View Full Version : Custom D&D Classes
06-28-2006, 06:28 PM
OMFG...when did I come up with this? Around...say...February? When I was waiting for my laptop to charge so I could watch Ep. III on it while my little brother watched Saturday Night Live? Anywho, this idea might be new to you, but ancient to me. Basically, you create a class including feats, available skills, prerequisites (prestige classes), etc. and hope that it gets put into the actual D&D game (Just kidding). Enjoy!
My class:
Elemental Archer
A cousin to the Arcane Archer, the Elemental Archer makes use of magic in its primary forms; Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water. The elite of the elite make up this elven brigand of bowmen; they are masters of both archery and magic. However, to not just combine but fuse them together brings forth a whole new challenge for them. They first learn the basics of this combination before moving on to master the elements themselves. Due to the power it brings forth, the actual fusing of magic and archery is a difficult and dangerous task, and thus there are few Elemental Archers in existence.
Hit Die: d6
Skill Points per level: 3+Int Modifier
Available Skills: Concentration, Discipline, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot.
Feats: The Elemental Archer gains 1 bonus feat per 3 levels.
BAB Progression - Same as bard/cleric/druid/armed-with-giant-weapon monk/etc. (I need to find my Player's guide to find the exact term for this)
Saves: Poor Fortitude, Good Reflex, Average Will.
Base Attack Bonus: 0, but must be at least 8 (edited from 10)
Arcane Spellcasting: Level 2 or higher (edited from 3)
Required Feats: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Combat Casting, Weapon Focus (Longbow or Shortbow)
The Elemental Archer gains these feats/abilities on the following levels:
1 - Enchant Arrow +1 - Same as Arcane Archer.
2 - Raw-Magic Arrow - As a full attack action, the Elemental Archer fires an arrow that, if it hits, does 2d10 magical damage in addition to normal damage. The arrow has a -2 Attack Penalty to hit; however, this penalty is removed at Elemental Archer L5. 2 uses per day per 2level of Elemental Archer.
3 - Enchant Arrow +2
4 - Needle Arrow - This ability comes from the element of Earth, the first of the elements to master. As a full attack action, the Elemental Archer fires an arrow. If it hits, if there are any enemies directly behind the target gets attacked by it as well as if it were a regular attack on him/her/it. (Note: The arrow, however, has a -2 Attack Penalty to attacking the next target).
5 - Enchant Arrow +3
6 - Poison Arrow - This ability comes from the element of Water, the second of the elements to master. As a full attack action, the Elemental Archer fires an arrow that, when it hits, poisons the target for random ability damage, DC 22. 2 uses per day per 3 levels of Elemental Archer.
7 - Enchant Arrow +4
8 - Mass-zap Arrow - This ability comes from the element of Air, the third of the elements to master. As a full attack action, the Elemental Archer fires an arrow that, if it hits, damages all enemies within 35 feet of him with 1d8 electrical damage. The arrow has a +1 Attack Bonus to hit to compensate for its low damage. 1 use per day per 2 levels.
9 - Enchant Arrow +5
10 - Firestorm Arrow - This ability comes from the element of Fire, the final and most lethal of the elements. As a full attack action, the Elemental Archer fires an arrow that, when it hits, creates an effect similar to the Firestorm spell & Fireball spell combined. A reflex save halves the damage from both; the DC is 13 + character's INT/CHA modifier, whichever is higher. The arrow, however, has a -5 Attack Penalty to hit. 1 use per day.
Kay. I edited all this stuff so it will answer all the questions so far. I also added attack penalties to help balance out the abilities. I also edited the prerequisites so now its much easier to reach.
Your turn.
Oh, BTW, apparently BAB is calculated according to hit dice. In other words:
1d10-1d12 HD = At level 20, four attacks per round.
1d6-1d8 HD (not counting PnP Ranger) = At level 20, three attacks per round.
1d4 HD = At level 20, three attacks per round (and a crap load of spells X_X)
Normally, the Elemental Archer would have three attacks - no thanks to the fighter, that is, which gives it 4. (LOL, I discredited the fighter!)
Felonious Monk
06-28-2006, 07:22 PM
I was actually working on a monk PrC when I found out about the warlock, a new base class that pretty much did everything I was looking for. If I can dig it up I'll post what I have.
I have a couple of questions about your PrC. What are the BAB and save progressions? Are the elemental arrow abilities standard actions or can they be used as part of a full attack action?
Base Attack Bonus: 0, but must be at least 10
What does this mean? Is it 0 or 10?
2 - Raw-Magic Arrow ... 2 uses per day per 2level of Elemental Archer.
Isn't that pretty much the same as 1 use per day per level?
4 - Needle Arrow ... If it hits, if there are any enemies directly behind the target gets hit by it as well as if it were a regular attack on him/her/it.
Is there an attack roll to determine if the enemy behind the initial target is hit? How many uses are there per day?
8 - Mass-zap Arrow ... The Elemental Archer fires an arrow that, if it hits, damages all enemies within 35 feet of him. 1 use per 2 levels.
I'm assuming this means everything within a 35' radius? Is there a single attack roll that is comapred against the AC of everything within range or is it assumed that if the arrow hit anything that it automatically hits everything else? Is it electrical damage?
10 - Firestorm Arrow ... The Elemental Archer fires an arrow that, when it hits, creates an effect similar to the Firestorm spell & Fireball spell combined. 1 use per day.
How is the DC determined? Is it based off of EA level or calculated as a spell of a certain level as cast by the archer?
06-28-2006, 11:37 PM
1. It's 10.
2. In a way.
3. Yes, there is. 2 uses per day per 3 levels.
4. Yes. No attack rolls are necessary. Electrical damage.
5. The DC is 13 + the Elemental Archer's CHA or INT modifier, whichever is higher.
I wanted to post this in the past with all of these questions answered, but the Internet was being a bitch, so...
Felonious Monk
06-29-2006, 12:10 AM
Here's the problem: requiring a BAB of 10 and the ability to cast level 3 spells means that it isn't possible to attain level 10 in this PrC before level 20, the official DnD cutoff. The best you can get is a bard 8/fighter 4/EA 8.
I like the concept a lot, but think it might be a tad overpowered. What are the BAB and save progressions? Are the elemental arrow abilities standard actions or can they be used as part of a full attack action?
06-29-2006, 06:41 AM
Yeah, a tad overpowered, that's what I thought. No wonder the prerequisites were so...impossible. I might lower the BAB requirements to, say, +8.
BAB Progression - Same as bard/cleric/druid/armed-with-giant-weapon monk/etc. (I need to find my Player's guide to find the exact term for this)
Oh, Elemental Archer abilities are full attack actions.
Dammit, all my prestige classes have to be so simplified. Ah well.
Felonious Monk
06-29-2006, 10:56 PM
The 3/4 BAB progression is typically referred to as cleric's BAB. Or just 3/4 or middle BAB. Most class descriptions list them in a table that includes save progression and abilities, but it's harder to post that. :)
I can't find anything on my PrC, so I'll just wing it.
