of each plane and ill make up a story with Al being a demi god of some sort.

09-24-2003, 08:04 PM
If you are using Forgotten Realms Gods, then I have the deity names. All of these guys are NEUTRAL too.

Fire: Kossuth
Water: Istishia
Earth: Grumbar
Air: Akadi

09-25-2003, 03:51 PM
thanks geno for the names... ill use em then.

Ok, just one last thing before I hit the pen...

players are suppose to fight with one of the elemental planes right?... if so im planning on having each one of you, except Al for his position, to be commanders in the battlefield or just regular soldiers.

Tell me what you think...

just imagine geno...

Genocide, Battalion Commander of the Fire Elementals! suits you... wish there was an Elemental Evil plane :P

Bounty, General of the Air Elementals. well, you are basically an asssasin so Air helps ya... in some way...

Almuric will be a Judge... of some sort... still trying to make a valid story with him...

for the rest... dunnno... u guys should tell me on which planes u are participating so I can kinda make a battle story... or u guys want to make it a tavern story with all of you on 1 side and trying to survive?

09-25-2003, 04:32 PM
make al the commander of the mysterious void team

im thinkin you and ur damn druids would be on the earth section

09-25-2003, 05:19 PM
Void team?... explain

09-25-2003, 05:23 PM
well, from what i hear...the void is the DM team...so i think it would be natural for Al to lead it...