View Full Version : I am now taking over this pub.
08-07-2006, 08:57 AM
Exactly, dammit.
~TIE Bombers fly as high as they can and drop bombs on the Photon Cannons~
(1337 AA system fires lasers at the bombs .000001 seconds after releasing)
08-07-2006, 10:08 PM
~TIE Bombers move in for suicide into the 1337 AA thing~
(the lead bomber is shot,which explodes and kills the others near him,which kills the others near them...)
08-08-2006, 02:31 PM
~the scraps hit the AA turret & discombobulate it~
~meanwhile, more TIE bombers blow up the Photon Cannons~
(which are vaporized by Death Laser turrets)
08-08-2006, 05:47 PM
~Death Laser turrets are bombed by the flight of a million TIE bombers~
...Did I win?
08-26-2006, 08:47 PM
Did I win?
(Protoss loses for whatever reason)
08-27-2006, 08:57 AM
~comes back and wins again~
08-27-2006, 04:27 PM
~smacks self, who seems to be JYAP~
~smacks again~
Well you do a great job of owning yourself...
08-27-2006, 10:06 PM
How predictable.
~guns down his ability to edit posts~
~stabs himself with explosive dagger that upgrades JYAP's ability to edit~
Well,if you want to keep killing yourself,my work here is done then.
08-28-2006, 08:11 AM
Yes...that's why I stabbed myself. Myself being you.
08-28-2006, 06:46 PM
Yes. Myself being you, you being JYAP.
~puts a lock with no key on this post with an Open Lock DC of 255 and 20s disabled~
Fine. I won't affect that post. Your other post though...
08-28-2006, 07:02 PM
Well, it seems we shall have a new breed of insanity war...THE EDIT WAR! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- ~shot~
Felonious Monk
09-02-2006, 11:41 PM
*sneaks in and claims pub*
*locks everyone else out*
I win.
(except Psion the Espeon knows Teleport)
(he promptly teleports in and Psychics Monk right through the door)
09-03-2006, 09:20 AM
Felonious! You're back! HOORAY!
~Zeji Tiamat (Friggn huge ship with 700-damage Yamato Gun) blasts Psion~
Felonious Monk
09-03-2006, 07:14 PM
*watches longingly through the window* :sad:
09-03-2006, 07:33 PM
~except that there's a Reptilon Blademaster behind him~
~Zeji Tiamat blasts open the door and Toss takes over~
Psion used Reflect!
(Zeji Cruiser explodes)
(Psion chucks Toss off a cliff with a Psybeam after frying the Blademaster's brain)
09-03-2006, 08:25 PM
~counters with some sort of ghost-type Hadoken thingy~
~Psion is blasted~
~takes over~
(a Rattata takes the hit)
It doesn't affect Rattata!
(Psion counters with Shadow Ball,sending Toss flying)
09-04-2006, 08:32 AM
~...into the pub~
~takes over~
(the pub Toss took over was NOT Rune's Pub,but rather Blizzard's Pub)
(and he didn't take it over,seeing as how he counts as a hero)
09-04-2006, 11:10 AM
Protoss119: Immune to pulverization done by Tauren.
~throws Xaax at Tauren, causing Xaax to spam plague~
~Blue Arb warps him into Rune's pub~
~takes over~
(nope,since there was no arbiter at the pub,the Blue Arbiter got stuck there and is unable to leave)
(MG beats the snot out of Toss)
09-04-2006, 04:57 PM
~Arbiter bursts into Rune's pub, reverses time, & rescues Toss~
~takes over~
Felonious Monk
09-04-2006, 05:47 PM
*temporal rift throws the entire pub back to the mid-80s*
*everyone is forced to wear big hear, bigger shoulder pads, slap bracelets, and spandex while listening to 80s synth music*
09-04-2006, 06:13 PM
~As a lurker, none of this fits on Toss~
~spikes the Radio~
(can only equip his Lich Robes anyways)
(Ice-4s Toss and Monk,then takes a hammer and smashes them to pieces since they're frozen)
Felonious Monk
09-04-2006, 10:03 PM
*monk sr ftw*
*wizard cohort spams Undeath to Death at JYAP*
JYAP: Immune to Instant Death
(before the wizard casts again I shoot him with my ice gun repeatedly)
(then flying chainsaws home in on monk)
09-05-2006, 01:56 PM
~for some reason, can move while frozen~
~rams JYAP~
(absorbs damage since it's ice elemental,smashes Toss anyways)
09-05-2006, 03:22 PM
~it's also bludgeoning~
~matrix dodges~
~spikes JYAP~
It doesn't affect JYAP!
JYAP used Pokemon Reference!
It's super effective!
Enemy Protoss119 fainted!