Ki Warrior
Hit Die: d8
Skill Points per level: 4+INT Mod
Available Skills: Concentration, Discipline, Heal, Hide, Listen, Lore, Move Silently, Spot, Tumble
BAB Progression - As a cleric
Saves - fort, reflex, will high
Base Attack Bonus: +5
Skills: Concentration 8 ranks
Required Feats: Ki Strike: +1 (or [magic] for 3.5), Stunning Fist
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ki Warriors gain no proficiency with any weapons or armor.
AC Bonus (Ex): Ki Warrior levels stack with monk levels for determining the monk's AC bonus.
Fast Movement (Ex): Ki Warrior levels stack with monk levels for determining the monk's movement speed increase.
Ki Strike (Su): At 3rd level, the Ki Warrior's unarmed attacks are also treated as +2 (lawful) weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction. At 8th level, her unarmed attacks are treated as +3 (adamantine) weapons for the purpose of dealing damage to creatures with damage reduction and bypassing hardness.
Ki Blast (Sp): At first level, the Ki Warrior is capable of focusing her ki into an orb of pure energy at will. The ki blast has a range of 30' + 10' per Ki Warrior level. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target with no saving throw. It deals 1d6 damage at first level and an additional 1d6 every 2 levels (max 5d6 mod at level 9). Each use of the ki blast deals 2 points of subdual damage to the Ki Warrior, whether it hits or not. It takes a standard action to focus and release the energy at the designated target.
Ki Frenzy (Ex): At second level, the Ki Warrior is capable of making a second ki blast attack at a -5 penalty to hit. This increases to a third attck at -10 to hit at level 6. At level 10 the Ki Warrior can flurry ki blasts. All appropriate penalties for flurrying (if any) apply.
Soul Strike (Su): At 4th level the Ki Warrior is capable of channeling her ki blast into an unarmed attack at will. As a standard action, she can make an attack at her highest attack bonus and add her ki blast damage to the damage done by her unarmed attack. In addtion, the target must make a fortitude save (DC = 1/2(KW+monk levels) + WIS mod) or suffer 1 point of CHA damage and be dazed for 1 round.
Ki Mastery (Ex): At level 6 the ki blast ability becomes a supernatural ability. In addition, the Ki Warrior now adds their WIS modifier to the damage of the first ki blast in a round.
Phoenix Strike (Sp): At level 8 the Ki Warrior is capable of concentrating her ki into a devastating beam of energy. As a standard action that draws an AoO, she unleashes a ray of energy that strikes a single target on a succesful ranged touch attack with no save. The target of the attack takes 15d6 + WIS mod damage. In addition, everything within a 15' radius takes 10d6 damage. A reflex save (DC = 1/2(KW+monk levels) + WIS mod) halves the damage. The Ki Warrior is fatigued for 1d4 rounds after using this ability. This ability can be used 3 times per day.
Will of the Warrior: At level 10 the Ki Warrior attains a state of ultimate self-awareness. She gains a Deflection bonus to AC equal to her WIS modifier. This stacks with the monk's WIS AC bonus. In addition, she gains Fast Healing 1, a fly speed of 60' with good manuverability, and SR = 10+KW+monk levels.
Or something like that. It's probably a bit overpowered, but it's as close as i can remember.
06-30-2006, 08:24 AM
I made up a class once, but it was for the first edition rules back when I used to play PnP.
06-30-2006, 01:10 PM
To Trog:
Mmm. Still...
To Felonious:
Whoah. Just whoah. A bit DBZish, mind you, but still.
I just barfed up- err, thought of another Prestige Class, so here ya go.
Deus Ex Machina
Skill Points per Level: 4 + (2 x Int Modifier)
Available Skills: Concentration, Craft Trap, Hide, Jump*, Listen, Move Silently, Persuade, Spot, Tumble
Feats: The Deus Ex Machina gains 1 bonus feat every 3 levels (not including the bonus feat he/she gains at L10).
BAB Progression: 3/4
Saving Throws: Fortitude Poor, Reflex Good, Will Poor
Base Attack Bonus: At least 5
Hide: 10 Ranks
Move Silently: 10 Ranks
Feats: Weapon Focus (Dagger or Short Sword), Stealty
Special: Sneak Attack (+2d6)
The Deus Ex Machina gains these abilities on the following levels:
1 - Improved Saving Throws +1 - The Deus Ex Machina gains +1 to all saving throws.
2 - Death Attack (+1d6) - Same as Assassin.
3 - Surprise Attack - As a full attack action, the Deus Ex Machina may attack an opponent with a -3 attack penalty. If it hits, the opponent suffers a -2 AC Penalty while the character gains a +2 Attack Bonus, both effects lasting for 5 rounds. As well, the opponent suffers a sneak attack the next round from him/her as if they had been caught flatfooted. 1 use per day per 3 levels.
4 - Improved Saving Throws +2
5 - Death Attack (+2d6)
6 - (Nothing/Bonus Feat)
7 - Improved Saving Throws +3
8 - Death Attack (+3d6)
9 - (Nothing/Bonus Feat)
10 - Special Bonus Feat
List of Special Bonus Feats for Deus Ex Machina:
Greater Dodge - (Prerequisites: Dodge) Instead of the normal +1 AC bonus, the Deus Ex Machina now gains a +2 AC bonus against an enemy.
Weapon Bond - (Short Sword or Dagger). This adds extra damage & keen to the chosen weapon. If the chosen weapon is a Short Sword, it gains 1d4 damage and keen. If the chosen weapon is a Dagger, it gains 1d6 damage and keen. Either way, both weapons end up with 1d10 damage & keen.
Total Concealment - The Deus Ex Machina gains a 5% Concealment Bonus and a +5 bonus to Hide and Move Silently.
Spell Immunity - (Prerequisite: Resist Energy - Any) This feat is closely tied to the Resist Energy feat. The Deus Ex Machina is immune to all Level 2 and lower spells that do the selected type of energy damage. For example, if he/she had Resist Energy - Fire, he/she will be immune to all L2 or lower spells that do Fire Damage. If the character has 2 or more Resist Energy Feats (Fire and Cold, for example), the same result occurs for both energy types.
Throw Weapon - (Prerequisite: Iron Will) This feat allows the Deus Ex Machina to throw his/her weapon at a target as a full attack action. The blade does an extra 1d4 damage while spinning in the air and counts as a ranged touch attack. Whether it hits or misses, the weapon returns to the character's hand.
Felonious Monk
06-30-2006, 07:01 PM
I was afraid it would come across as some kind of DBZ port. It really just came out of wanting a monk PrC that would focus more on the "ki" concept as opposed to the stuff that you find in the splat books. I also wanted a way to give monks an effective ranged option since they really can't do much from a distance. Still, I doubt I'll ever use it since a) the warlock does it better and b) I don't play PnP anymore anyway.
Re: Deus Ex Machina
To clarify some terminology, a full attack action is one where you make all of your iterative attacks in a round. I think what you are looking for with Surprise Attack is standard action. I would also probably make it useable an unlimited number of times per day, since the penalty balances it a bit.
With Weapon Bond, does the damage change to 1d10 or is it 1d4+1d6? It's a minor thing as the difference in the average damage between the two is only .5, but it's worth noting.
With Thrown Weapon, it should probably be clarified that the DEM no longer suffers the -4 penalty for throwing a melee weapon, gains an additional 1d4 damage when doing so, and all weapons thrown by the DEM are considered to have the Returning property. Does this only work with a dagger or shortsword?
