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BattleGround's in-game story. Prelude [Archive] - TrogWorld

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09-26-2003, 01:56 PM

The date is 1300 A.E.B. in a small village near the shattered planes of Fewa. A festivity was being held honoring the events that once happened over a century ago. Many children were playing in the town plaza. One of the boys was playing with fire and got burned and he started to cry. An old man near the child noticed what happened and healed the boy using his magic.

Old Man- There you go child, all healed up.

Little Boy- Wow thanks! I feel much better!

Old Man- What are you doing up this late? Shouldnt you go to bed?

Little Boy- Mom and Dad aren't home cause they went to celebrate something that happened a long time. I think it was a battle near here.

*The Old Man was suddenly surprised*

Old Man- ... Has it been that long? No wonder why this place is so busy!

Little Boy- Yeah, we make big parties all the time!

Old Man- Hmmm, but this celebration is not a normal one, my child.

Little Boy- ? Why is that? What happened that wold be so special?

Old Man- I see... Wold you like to hear the story of this special day?

Little Boy- Oh cool! A story! Wait, let me call my friends!

*The Little Boy called up many children around*

Little Boy- Ok, cmon, tell us the story!

Old Man- Heheh... patience my child, for this story takes place back a long time. The only way you can understand it is if you know how it began.

Little Boy- Ok, we will listen

Rest of the children- Yeah we will, please start!

Old Man- Ah... the curiosity of a child is nearly unmatchable to any other. Let me tell you what truly happened that led to this day of celebration. A story almost no one knows about. About its forgottened heroes and achievements. A story that dates back more than one thousand years. The place of the beggining was the plains that lie in waist and destruction near here, the Plains of Fewa... but in those times it was called the Elemental BattleGrounds...


*A group of warriors just slayed a troublesome baby Dragon...*

Rune- Woohoo! We have destroyed the most terrifying creature to have ever existed! This deserves a drink!

*Rune is a Human Druid who, lets say, its not in touch with nature like other Druids... He was casted out of his past order after he was found playing with his magic while the temple he was in almost damn near blew up. The Elders expulsed him and later came in contact with a Party. He has been with them since.*

Bounty- ... The terrifying creature we just killed was a baby Dragon Rune, which Madd killed in one hit... but ill take a drink!

*Bounty is a Drow Assasin... a drunk assasin by the way which is still unknown how he can aim so accurately and still be intoxicated... Not much is known of him, but he has a known reputation among the Drows, being the best archer they have ever encountered... while stlll being drunk... He was betrayed by his last party, almost costing his life. He joined this one cause they helped him complete his revenge on those who dared to backstab him. It is hard to gain his trust ever since that time, but he is still a damn good friend... and an awesome drinking buddy.*

Madd- Yeah, you wold have knowned about it if you hadnt closed your eyes and start shooting all around us.

*Madd- Dwarf Fighter and sit-up champion. He is constantly looking for a fight... actually thats how he came to this group. He is a very strong fighter, and has a strange fee... Each mission costs 5 bottles of Rum... Although he normally doesnt likes to talk about his past, he is still regarded as the tank of the party and Bounty's favorite drinking buddy.*

Rune- Hey! I didnt shoot aimlessly! I heard a scream coming from that dragon!

Almuric- ...Yeah, you did heard a scream allright, but it wasnt the dragon.

*Almuric is a Human Paladin taht is constantly looking for new adventures. He is the leader of the group and under his leadership the party has survived deadly encounters... for now anyway. He was the person to form theparty at the beggining. His reasons... cause he was bored... thats all he says about that...*

Rune- ? What the hell was it then?

Almuric- It was actually Geno...

*Genocide interrupts Almuric*

Geno- Yeah! You aimlessly shot me you moron!