09-05-2006, 06:55 PM
~Spectre uses Full Revive on Toss~
~Toss then proceeds to spike JYAP~
Spikes do 10d12 Piercing & Slashing damage +50 Magical damage and has a critical of 7-20/x6 for the ability to spike someone in the gonads.
I have 100% Pierce/Slash immunity. I have no organs so any form of critical hit or weak spot is eliminated. The magic damage is what my spell resistance is for.
(takes 33% of what he was supposed to take)
JYAP sent out Tridrill!
Tridrill used Drill Peck!
Enemy Protoss119 has nightmares of getting himself pwned by my level 100 Dodrio and faints!
09-06-2006, 01:44 PM
Protoss119: Immune to nightmares.
~L89 Typlosion rises from the ground, Fire-Blasting Dodrio to death~
~as well, my L40 Furret confronts Psion having a Shadow Ball of his own~
~and this is all with a L15 Scyther for fire support, since a L40 Normal vs. a L45 Psychic is not going to end well~
~keeps spiking JYAP~
Hey,you can't have two pokemon on poor Psion!
(Dodrio is faster and Drill Pecks Typlosion to death before Ty can Fire Blast Dodrio to death)
(Acorn joins the fray against Scyther and Furret)
Acorn used Fake Out!
Scyther flinched!
Psion used Psybeam!
A critical hit!
Enemy Furret fainted!
Psion used Psybeam!
Enemy Scyther fainted!
09-06-2006, 05:38 PM
Oh, c'mon. It's only a L15 and a L40.
~while this battle is going on, some random sorc is casting...that's guessed it...~
~Pub gets asploded~
~rebuilds it, takes over~
(sorc and Toss are Lagball'd instead)
09-07-2006, 01:06 PM
~puts on his immunity cloak, proving the hellball to be ineffective against him~
~gets REALLY close to Rune's pub, blasts it with another...~
~see above~
(except the Lagball hits a super star destroyer,dropping it from the game)
(by the time it rejoins,Protoss has already been annihilated)
09-07-2006, 03:21 PM
~MCs Carbuncle, gets him to reflect everything~
~by the time the SSD respawns, Toss is still alive~
(except Carbuncle disappears after each summon)
(besides,he would reflect the MC on you,causing you to MC yourself)
09-07-2006, 06:37 PM
~which would be impossible, causing a rip in the time/space continuum that would suck up Rune's pub~
(except you didn't MC Carbuncle so it phailed)
(Odin tramples j00)
09-08-2006, 02:08 PM
~has g DEF points~
g = a variable. Since no monsters have a variable for a number, there's no way to really beat a variable since we don't know what the variable is.
~Odin does damage to JYAP's life points~
(sets up algebra problem)
(makes it so g=-255)
(summons Bahamut on Toss)
09-08-2006, 03:33 PM
~steals JYAP's paper somehow~
~changes g's value to 999999999999~
(Toss dies cause his MAGIC DEF sucks)
09-08-2006, 10:59 PM
~reintegrates into Bahamut~
~controls Bahamut, makes him attack JYAP~
(unsummons Bahamut)
(which throws Toss into a fight between him and all the summons I know)
(and that's a lot)
(Toss is wtfpwned by Bahamut,Alexander,Diablos,Knights of the Round Table,Hades,Ifrit,Leviathan,Lich,Cyclops,Carbuncle ...well,not really Carbuncle...)
09-09-2006, 08:13 AM
~switches himself with Monty Python & the Holy Grail's Black Knight who can't die, no matter how many limbs you chop off~
~eats popcorn & watches~
(except the Black Knight music plays as the Black Knight from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance appears!)
(he wtfpwns Toss)
09-09-2006, 07:50 PM
~A mob of peasants charge past Toss~
~the peasants grab the Black Knight thinking that he's a witch and bring him to Beremir where he is falsely accused of being made of wood and thus is a witch and may burn~
(mob is murdered when Luna triggers and the Black Knight annihilates them all)
09-10-2006, 12:05 PM
~the British police force come along & arrest the Black Knight~
(really,you can't stop the Black Knight)
09-10-2006, 03:20 PM
...Nuclear Launch Detected.
~casts DC 999 Hold Person on Black Knight~
~20s are disabled~
(the Black Knight Lunas Toss cause you need Ragnell to even injure him)
09-11-2006, 03:45 PM
~throws Lagnell into a nuke, repeats process~
(the Black Knight is even immune to the effects of lag)
(yes,he would kick ass online)
(Hint: Only Ike,the Lord of Path of Radiance,can wield Ragnell)
09-12-2006, 01:12 PM
~MCs Ike, uses him to kill the Black Knight~
Phew. I only had 1 more nuke left too.