07-01-2006, 11:13 AM
1. I'll do that.
2. 1d4+1d6 for dagger, 1d6+1d4 for short sword.
3. Dagger or shortsword, yeah. I might reduce the penalty to -2.
I wanna do it! I WANNA DO IT! WAAAH!
Nevermind that.
Description: A cheesed-off Pale Master that wants even more control over the undead.
Prerequisite: Level 5 Pale Master,any Evil,Spell Focus(Necromancy)
Hit Die: d6
Available Skills: Whatever the Pale Master's class skills are. Too lazy.
BAB progression: Like PM.
Armor/Weapon Proficiencies: Good one.
Call Dead: At first level,the deadlord gains control over his first minion. He can choose to summon a skeleton or a ghoul. Both have (levels of PM+DL)d8 HP. The skeleton comes with a weapon to increase damage,but the ghoul can paralyze an enemy on attack(DC 10+DL level).
Undeath: Controlling undead often ends up making you close to undead. At second level,the DL starts to become a undead creature himself. If his PM undead arm is not at Master Touch,it is now.
Call Dead: At level 3,the DL can summon another minion.
Undeath: At 4,the DL becomes immune to criticals and sneak attacks.
Call Greater Dead: At level 5,the DL gets another minion and the ability to summon a lich to help instead. The lich can cast spells to make up for its physical weakness and d6 hit dice.
Undeath: At 6,both arms of the DL look like that of a skeleton's. He gains +1 AC per level after this.
Call Greater Dead: +1 minion at 7.
Undeath: At 8,the DL is almost a complete undead. He gains +4 Int but loses 4 Cha,and can cast necromancy spells from any level. His spell slots suck though(1 level 9 slot at level 20).
Call Ancient Dead: At 9,instead of a minion boost,all minion classes upgrade. The skeleton gets a d12 for hit dice and has +5 AC over his original as well as the bonus of wielding a two-handed weapon. The ghoul gets d10 and a curse aura,as well as +3 AC. The lich gets d6 and even more spells,along with Greater Spell Focus(Necromancy),Greater Spell Penetration,and Greater Arcane Defense(Necromancy). And to top it off,you can summon a spectre now. He uses d4 for hit dice but has 50% concealment. He can cast buffs on you and your other minions such as Bull's Strength,Improved Invisibility,and Flame Weapon(for the skelly)while attempting to debuff the enemy with Greater Spell Breach and such.
Full Undeath: The DL is now fully undead. He is affected by turning and healing spells(meaning now inflict spells heal him),becomes immune to paralysis and poison and disease,gains +2 AC,+2 Int,-2 Cha,and gains all spell focus related feats to Necromancy for free.
Epic Bonuses:
+1 minion every 5 levels
+1 AC every 2 levels
Bonus feat every 3 levels.
Hope you like it. It was meant to have a lot of pets on the field,so you're relegated to a support role. And due to the nature of the class,it's impossible to mix this with any other class. Your only choices are Wizzie or Sorc/PM/DL. I would like to play this myself. I can see it now...
Me: (calls 3 skellys and a spectre at level 10)
Noobs: RUN-(critted,dies)
EDIT: Anything I left out,like skill points per level,use PM for.
Felonious Monk
07-02-2006, 06:22 PM
All undead use d12 for HP . The DL is pretty close the PnP version of PM (if it's good enough for WotC...).
Well,it's kinda unreasonable to pretty much make 4 barbarians appear and pound the snot out of enemies. And this class is still pretty easy to kill. Dispel any protective spells active and the guy can get his ass pwned by anything threatening barring silly rogues. The AC boost he gets(and Bone Skin bonuses if you choose to level PM some more)doesn't really count much for armor.
But hey,he's still cool,and making new classes is fun.
Prerequisites: Lawful,Str and Con 16 or above,BAB 10
Hit Die: d12
Available Skills: Concentration,Taunt,Discipline,Listen,Persuade,Spe llcraft(Kidding!)
BAB Progress: Like a fighter.
Armor/Weap Profs: Seriously,didn't you go Fighter/Knight? What profs do you need?
Knight Guard: Upon becoming a knight,you get +1 bonus AC if you use a shield. This improves every 3 levels of the knight.
Shield Bash: At 2, a strike with a shield dealing 1d(str mod)damage every 2 levels of the knight. The target must make a fort save(DC 8+Str mod+1/2 Knight level)or be stunned for 2 rounds. May be used once every 2 levels.
Knightly Virtue: At 3 and at 8,the knight gets +1 to his fort and will saves.
Heroic Charge: At 4, the knight can charge a enemy to deal (str mod)d6 at the expense of all his attacks for the round. The charge also doubles as a IKD. This may only be done once until level 9. Then it can be done twice.
Awareness: At 5,the knight becomes immune to sneak attacks as long as he can see his target.
Sword Mastery: At 6,if using a sword of any type,the knight gains +2 to AB and damage with it.
Armor Mastery: At 7,the knight's armor no longer weighs anything and gains +1 to AC. This only applies to the armor piece,not the rest of his equipment.
Knightly Vigor: At 8,the knight gets +10 HP. He gains 10 more every 4 more knight levels.
Dragonslayer: At 9, the knight gains +5 AB and damage VS dragons or dragon disciples. Take that you weirdos!
Full Guard: At 10 and once a day,the knight may settle into a powerful defensive stance similiar to the DD's. He cannot move but gains +8 AC,a 1d10 damage shield, and immunity to criticals and sneak attack. This lasts for 1 turn.
Epic stats:
Bonus Feat every 4 levels
Knight Guard bonus carries on to a maximum of +5.
Basically,he redefines the definition of AC whore. Awareness was too overpowering for rogues in its original concept. Please review it.
Felonious Monk
07-02-2006, 10:05 PM
There's actually already a Knight base class in the PHB 2. It has a lot of CHA-based party friendly abilities. Still...
Does he still suffer the -2 AB penalty on all his attacks when using Shield Bash?
For Heroic Charge, does he still get the +2 AB and -2 AC when charging?
Does the Dragon Slayer bonus count against half-dragons, too?
What is his save progression?
I didn't mention anything about AB/AC penalties/bonuses.
Aren't RDDs half-dragons?
Save progression...meh.
1 fort per level
1 reflex every 4 levels
1 will every 2 levels
Felonious Monk
07-03-2006, 06:44 PM
Which is why I asked. They are supposed to get them, but you didn't mention whether they still get them or they are negated.
RDDs are considered half dragons in 3.0 when they reach level 10. They never become half-dragons in 3.5 or before they reach level 10 in 3.0, which is why I asked.
Dear God, the saves alone are worth it.
I dunno if that's bad or good...
Felonious Monk
07-03-2006, 10:59 PM
You don't know if what is bad or good?
Dear God, the saves alone are worth it.
Anyhoo,I got a new class! Weee-(shot)
Prerequisite: Level 5 Ranger,Alertness,Weapon Proficiency (any ranged or throwing weapon)
Hit die: d10
Skills: Hide/MS,Spot/Listen,Search,Discipline,Concentration,Disable Trap,Set Trap,Pick Lock
BAB Progress: Like ranger.
Any profs?: Nope.
Track: Auto-gained at one.