*Archmage Genocide is a high-born human mage that was spoiled since day one and taught that all other lower classes of people are beneath him. His ability with magic was natural and honed later in the finest mage's academy gold could buy. He is very sure of himself to a fault where it often leads him into trouble, because he overlooked something minor. He loves magic and the pursuit of gaining more power so much, he is already considering lichdom and he is only in his late twenties. This mindset has carried him to focus on the school of necromancy as of late. Alignment - Lawful Evil.
...in other words... the most insane character ive seen... Really, I dont think it can get any crazier... He is only in this group cause strangely he helped them in a fight against a Balor. Almuric let him in with one condition, that he must not betray the party at the end. Geno agreed to this only if he could have any loot he wanted. Both agreing on this, he became the backbone of our lives countlessly saving us from danger... and at the same time being evil in a Good/Neutral party. Youll see later on...*

Rune- ?... Wow, a hit in the right butt-cheek. Now thats aim!

Geno- Why you little!

*Narf holds his hands before fireballing Rune in the face*

Narf- Woah, calm down, we can later woop his ass, but first lets collect the gold that Rune's terrifying creature will give us.

*Narf is a Dwarf Cleric. Being the medoc of the group, his help was always apretiated. His magic offense is not to be taken lightly either. He was once one of the most powerfull clerics, untill he was beatened defending his honor and family from death's embrace. Now, after being beatened, he joined the party so he can train and once again reclaim the honor and revenge for the family he lost.*

Xander- Woot, yeah! Finally the gold! Oh I can see it already! A river maded out of gold coins... and me swimming in it! What a delight!

*Xander is a Human Fighter freaky about money as you can see. Where the cash goes, he follows. Just give him enough gold and he will be your slave...yuck... Anyway, he is a good fighter and has a vast knowlege of weapons making him a blade master. If you want someone to stick in your back at times of trouble, this is the man... unless you run out of money that is... He came to this group just to empty its pocket... and hes making a damn good job at it.*

*The group of adventurers went to the nearest town to get their gold...*

Xander- ... I cant believe we went through all that just for a measly 700 gold!

Almuric- Ah well, at least its something. Lets split it up and go repair our equipment.

Geno- Hm, I thought I saw a Magic Shop around here...

Xander- I wonder if theres a good smithy around...

Madd- Lets go to the tavern Bounty and get drunk till the morning.

Bounty- All right! Ladies and men with no life first!

Narf- Ah, I need to go and train. Ive gottened rusty ever since I joined this insane party. I havent had any challenges really...

Almuric- Oh well... Ill go and look for any quest neeeded to complete. See ya later Rune.

Rune- ehh, Yeah, see ya...

*Rune was just standing there looking mighty bored while the rest of the party went their ways*

Rune- ... Damn, now I feel depresed...

*He starts walking around the tavern and later in the middle of the woods.

Rune- Ahh damnit, lost again! This is pathetic! Im a Druid and I get lost everytime Im walking in the wilderness. Heeeeellllpppp!

*Suddenly a mysterious figure appears from the bushes.*

Mysterious man- Hey you! Shut up before I cut off your tongue, use it as a sling, rip off your eyes and use them as bullets!

Rune- Damn man! You dont have to be so graphic!

Mysterious man- Wold you just be quiet!

Rune- Ok,ok... sheesh... anyway, what is a Dwarf doing in the middle of nowhere?

Mysterious dwarf- Why is a Druid lost in the woods?

Rune- ... Oh, low blow!... Anyway my name is Rune, and youre???

Mysterious dwarf- I dont like to give my name to strangers.

Rune- Awh cmon! Im no stranger! Hey, what if I give you an ale?

Mysterious dwarf- Hmmm, ok, but dont make noise with that loud mouth of yours!... My name is Beowulf.

Rune- Ahhh, Beo eh? here ya go Beo.

*Rune gives Beowulf an Ale*

Rune- Anyway, what are you doing here?

Beo- Well, I was actually hearing terrible rumors about this land.

Rune- Terrible rumors? What do they say?

Beo- Well, why dont you listem to them yourself?

Rune- ???

