View Full Version : Another Idea. Hurray!
01-22-2006, 05:02 PM
You see, I was looking for some Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds stuff when I stumbled upon the Lucas Learning website. I found myself visiting the Star Wars: Gungan Frontier game...
...and I found it perfectly suitable for my Science Honors class. Since most of what's studied in class is Life Science, why not introduce this game to my teacher?
Felonious Monk
01-22-2006, 09:00 PM
If you can bring Star Wars into school curriculum, more power to you. Me personally, I've had way too much of Jar Jar as is, thanks.
Now all you have to do is convince your teachers of the scholastic merit of putting together character builds in NWN.
01-23-2006, 06:48 AM
Well you guys know that NWN is used at a college to teach game building.
01-23-2006, 01:07 PM
It is, is it? Well, that should be interesting.
~hurries to get a master degree in game-making or whatever~
I tried to try the demo (lol) but it wouldn't work for some reason, so there's no guaruntee that it will actually be suitable for the learning environment. I want to play a Star Wars game.
01-23-2006, 01:49 PM
here's the course description:
Felonious Monk
01-23-2006, 10:05 PM
They featured that (with much glee I'm sure) in a Bioware Wednesday some months ago. It almost validated my addiction. Almost.
EDIT: 350th post :D
01-24-2006, 06:17 AM
Yeah, it was posted on Bioware Wednesday. I actually found it long beforehand because they offer a scripting tool for download. I didnt like the tool btw.
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