Called Shot: See above.(Fixed it with proper name)
Rig Trap: At 1, without any trap kit,the hunter can create a makeshift trap if he is in an outdoor area. The trap does 1d6 physical damage of your choice per 2 levels. The hunter can set another trap every 2 levels.
Woodland Stride: Free at 2.
Weapon Specialty (your weapon focused weapon): Free at 2.
Aim: At 4,the hunter can sacrifice all his attacks his round to make 1 single attack. This attack gets +2 to crit range for each attack given up. If the target is within 10 feet of the hunter the bonus is negated. If the attack is made with a Called Shot,the effect doubles.
Keen Track: At 5,enemies appear on your minimap unless stealthed/invised.
Poaching: At 6,the hunter gains +2 to AB and damage VS animals or animal-like creatures(hellhounds and such)
Triple Arrow: At 7,the hunter can scrap his attacks to aim for up to 3 targets(or just 1 or 2)in one attack. This doesn't work with Called Shot and can only be used once a day.
Keen Eye: At 8,the hunter is aware on where to put his projectiles. From 8 to 10,all attacks gain +1 damage.
Rig Powerful Trap: At 9,the hunter can make a stronger trap. It deals 5d10 damage and can only be used once every 5 levels.
Seeking Arrow: At 10,the hunter's eye is so well trained he gains +5 to Spot and Search checks and negates 10% concealment.
1 fort every 3 levels
1 reflex every level
1 will every 3 levels
Epic Stuff:
Keen Eye damage boost only goes up to +5.
Maximum of 3 Greater Traps.
Basically,I kinda made a non-magic ranger. Think of him similiar to a LOTR Ranger.
This would work well with Ranger 5/Rogue 5/Hunter 10 on a halfling with darts.
Felonious Monk
07-04-2006, 04:21 PM
It depends on how you wanted your saves to turn out. In DnD your strong saves are equal to your (class level/2)+2 and your weak saves are equal to your class level/3. At level 10 a fighter will have saves of 7/3/3. With ten levels of knight he adds an additional 10/2/5. The knight has better fort(!) and will saves than a fighter and only a slightly worse reflex save (reflex being the least important save anyway).
The ranger has better reflex saves than a rogue and his will and fort saves are exactly the same. Still, I like it. What's Aimed Shot though?
You don't recall Aimed Shot? Well,maybe I misnamed it. Been too long. Y'know,Aimed Shot(arm) and Aimed Shot(leg)?
Anyways,I kinda wanted the knight to turn out like your typical knight of lore. You wouldn't expect him to dodge a blast of fire,you would expect him to block it with his magic shield. And you wouldn't want your story to end abruptly cause he failed his will save and became Dominated.
I just keep coming up with more ideas...
Prerequisite: None(Edited from requiring 18 Cha,just realized no skills of his required Cha)
Hit die: d8
Skills: Not really sure,but who cares?
BAB progress: 3 every 5 levels.
Profs: Up to Medium armor,simple and martial weapons. No shields.
Rally: At 1,the commander can rally his teammates to increase AB and saves by 1. This will cancel out fear. The effect lasts (commander level)d4 rounds. Can be used once a level.
Banner: Also at 1,in lieu of a shield,the commander can(and should)make a banner. The banner can give a wide variety of bonuses. Here are all the bonuses available:
Level 1 bonuses:
+1 AB
+1 Damage
+1 Saves
+5 HP
+1 AC
Level 3 bonuses:
+2 AB
+2 Damage
+1 AB and Damage
+2 Saves
+10 HP
Level 5 bonuses:
+3 AB/Damage
+2 AC
+15 HP
+3 Saves
+1d4 element damage
To save text,AC bonus can go up every 4 levels,AB/damage goes up each level,HP goes up by 5 each level,Saves go up each level,and AB AND Damage together go up every 6 levels.
Level 7 bonuses:
+1d6 element damage
-2 enemy AB
-2 enemy damage
Level 11 bonuses:
Fear aura
Curse aura
Bless aura
Level 15 bonuses:
+2 Any Attribute
Level 19 bonuses:
DR Aura(-/5)
Target Aura(Enemy AC down by 3)
Prayer Aura(Curse/Bless aura in one)
Epic bonuses:
Death Aura(level 35,fort save or die)
Damage Aura(level 21,1d6 element damage per round)
Healing Aura(level 25,1d6 HP healed per round)
Doom Aura(level 37,-5 AC/AB/Damage/Saves all in one)
Anyways,you can add a bonus every 2 levels. You also need the first bonus to get the next one(you need +1 AC before +2 AC)
Upgrade Banner: At level 3 and all other feat levels,you can sacrifice your feat to get another bonus.
Greater Rally: At 15,Rally improves to Greater Rally,which gives +3 to AB and Saves,and removes fear and blocks it from returning for the remainder of the rally.
1 fort per 2 levels
1 reflex per 4 levels
1 will per 3 levels
Basically,he's the team leader. You want to keep him alive so you can keep them dead. He shouldn't really be fighting however,more like hanging back.
EDIT: See Preqs. Use the original 18 Cha requirement if you think changing it shouldn't be allowed.
Felonious Monk
07-04-2006, 11:29 PM
You know, for level 37 in a PrC you have to be at least a level 47 character. That's pretty deep into epic territory.
How is the saving throw calculated for the death aura?
PrC? This isn't a prestige class.
DC 30.
07-05-2006, 02:58 PM
~gets levels in DeadLord, summons Ghouls~
~all the noobs in EW die of Ghoul Rot and 1d4 days later become ghouls themselves~
~surrounds Rary with Ghouls~
Bow down before my will!
Rary: Ok (Lol)
Raw Spell-Lord
The Raw Spell-Lord masters the use of spells with the Force description (E.x. Magic Missile, Shield). As well, he gains plenty of new abilities to go with said spells.
Skill Points Per Level: 3 + Int Modifier
Available Skills: Same as Sorc/Wiz. X_X
Feats: The Raw Spell-Lord gains 1 bonus feat per level.
Hit Dice: 1d4
Saves: Fortitude Poor, Reflex Medium, Will Good
Class: Sorcerer.
Arcane Spellcasting: Level 3 or higher.
Spells Required: Magic Missile or Shield.
Skills: Spellcraft 8 ranks
Abilities/Feats at Level:
1 - Basic Enhancement - Magic Missile gains an extra 1d4 Magical damage per missile and Shield supports +6 Deflection AC instead of +4.
2 - Basic Magic Projectile - The Raw Spell-Lord, as a standard action, may fire a bolt of raw magic at a target, doing 1d4 Magical damage + 1d4 per level (to a maximum of 12d4). 1 use per day.
3 through 9 (Odd numbers, no even) - Raw Magic Ability - The Raw Spell-Lord may choose a Raw Magic Ability feat (List).
Flurry Bolts - The Raw Spell-Lord, as a full attack action, may fire a flurry of bolts, each doing 1d4 damage. 1 bolt per level of Raw Spell-Lord to a maximum of 25 bolts. 1 use per day.
Decomposure - The Raw Spell-Lord, as a full attack action, may fire a ray that decomposes an enemy into raw magic, resulting in death. DC 13 + INT or CHA modifier, whichever is higher. Fortitude save negates. 1 use per day.
