View Full Version : Death spells: ie Phantasmal killer
so far today there have been quite a few deaths because of this spell...people have been spamming it. Normally, i wouldnt mind, its just that it gets VERY annoying after a while. I would like to suggest that some of the items that players can buy be made with death spell immune, at a suitable cost of course. also, i would like to suggest a raise in the amount of gold players get when they start or a drop in hte starter armor prices.
thanks guys
10-11-2003, 11:31 AM
I think that the starting gold should be higher or the drops should be made better too. Because at start you can buy armor and some low level weapons and then when you kill someone you only get 200 gold, so it will take like 123412531461 years to get enough money to buy the higher level equipment. :)
nah, once you get up in the higher levles you get more gold get more xp for killin higher lvls too
Bounty Hunter
10-11-2003, 05:34 PM
PVP is diffrent then other servers. You must get used to it.
Im sorry to rant but you must play more on PVP servers. Soon you wil get used and you will see that it works.
The point is not to have ubeatable characters that will fight for 20 minutes. On PVP builds are more important then gear.
10-11-2003, 06:12 PM
Once you get a level or so phantasmal killer isnt so bad...its just annoying at first cause you always die.
10-11-2003, 07:29 PM
You think its bad now? Wait until mages can cast FoD...omigod the crying will begin anew. Don't like Fod? boost that fort save, get a cleric or paladin to ward you, better yet kill the mage that is trying to kill you. Isn't that a new concept. I have YET to hear one mage whining about IKD...but I hear melee chars whining about mages bread and butter spells. Let's nerf FoD too eh? Wait...mage's get even better spells later on..lets make a level 8 spell (horrid wilting) do only 30 damage max, hmm lets make Ice Storm kick out 15 dam max...Oh lets just totally rape Time Stop to last 2 secs. See you might say, damn man you are being totally unreasonable. You try to stand up while 3 melee chars are keeping you in the ground. Mages are SUPPOSED to ruin a fighter's day...that's why you NEED teammates. Ask a cleric for help...or a teammate mage....oh wait....certain teams seem to only have melee chars...cmon...its been only 1-2 days of the mod running and whining has already begun. I like suggestions....I've heard some good ones here and on the server, but outright whining ...sheesh
Bounty Hunter
10-11-2003, 07:44 PM
The problem is when only 5-6 players are on.
Mage hide in the middle and cast phantasmal all the time at everyone that enter the area. That is not fun. To run all the way and get killed in 1 second. When more people are on and you have clerics and others to help then mages will die quick. But for now they are only runing fun for others and getting fast exp.
But I´m not whining. Ill find a way to get mages. :P
yea today i just got frustrated at the end...i had only 2.2k to go and it took me an hour to get to only 500 left
in the mean time bik need 5k and got it in about 40 minutes cuz his friendly mage killing me and al all day long
10-11-2003, 09:09 PM
Such is NWN. Mages are powerful. Admit that from day one to yourself. Already 1/4 of the mages spellbook has been rendered null. No summons remember. That even hurt druids more. We can continue the trend to bottom out every arcane spell there is and then make the class unplayable. THEN players will complain about arcane archer rogues. Already hearing grumbling about battle clerics. What about the arcane archer/cleric combos that will surface or the Sneaking scythe carrying bards? What I'm getting at is this, if your team does NOT have the right mix of players, it will fail. No way a team of tanks is gonna constantly succeed, OR a team of archers. Me and a cleric...did well today, fed off each other.
I can hack up spells till the cows come home, still aint gonna make the mod better if you almost remove a core class of the game. I mean I can throw reflex saves on everything, help the poor big axe/sword/mace/hammer wielding fighter. What is gonna happen when those same crippled mages make their way past 18th? You got nice feats to look forward to, the mage has spells, but if they have been rocked until they don't hurt anymore, what is the point. Almuric's paladin was pissed off at being held and then later on Finger of Death ruined his day. Death ward goes a long way to combatting that. Remove those spells, go ahead. I swear you will see a rash of clerics with insane AC just healing themselves until they can't anymore. The duration of hold person is long, after a few levels that spell won't even work on you. So you can reduce the length of it. What about Mass charm???? That will rock a party soon as peeps can cast it. Level I know for a fact Horrid Wilting is going to cause some grief, for the first time a team gets hit for a smooth 120 ...ALL of them, then another...the mage bashing will start up again. Finger of Death is sure to cause some people to whine, Almuric got fingered and logged off shortly afterwards cuz he was just too frustrated at that point. All you guys really gotta say is, ban all mage spells above level 5 and no more complaints...cuz soon afterwards won't be anymore mages. I get dispelled and soon afterwards a melee guy breaks me in half, I get knocked down till I can't move anymore (sound like hold person anyone??) Cept for one thing, hold person does no damage and the mage doesnt have unlimited castings of it like knockdown and its big brother improved knockdown. Only TRUE way to balance mages is to kill them fast, and not allow them to level quickly. Then we go back to the teams not having the right players to take out a mage. (archers and other mages come to mind)
It's too hard to please everyone.
i know, i was just in a bad mood geno, cuz earth is still caster less, but imma probably make one tomarrow
i was just in a bad mood, i know the situation of mages and being nerfed
10-12-2003, 12:36 AM
Earth has a caster now ^^
10-12-2003, 09:19 AM
Narf, Madd and I were looking for you all day yesterday. We needed a cleric!! Glad to see you made one. 8)
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