*Beowulf starts crawling toward a nearby bush*

Rune- Ok! Im not that kind of friend pal! Im completely straight... most of the time... anyway im not even that drunk!... yet...

Beo- Its not what you think jackass! Just come here to listen closely!

Rune- ehh, I should probably tell you by now that I cant really communicate with nature.

Beo- What kind of Druid are you?

Rune- A weird kind?

Beo- Indeed... anyway its not nature you have to hear, its the voices of the everlasting kind. Come here and see for yourself.

*Rune crawls toward Beowulf's position*

Beo- Behold!

*Beowulf moves some leafs revealing 4 mysterious figures just a few yards away. The figures seem God-like from a distance.*

Rune- Who are they?

Beo- I believe they are the Gods of the elemental planes. Fire, water, air and earth.

Rune- Why are they meeting down here? Dont they hate each other?

Beo- I believe so, but I still dont know why are they meeting here. Lets listen carefully...

*The 4 figures begin to talk*

Kassuth- The Fire plane agrees with this.

Istishia- So does Water plane.

Grumbar- As Earth also.

Akadi- Air as well.

Kassuth- It is agreed then. We will held our battlefield in this remote place.

Grumbar- We shall call this whole area the Elemental Battlegrounds.

Akadi- Very well, we shall begin our battle here in a week.

Istishia- All right, may the victor dominate everything in the end.

*The 4 figures vanish*

Rune- !!! Holy smokes! Holy skies! Holy nature! Holy shit! Ay chiwawa! Tell me I didnt just heard that!

Beo- Im afraid you just did. The elemental wars will come here. They will devastate this whole land.

Rune- Oh no! I got to tell the guys!

Beo- Oh, so youre in a party eh?

Rune- Yeah, were still a long way from fame and fortune, but were getting there.

Beo- Im afraid you and your party are up for the biggest adventure yet!

*Beowulf and Rune start running to town*

Story created by Rune.

Wow, finally did it. Im finishing the first chapter already... im telling you, im making this story a long one!

Hope you guys like it... and if you dont :P

09-26-2003, 03:04 PM
Rune- Hey! I didnt shoot aimlessly! I heard a scream coming from that dragon!

Almuric- ...Yeah, you did heard a scream allright, but it wasnt the dragon.

Rune- ? What the hell was it then?

Almuric- It was actually Geno...

*Genocide interrupts Almuric*

Geno- Yeah! You aimlessly shot me you moron!

:rofl: :rofl:
I cannot tell you how hard I laughed when I read that!!

Great job Rune. This is a great beginning to your story. I cant wait to read more. :D

09-26-2003, 03:17 PM
Hey when is chapter 1 gonna start??? Get to writing now :)

09-26-2003, 03:42 PM
great job Rune. If you want I can do some editing since I have too much spare time on my hands and I actually love grammar and spelling and English and all that :)

09-26-2003, 03:47 PM

As long as you dont change the story ill be gratefull for any help.

Anyway, if you are going to change words, please tell me which they were so I learn english as well :razz: Heheh, im backing up the stories man so i wold like to also correct mine here too.

09-26-2003, 03:52 PM
well, to give you an idea of what I'd do I'll edit this and send it to you through a PM... but before I do I need to ask 2 questions.

1. Do you mind if I change the language a tiny bit in order to make a part a bit more gramatically correct?

2. Do you want this to almost read like a book?... I could set it up in dialog format and etc. if you'd like.

09-26-2003, 04:00 PM
1. Depends. You have to tell me what will it be changed to.

2. Hmmm, send me a small example of how wold it look like.

If all goes well, I wold be able to give you the next chapter and correct it grammatically. After correcting it, you can give it to me and ill post it next week.

WNxXander Excorion
09-26-2003, 04:15 PM
Am i really that greedy? lol

09-26-2003, 04:36 PM

In the story... yes...

In real life... definitely :razz:

you cant be saved... sorry :cool:

WNxIthron Eldin
09-26-2003, 04:43 PM
That was a very nice beginning Rune. Excellent.