Bouncing Bolt - The Raw Spell-Lord, as a standard action, may fire a bolt that hits each target for 1d4+1d4 Magical damage per level to a maximum of 4d4. 1 target per level to a maximum of 6 targets. 2 uses per day.
Magical Empowerment - The Raw Spell-Lord, as a standard action, may enhance his or an ally's weapon with 1d6 magical damage and a +1 Enhancement bonus that lasts for 3 turns. 1 use per day.
Big-Bang Bolt - The Raw Spell-Lord, as a full attack action, may fire a bolt that does 3d12+1d12 Magical damage per level on impact (to a maximum of 7d12). It is a ranged touch attack and has a -10 chance to hit.
1 use per day.
Quickbolt - The Raw Spell-Lord, as a free action, may fire a bolt that does 1d4 damage. 5 uses per day.
07-05-2006, 03:00 PM
You don't recall Aimed Shot? Well,maybe I misnamed it. Been too long. Y'know,Aimed Shot(arm) and Aimed Shot(leg)?
That's Called Shot, BTW.
Felonious Monk
07-05-2006, 06:21 PM
Base classes don't have prerequisites.
Re: Raw-Spell Lord
I believe the class you are looking for is called the Argent Savant.
Does he get any caster level progression? Considering all the bonus feats I wouldn't expect more than a few levels, but it's seriously underpowered if it doesn't get any.
Sure they do. Sorceror has a prerequisite of 11 Cha as well as Bard,and Wizard must have 11 Int...
I say me and Protoss have a competition to make the best class while Monk rates.
Prerequisite: Any 3 non-cantrip spells that deal Electric damage,preferably arcane.
Hit die: d4
Skills: See sorc or wizard.
BAB progression: 1/4,not like it matters.
Bonus: The Airlord still gets spell levels in his casting class,and can still choose spells every level. If the spell deals electric damage,Airlord levels are counted in damage.
1 fort per 5 levels
1 reflex per 4 levels
1 will per 2 levels
Profs?: Gimme a break.
Shock: At 1,the Airlord can make a melee touch attack against a opponent. If it succeeds,the opponent is stunned for 2 rounds. This may be used once per level.
Air Control: Also at 1 and at every odd level,the Airlord gets +2 to the damage of all electric-damage spells. This does get increased by Empower Spell.
Forked Lightning: At 4,the Airlord can create a electric blast out of his hands to attack enemies in front of him. He can hit 3 targets at 4,4 targets at 7,and 5 targets at 10. The spell does 2d8 damage+1d8 per 2 Airlord levels past this point. This may be used once every 2 levels.
Chain Lightning: At 6,the Airlord can do something similiar to Forked Lightning. The only difference is it can hit more targets. Chain Lightning does 1d6 damage per Airlord level(including the levels up to this point)and bounces off the same amount of enemies. Each bounce does 1d6 damage less. This may only be used once a day until 10,where it can be used twice.
Lightning Shield: At 8,the Airlord can make himself a damage shield. It does 1d8 damage and lasts 2 rounds per Airlord level.
Create Storm: At 10,the Airlord can make a weaker Storm of Vengeance. It only does 1d6 electric damage per round,and if you fail the reflex save,it's 2d6. It lasts for 1 turn. It can be used once a day.
Epic Feats:
New Spellbook: At 12,the Airlord has his own special spellbook to store his spells. It starts with 6 slots and gains a new slot every 3 levels.
New Spells: Every 3 levels,the Airlord can learn a new spell from this list to add to his spellbook.
Focused Bolt: A powerful bolt that deals 1d10 damage per 2 levels of the Airlord.
Storm Cloud: Sends a cartoonesque storm cloud over the target that deals 1d6 electric damage per round for 1 round per level of Airlord.
Penetrate Resistance: Tired of those twits using lightning resist gear? No more! This spell will render the electric resist of the target 0 for 1 turn per 5 levels of Airlord.
Lightning Shield(other): Same spell,but you can cast it on a teammate. It goes down to 1d6 though.
Super Chain Lightning: No longer 1d6,but 1d8.
Super Forked Lightning: See above.
Absorb Lightning: Casts a protective shield around you that heals you by half the amount of electric damage you take.
Magnetize: If the target is wearing Medium or Heavy armor,he is stunned for 3 rounds as the Airlord magnetizes the ground to hold him.
Greater Storm: 1d8 now.
Jinx: Sets up a lightning rod on the target. Every round he is struck by lightning for 1d6 damage. The next round does 2d6 damage,the round after 3d6...Lasts for 1 turn. For real fun,Extend this.
(end list)
All done.
Felonious Monk
07-06-2006, 06:13 PM
Those classes don't have any prerequisites. It's entirely possible to make a wizard with <11 INT or bard or sorc with <11 CHA. Try it: make a fighter with <10 CHA and multiclass to bard. Bioware just idiot-proofed the character creation screen so noobs wouldn't be wondering why they couldn't cast any spells.
I'm going to go ahead and make it clear that actually following DnD class guidelines increases your score. Any changes you want to make based off of that will be legal since it came after your post. You don't have to make any changes, there just won't be any penalties if you do. Judging begins once Protoss enters his submission and you either edit your post, repost with changes, or post saying that you don't plan to make any changes.
The only noob that would do that would probably be Vesin. >_>
Anyways,I don't plan on changing anything.
07-07-2006, 11:29 AM
Never heard of the Argent Savant whatchamacallit.
Yes, Raw Spell-Lord gets additional spell slots in his highest-level arcane-spellcasting class. No new spells though.
You're on. I'm poor though. ~flashes 1,000k dollar bill, promptly hides behind~
(Note: In RL, I think my family's doing alright.)
Must...think...of...something...~is out of ideas, must get more~
Felonious Monk
07-07-2006, 07:50 PM
Argent Savant is essentially a specialist in spells with the Force descriptor and gets a bonus to those spells. Mage Armor gives +6 AC instead of +4, Magic Missle does 1d4+2 each (IGMS would do 2d6+2 for each missle), they last twice as long, are harder to dispel, and Bibgy's gets even nastier. Those are just examples. They can also unbind spells with the Force descriptor, effectiely dispelling it and damaging everything within a 10' radius with (spell level)d6 damage.
It's in Complete Arcane, which is definately worth picking up.
Good Lord,Protoss,pull yourself together! Think of your EW experience! What kind of class would you like to make that's awesome at laying the smack down on those nooblars and yet balanced?