~builds more~
(well,Ike TRIES to)
(but you MCed the level 1 Ike,who is wtfpwned instantly)
09-12-2006, 03:30 PM
~rezes Ike, levels him to L50 (Maxim. level in KOTOR II)~
~you know the drill~
(Ike asplodes since the max is 20)
09-13-2006, 01:07 PM
~builds a L20 Ikebot with Ragnell~
(Ragnell pwns the Ikebot since it isn't really Ike)
09-14-2006, 01:07 PM
~gets Ike's DNA, makes clones of Ike with Ragnell~
(which are level 1)
On good terms with DotD again. Go sign up,Guitardude93/Randall wants to talk to you about Futurama.
09-15-2006, 01:27 PM
~clones march through a leveler which levels them to 20~
Oh no, I get to be a hit with the stupid again. I need the precious time for NWN & SC.
They're moving again though, this time onto one David Ajith's forum, who according to my analysis of the past is Triple H. I recommend staying for me, I'm thinking about heading for Campaign Creations.
They're not moving. If they are,we can ninja-spam the forum under assumed names and force them back.
(Black Knight still wtfpwns them,and asplodes the leveller for good measure)
09-15-2006, 08:52 PM
~the clone Ikes have Ragnell, you know~
(they're unpromoted)
(and one on one,if the Black Knight gets Luna off,Ike loses)
09-16-2006, 09:53 AM
~rebuilds Leveler and builds a promoter in front of it~
~Black Knight is pwnt by new Ike clones~
(time's up)
(the Black Knight leaves and Toss gets a game over)
09-16-2006, 04:25 PM
~throws the Game Over in the trash can~
~clone Ikes attack the pub~
(Star Fox Assault crossover activates)
(one Ike is shot by a Sniper Rifle Falco)
(this triggers a Game Over,killing the remaining Ikes)
09-16-2006, 07:49 PM
~throws Game Over at the pub, detonating it~
(it bounces off Carbuncle's reflect and into Protoss's base)
09-17-2006, 06:08 AM
~recolored Ridley takes the blow and attacks the pub~
(Ridley is Game Over'd and dies)
09-18-2006, 01:32 PM
~Ridley dojzlykgoku~
(except the Game Over remains on Ridley,so he bumps it and dies)
09-18-2006, 04:13 PM
~another Ridley goes to attack the pub~
(who triggers a warp hole sending him to Osama bin Ladin)
09-19-2006, 01:06 PM
~who gets pwnt~
~Bush's popularity soars~
~said popularity causes the pub to collapse~
(all the other pubs except this one close down)
09-20-2006, 01:31 PM
~an A-bomb falls on Rune's Pub~
~insert Hiroshima/Nagasaki explosion here~
Dammit, they've moved to The Black Aces. And I'm not moving to Triple H's forum without rebelling (by your command, of course).
They're on lockdown. They haven't moved,they just got a suspected virus coming on.
Of course,if they really did move,let's garner support from B.Net and raid The Black Aces. It'll be swell if we can work out a good plan.
09-21-2006, 01:40 PM
Campaign Creations is open for gathering. I joined there meself.
Back on topic.
(since Carbuncle can't reflect it,a well-placed Magneton at Toss's base attracts the bomb into the base)
(since it deals Normal-type damage,Magneton lives through the explosion)
09-21-2006, 05:32 PM
~Strange Arb recalls the Magneton back to Rune's Pub~
(the magnetic charge short-circuits the recall device)
09-22-2006, 01:27 PM
~that is, when the Magneton reaches the base~
Campaign Creations = Toss has left the building.
(Magneton is warped back to Toss's base thanks to the local Abra if he wasn't there already)
(Magneton Thunder Waves anything that could pose a threat to him)
09-23-2006, 06:17 AM
~Toss's dream-army of Abras with Thunder/Ice/Fire Punches get Thunder Wave'd, then attack~
~60% of them attack in particular, the rest are paralamyzed~
(Magneton Double Edges the Fire Punchers while a Sharpedo dashes in to Crunch the rest)
09-23-2006, 10:00 AM
~suddenly, red dots appear on the Abras hands~
Nuclear Launch Detected.
~decreases time till explosion to 1 second with Staredit~
Wow. You nuked your own Abras.
(Sharpedo has Focus Band,and Magneton's Sturdy negates OHKOs)
09-23-2006, 03:18 PM
They're expendable.
~Another wave falls on them~
~and this time, they have either Psychic, Strength (!), Tri-Attack, or Blizzard~
They probably can't learn 3/4 of them, but meh.