07-14-2006, 03:46 PM
Or try this XD
Class Name: Musician
Reqs: Bard lvl 5 Cha of 19+ Lingering song curse song
Skills points (automatically one into perform and concentration 1+int mod/level
BAB: same as bard
Legendary Singing: Bard level add to musicians song but you lose the regular curse song/song of the bard
Saves: same as bard
Level 1: Legendary song: A permanant bard song with progression starting at lvl 5 of bards going on up ( every round re affects those around him in range of a regular song the perma hp stays until they leave the area along iwtha ll benefits ( they do not stack every round ) Because of the minimum lvl of 5 bard you basically start at lvl 11 bard song permanantlly and go up from there the start of lvl 5 bard song stands from assuming -10 perform so you have minimum of the lvl 5 song benefits
Bonus feat (see bottom )
Level2 : Bonus feat
Level 3: Legenary curse song see above only with using curse song progression damage occurs every round a will save is failed DC is 10+ cha modifer+1 per 5 perform + [(musician+bard) lvl/2]
Level 4: bonus feat
Level 5: bonus feat
Roar: Does 1d12 damage per Level of bard+Musician to an area of song if the unti fails a will save of DC ( DC same as legendary curse song +1) May be used once per day if the unit passes a will save the unit may not come within 10' of the caster
Level 6: Enhanced Music: (pick a bard spell) may use this spell twice per day
Level 7: Enhanced music2: ( picks another bard spell)
Level8 : enhanced music3: ( picks another spell )
Level 9: Mystic Lore: Auto Success on Identification
Level 10: Mystic Lore Level 2: May use any magic device regardless of class
Epic progression: Level 11: Unsilenced: immune to silence
Level 12: Magic Writing: Once per day makes an unsellable scroll for 100 EXp and 250 gold of his current song ability usable by anyone
Level 13: Song Writing: Adds Musician Level to Bard Level when calculating bard Spells When Not using Enhanced Music
Every 2 lvls Bonus feat:Great charisma
Every 3 lvls Enhanced music level +
Every 4 Levels a + 5 modifer to perform is added
Bonus feats:
Song of Heart: heals all units in song range by 1d2 Per musican Level Thrice per day
Song of Hell: Deals 2d12 fire damage and 1d12 negetive energy damage to all units in song rnage once per day no save
Amazing Show : +5 to perform Per level of feat ( may be taken 3 times )
Screech: deafens all units in song range no save
I thought bard needed a prestiege class to call their own ^_^
tell me how you guys like it
I'll KILL to have that class on WSE. The bonus feats are a tad lame though. They won't faze anything the same level of the musician.
And because I don't wanna wait on Toss to think of a class,I throw this one into the competition.
Prerequisite: Weapon Focus(spear),BAB 8,Heavy Armor Prof
BAB Progress: Like a Fighter
Skills: Fighterish skills+Animal Empathy as a cross-class skill,2+int mod.
Saves: 1 fort/2 levels,1 reflex/3 levels,1 will/3 levels
The juicy stuff: Feats!
Call: No dragoon is complete without a trusty wyvern sidekick. This summons a wyvern mount the dragoon can ride until it either dies or its time expires. Upon gaining the dragoon's first level,the dragoon can choose the color of the wyvern. The wyvern has 30 HP+5 per Dragoon level and lasts 1 turn per Dragoon level. While on said wyvern,only multi-target spells will injure the Dragoon as the wyvern takes the damage for him. He also gains +2 AB and the move speed of a hasted person,and other feats require the wyvern to be used. OBVIOUSLY this is gained at level 1,and can only be used once a day.
Wyvern Bonus: Special bonus for the wyvern at 2,5,and 8.
Lance Mastery: The dragoon gains +2 AB and damage while wielding his spear on the wyvern at 3.
Dragon Spirit: The dragoon gains +2 to any save VS death at 4 and 8.
Wyvern Crash: The wyvern charges forward making a melee touch attack. If it hits,the wyvern causes 5d6 damage and knocks down the target. Gained at 6,once per day till 10,where it can be used twice.
Lance Expertise: The dragoon no longer needs two hands to wield his spear. If his offhand is free,he gets the bonus,but he can choose to equip any one-hand weapon or shield. Gained at 7.
Invoke Breath Weapon: Seeing as how the wyvern is a dragon itself,it can use its breath weapon against the enemy. The dragoon's level is used for determining damage. Gained at 9,once a day.
Dragon Stab: At 10,the wyvern and dragoon act in perfect coordination,such that once a day,the dragoon can attempt a extreme thrust attack,adding (Str mod)d4 damage to his attack and gaining +2 AB.
Wyvern Bonuses:
Wyvern Toughness: +6 HP instead of +5.
Wyvern Armor: Gives -/1 DR. Can be taken 3 times.
Wyvern Empathy: Adds +1 HP per point in Animal Empathy.
Draconic Luck: Defensive Roll is gained for the wyvern.
Wyvern Mastery: +1 AB. Can be taken up to 3 times.
Wyvern Haste: The move speed increases by 33%. Can be taken up to 3 times.
Wing Blast: An extra feat that allows the dragoon to once a day use Gust of Wind.
Aerial Superiority: +2 damage/AB to other mounted dragoons.
Awe: Generates its own weakened fear aura.
Epic Stuff:
Wyvern HP still increases.
Bonuses every 3rd level.
I thought of a regular horseback rider. Then I thought of a dragon. Tada.
Felonious Monk
07-14-2006, 11:43 PM
@Halfwing: Lordy be! That's one overpowered sucker. I think I'd choose that over RDD.
@JYAP: Wyverns don't have breath attacks, but they have stingers. And Toss is away somewhere, remember?
He is? Oh. Darn.
You could go ahead and rate every class we make now.
07-15-2006, 12:50 PM
Oh monk what exactly is overpowered by the song of heart i didnt say heals all allies i said heal ALL units and i meant all OTHER units as as the legendary curse song is a will save its MIND AFFECTING meaning a protection against mind affecting would just null the curse song damage
song of hell also affect all other units allies included and to make you guys happy ill have lvl 20 bard be the REQ so its an epic prestiege class ^_^ seem more fair now everything but the lvl 20 bard req was just noted what i meant and the req was the only change oh and charisma of 23 is also needed
And on to me 2nd class i have drooled over
Mist Conjurer
Reqs: Ability to cast lvl 3 Arcane spells OR Ability to cast lvl 3 divine spells and magic and water domain
Lvl1: Mist: once per day supernatural ability to cause a fog to appear around him givning him 15% conceal +5% per other Level of Mist Conjurerer Lasts 4 rounds
Lvl2: Dense Fog: Super natural Ability Once per day to cast a 10' Radius Cloud of dense fog which upon entering the unit must make a will save of DC 10+ lvl of mist conjurer or become blind and once per three round inside the cloud must make a fortitude save of DC10+lvl of mist conjurer or be "drowned"(see spell Drown)
lvl3: Fogged mind: Mist conjurer gains a permanant 1d12 HD instead of his 1d4 HD along with +1 HP per lvl (similiar to toughness but stacks) and may not increase his intellegence above 10 if it is above 10 it is reduced to 10
lvl4: Summon Mist Elemental: Summons a mist elemental that deals 1d20 damage with a considered +20 enhancement for dealing with damage reduction as he is made mist and can seep through stone and shields alike also had a on hit dispel touch for DC of 10+lvl of Mist Conjurerer also gains 100% immunity to piecing and slashing damage
lvl5: Misty Sight: Becomes permanantly blind of anythign beyond 10' but gains a bonus +5 dodge ac and the ability to cast invisability thrice per day as a supernatural ability
lvl6: Condense Mist: may once per day shun all of his abilities as mist conjurerer for 10 rounds to gain the benefits of a sorcerer of Mist conjurerer+sorc lvl counts as a rest for regaining spells
lvl7: Misted Body: his body becomes that of mist gaining 100% immunity to piercing and slashing only while equipping NO armor shields cloaks amulets rings or helms or boots also gains the weapons of the mist elemental when using fists ( Overriding any monk things )
lvl8: Mist Sight: Gains sight of the area of his mist spells when they are cast and may cast spells into those areas regardless of range
lvl9: Enhanced Mist: adds 3 to the DC of Dense Fog and may cast mist twice per day
lvl 10: Become Mist: May cast invisibility infinite number of times per day and may cast haste once per day gains + 20 to hide and MS and gains the AB of a monk of equivilent Level when using fists
Epic Progression: every 3 lvls gains +1 dodge ac bonus
Every 4 lvls gains +1 to dc of all mist related DC's
Every 5 lvls gains + 1 ab when using fists
Lvl 30: Affinity: may cast 2 spells of every level of sorcerer spell only when casting into mist
Maybe to help get the point across to Halfwing that his classes are overpowered,I should nitpick at some stuff.
No BAB? Dude,a pure WIZARD has some BAB.
Dense Fog ****s over anything with a pathetic fort save(rogues,wizards,sorcs and such). And I'm not sure if supernatural abilities are subject to stuff like Spell Mantle. If not,this class can kill a whole horde of people with this skill alone.
Fogged Mind is just plain ridiculous. With that,the Conjurer suddenly gives Fighters and Rangers a run for their money in HP. While it would drop fast due to no DR whatsoever,it still gives the Conjurer an edge over other casters. The Int=10 clause limits the support spells,making the only practical option for any spells at all to go Cleric/Conjurer seeing as how you get no sorc levels and wizard is just plain out. And really,at least Wisdom increases your will save. Charisma does diddly squat.
Summon Mist Elemental just takes the cake for overpoweredness. 1d20 damage? Ignoring all DR? Dispel on hit? Immune to slash and pierce(which about 90% of all melee classes use since blunt weapons aren't too hot)? Come on buddy. Get serious.
I gotta wonder how blinding yourself gives you +5 AC. If anything,Misty Sight should subtract Dodge AC,not add it. The ability doesn't make sense.
Condense Mist won't do anything useful. You still only get level 3 sorc spells unless you learn spells as you level in Conjurer.
Misted Body? Oh Good Lord,imagine the multiclass potential of this class now. I can see it now: 5 Cleric/7 Conjurer/8 Monk. It'll murder any melee simply cause nothing physical can hurt it.
Mist Sight is actually quite innovative. However,the location of the mist won't matter if you can't click on it cause it's off-screen.
Ok,so Dense Fog is already murder to non-melee classes. Then you throw in Enhanced Mist. Anything that doesn't have a good fort save dies,which is everyone that can actually HURT the Conjurer.
Become Mist throws my earlier multiclass plan out the window. Drop 3 levels in Monk for 3 in Conjurer and voila! You have a monster that decimates everything! Plus between dense fog and invisibility,nothing can hurt you. Nothing.
Affinity comes too late to be useful. At that level,a pair of spells from any level won't do too much. Not like you need it,what with all the invis,hide/MS bonuses,and pierce/slash immunity.
Overall: The class,while creative and interesting,is just too plain overpowered. Dense Fog and Misted Body murders everything. I'd give it a 2.5/10.
And while I'm at it...
Prerequisite: Level 3 arcane spells,choose Enchantment as your school of focus(so you pretty much need 5 wizard),Spell Focus(Enchantment)
BAB: Like wizard.
Saves: Wizard.
Skills: WIZARD!
Anything else I missed: Wizard.
Bonus: The Enchanter's levels count as Wizard levels when casting any Enchantment spells. The Enchanter also can select 2 Enchantment spells per level from his current spell levels and gains spell levels like a wizard.
Animate: Even though this was voted as EQ's worst pet,I think it's cool. This skill allows you to animate 1 weapon and 1 shield(or 1 two-handed weapon)once a day as a pet. The floating weapon has a HD of 1d8 and the AB of a fighter of the same level of the Enchanter's total character levels. It gains levels along with the Enchanter,and Wizard levels also count when determining its HD. Obviously gained at 1.
Elemental Enchant: At 2,the Enchanter can enchant a weapon with 1d4 elemental damage. It goes up to 1d6 at 4,1d8 at 6,1d10 at 8,and 1d12 at 10. May be used once per level and does NOT stack. Lasts for 1 turn per Enchanter level.
Greater Dominate: At 3,the DC of Dominate (whatever) goes up by 5. It's not that overpowering since it has sucky DC to begin with.
Greater Enchant: At 5,the Enchanter can add +1 to any weapon. Unlike other spells,this one stacks with the current enchantment bonus. Increases to +2 at 8.
Enchant Armor: At 7,the Enchanter can add +1 Natural AC to any armor and shield(if applicable). It increases to +2 at 10.
Greater Animate: At 9,the Enchanter can animate another weapon/shield.
Animate Expertise: At 10,the animated weapons gain Weapon Focus,Specialty,and Improved Critical.
Epic Bonuses:
Another animated weapon at 15,and again at 25.
At 19,the animated weapons get Epic Focus and Specialty.
At 15,the DC of Dominate (whatever) goes up by 3,and again at 23.
At 11,the Enchanter can enchant weapons with divine,positive energy,negative energy,and magical damage.
Basically a support class. The animated weapons can tank,and the Dominate (whatever) spell can be used to get an extra meatshield.
Felonious Monk
07-15-2006, 07:30 PM
I'm not very good at ranking things on their own, but I can compare them to each other with no problem. If you two want to have a contest, bring out your best and brightest and we'll see how they stack up.
The Musician is overpowered because:
1) It has a permanent bard song at increased effectiveness.
2) It has medium BAB.
3) It has 2 good saves.
4) It gets 3 bonus feats.
5) Only the damage from Legendary Curse Song has a save, and the DC is potentially very high.
6) Roar is is better than an epic spell.
7) Mystic Lore 1 and 2 make two skills completely useless, one of them arguably the best skill in DnD.
8) At level 13 it gets full caster progression.
9) It gets +1 CHA every 2 epic levels!
10) Immunity to silence at 11.
The epic "feats" are actually really tame. Roar kicks Song of Hell's ass all over the place and Song of the Heart is never going to be better than a scroll of Mass Heal, especially since it heals your enemies too. Screech would be awesome if it didn't make the songs completely useless.
EDIT: I meant to mention that, while a BAB progression of 0 is indeed very unorthodox, it has precedent in the Survivalist class. Still, it doesn't make much of a difference when trying to balance a caster class compared to the standard 1/2 BAB.
07-16-2006, 12:05 AM
Maybe to help get the point across to Halfwing that his classes are overpowered,I should nitpick at some stuff.
1No BAB? Dude,a pure WIZARD has some BAB.
2Dense Fog ****s over anything with a pathetic fort save(rogues,wizards,sorcs and such). And I'm not sure if supernatural abilities are subject to stuff like Spell Mantle. If not,this class can kill a whole horde of people with this skill alone.
3Fogged Mind is just plain ridiculous. With that,the Conjurer suddenly gives Fighters and Rangers a run for their money in HP. While it would drop fast due to no DR whatsoever,it still gives the Conjurer an edge over other casters. The Int=10 clause limits the support spells,making the only practical option for any spells at all to go Cleric/Conjurer seeing as how you get no sorc levels and wizard is just plain out. And really,at least Wisdom increases your will save. Charisma does diddly squat.