(a Solarbeam from Claydol wipes them out before Sharpedo and Magneton can do anything)
09-24-2006, 08:50 AM
~except when another wave comes along, Claydol is turned into another Abra matrix-style~
(unfortunately,Claydol gets resistance against that,and Solarbeams the Abras away again)
(a Marowak and Farfetch'd join the fray)
09-24-2006, 04:07 PM
~Another wave of abras come along and they all pile up on Claydol and turn him into another abra~
~combined force negates resistance~
(Claydol uses Explosion as they all pile on him)
(Nuzleaf takes his place)
09-27-2006, 01:05 PM
~TIE Bombers bomb them~
(the TIE bombers are magnetized by Magneton,so the bombs fly back and blow them up)
09-27-2006, 07:03 PM
~except proton bombs aren't magnetic~
(fine then)
(everyone else but Magneton uses Protect)
(Magneton draws bombers into their own bombs)
(of course,this throws Magneton into the bombs,but he's a Steel type and has resistance)
09-28-2006, 01:04 PM
~except there's a Star Destroyer looming over the TIEs which is pounding the pub~
(is bored to hell of all the Star Wars references)
(Black Mage Hadokens every SW-related thing and utterly destroys it)
09-28-2006, 06:43 PM
~except everyone in the SW universe learns...~
~...and they all cast it~
OK, so I'm more of a SW freak than I realized. So sue me.
(does so)
(wins after bringing up copyright infringement charges)
(leaves a rich man)
(Sarda frags whatever Black Mage missed)
09-29-2006, 01:08 PM
~mugs JYAP with a Club+50 gun~
~gets his cash, scrams~
(mugs back with a Mace+51 gun)
(uses Teleport after getting cash)
09-29-2006, 08:21 PM
~Blue Arb recalls him onto Braxis with his money~
(Red Scout has smuggled Arbiter equipment and recalls me to the Blue Arbiter)
(smacks Toss and gets the money,then Teleports away as the Red Scout photon torpedoes the Blue Arbiter)
09-29-2006, 10:05 PM
~deflects the smack action-movie style while the Blue Arb tries a somersault~
(Red Scout brakes,Blue Arb lands in the same place with Red Scout behind it)
(Zach taught me that one. I can still gun him down,but he's close to beating me in an Arwing.)
(goes all Matrix on Toss)
(except there's no time slowing effect)
(so all my attacks happen 3-4x faster)
(beats down Toss)
09-30-2006, 02:10 PM
~unfortunately, before JYAP could do so much as lay a finger on Toss, Arthas gets thrown at JYAP followed by him getting raised as a Carrion Beetle by a Crypt Lord~
(Arthas is fragged before he can do anything due to my frost aura)
(which leaves no corpse so there's nothing the Beetle can rez from)
09-30-2006, 10:41 PM
~gets the Dreadlord, has him use Sleep on JYAP while the Crypt Lord mauls him and rezzes him as a Carrion Beetle~
(except by the time Sleep gets off,Toss is a bloody pulp)
(is put to sleep)
(hit by Crypt Lord)
(wakes up,Ice-4s both of them in one swift motion)
10-01-2006, 07:23 AM
Damn. Forgot about that part. XD
~insert Lurker dying sounds here~
~the Flying Candybar of Death comes after JYAP~
(can't eat it due to having no stomach)
10-01-2006, 03:10 PM
~Candybar of Death harasses JYAP~
(explodes the damn thing)
10-02-2006, 01:02 PM
~except Liches don't have fire magic~
(who said I used fire magic?)
10-02-2006, 01:49 PM
~Candybar breaks through Ice and continues to harass JYAP~
(and who said I used ice magic)
(I used death magic you twit,I just don't use it often cause it's not as fun)
10-03-2006, 01:06 PM
Flying Candybar of Death: Immune to Death Magic.
~It's a construct, you phool~
(snaps the damn thing in two)
10-05-2006, 01:06 PM
Well that only made things worse.
~both of the pieces start to harass JYAP~
(takes the pieces,ties a weight to them,and drops them in a volcano)
10-08-2006, 09:51 AM
~they crumble as they fall and the crumbs get loose and harass JYAP~
(the crumbs are eaten by birds)
10-08-2006, 02:14 PM
~Kabala starts attacking JYAP~
~I gotta get a link up to the VotF campaign, but not now~
(generates a blade of ice)
(insert epic duel)
(in the end,just Ice-4s Kabala)
10-09-2006, 01:37 PM
~Meat Wagon rams JYAP spilling corpses all over him~
(wagon is frozen before it can touch me)
11-18-2006, 10:45 AM
~it just runs on frozen wheels; it hasn't lost much momentum~
(whacks it aside with ice warhammer)
11-18-2006, 06:42 PM
~whacks it back at JYAP with a Heater/Warhammer~
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