4Summon Mist Elemental just takes the cake for overpoweredness. 1d20 damage? Ignoring all DR? Dispel on hit? Immune to slash and pierce(which about 90% of all melee classes use since blunt weapons aren't too hot)? Come on buddy. Get serious.
5I gotta wonder how blinding yourself gives you +5 AC. If anything,Misty Sight should subtract Dodge AC,not add it. The ability doesn't make sense.
6Condense Mist won't do anything useful. You still only get level 3 sorc spells unless you learn spells as you level in Conjurer.
7Misted Body? Oh Good Lord,imagine the multiclass potential of this class now. I can see it now: 5 Cleric/7 Conjurer/8 Monk. It'll murder any melee simply cause nothing physical can hurt it.
8Mist Sight is actually quite innovative. However,the location of the mist won't matter if you can't click on it cause it's off-screen.
9ok,so Dense Fog is already murder to non-melee classes. Then you throw in Enhanced Mist. Anything that doesn't have a good fort save dies,which is everyone that can actually HURT the Conjurer.
10Become Mist throws my earlier multiclass plan out the window. Drop 3 levels in Monk for 3 in Conjurer and voila! You have a monster that decimates everything! Plus between dense fog and invisibility,nothing can hurt you. Nothing.
11Affinity comes too late to be useful. At that level,a pair of spells from any level won't do too much. Not like you need it,what with all the invis,hide/MS bonuses,and pierce/slash immunity.
Overall: The class,while creative and interesting,is just too plain overpowered. Dense Fog and Misted Body murders everything. I'd give it a 2.5/10.
now you have noticed i have added numbers so his many and assorted whines
now for some cheese:
1. slightly balanced out the misted body feat and also to require a reduced exp gain by multiclassing more
2. this class was meant as a counter to wizards and sorcerers and sneaky little hobbitses as thus it uses thoose abilities as the DC for dense fog can not be more than 40 at an epic level of 40 now what epic charactor do you know of has the ability to blindly stumble into a fog where he wcould clearly use a dispel or gust of wind ability to clear it outright along with the fact epic charctors also have in thier greasy fingers rings and amulets and things to increase thier saves ive seen a lvl 40 wizard buffed up at 38 FORT by just going through the campaign of HOTU.
and 10% chance to have the equiv of dorwn casted on you which is yet ANOTHER save somehow doesnt seem to look me in the eye as a beast
3. yes well with this i shall show you an display of duh's over to your left the RDD over to your right the paladin in the middle yous ee a sorcerer which minds them togetehr to gain amazing saves and huge ab immunity to elements and most disabling spells large hp
4. the elemental has 1 hp i forget to mention :) one attack from thy fists is enough to send it banished to another plane
5. have you even SEEN the movie daredevil they guy can DODGE
6. now this is used to convert yourself into a sorcerer/wizard of the same level for serious casting which is what sits meant as in when you use this you are a lvl X sorcerer or wizard
7. yes but you indeed have to rememebr with epic feats giving you the ability to gain +3 AC ( dodge + armor skin ) then thorw in the +5 for sight and you have 18 AC not really a mind blower unless flatfooted then 12 and 18 is without dex bonus assuming 20 dex is a tad much so ill go with 16 21 ac for a lvl 11 unit with shit for ab unless casting true strike and the damage reduction my friend is simple and easy to penetrate. ever play against a rogue without the ability to sneak attack past damage reduction and ever meet the fighter without the ability to at the bare minimum toss his weapon aside and not lose an enormous amount of damage as to reduce his damage to 1d2 now if you have a fighter such as that at lvl 11 i feel it is. or 12 hm anyway at one of those lvls point him out and i shall laugh at his face
8. look at the threa name now look back at m...*punches him in the face* DnD custom classes and not...durrrr nwn classes we are talking about DnD the game with the map and the dice and the rolls and the monsters where anything is possible...
9. just reread this and the current listing and sigh to yourself
10 now really is this that tough to defeat its making a weaker version of the shadow dancer into a mage class oops ?
11. its never to late to be able to cast wail of banchee and other nasty spells far across the battlefield while you are safely hiding behind a door and if you hear the monsters coming then BAM condense and barge out the door and blow them to hell :)
12. your an idiot for bringing these issues up ( i only forgive you for the you know elemental thing i forgot the fact of the 1 hp not being shown )
07-16-2006, 12:13 AM
I'm not very good at ranking things on their own, but I can compare them to each other with no problem. If you two want to have a contest, bring out your best and brightest and we'll see how they stack up.
The Musician is overpowered because:
1) It has a permanent bard song at increased effectiveness.
2) It has medium BAB.
3) It has 2 good saves.
4) It gets 3 bonus feats.
5) Only the damage from Legendary Curse Song has a save, and the DC is potentially very high.
6) Roar is is better than an epic spell.
7) Mystic Lore 1 and 2 make two skills completely useless, one of them arguably the best skill in DnD.
8) At level 13 it gets full caster progression.
9) It gets +1 CHA every 2 epic levels!
10) Immunity to silence at 11.
The epic "feats" are actually really tame. Roar kicks Song of Hell's ass all over the place and Song of the Heart is never going to be better than a scroll of Mass Heal, especially since it heals your enemies too. Screech would be awesome if it didn't make the songs completely useless.
EDIT: I meant to mention that, while a BAB progression of 0 is indeed very unorthodox, it has precedent in the Survivalist class. Still, it doesn't make much of a difference when trying to balance a caster class compared to the standard 1/2 BAB.
.1) thank you for numbering and sorry for double post jyap just needed a whole post to himself or his ego might shrink to the size of the milky way
1. the bard song is only in effect for units inside the songs radius not including the bard himself none of the bards songs affect himself
2. so hes gonna need it
3. see above
4. the three bonus feats are nothign compared the might of the fighter bonus feats? and those span a wider range the bonus feats are similiar to the rogue bonus feats which are including ONLY that list
5.your absolutely right about the DC ill change to to the similar DC of the mist conj 10+ lvl of music
6. correct ill change it to 1d4 per lvl :)
7. forgets to mention they are once per day lasting a turn
8. at lvl 27 fighter/wepmaster gets the ability to fort svae or die with rediculous dc on 50% of attacks but a lvl 26 cannot cast bard spells?
9. yes it does every 2 lvls beyond 10 for a total of +5 charisma considering i changed it to lvl 20 bard req
10. would you have it any other way? imagine a bard that cannot sing? no sir i can not
Before I start countering your counter,I have this to say.
With that out of the way...
1. Meh. At least you're balancing it.
2. It's called damage shield. Rogues are doomed to die to mages because of it,barring EW. And really,the best counter to a mage IS a mage. Meanwhile,all the other guys with low fort choke on the fog and keel over very soon. And no one actually uses Gust of Wind. Granted,the Dragoon could use Wing Blast,but he's not official...yet. Besides,why would a wizard buff up his FORT save when there's Int rings he can use to increase his DC and spell slots instead? If a guy has to go waaaaay out of his way to counter a skill,it's overpowered.
3. The grammar here sucks. Really. Anyhoo,you said it yourself why this one is a bad idea. If he's got the saves,the HP,the immunity,and spell-casting ability,all at level 8,then I'm pretty sure it's overpowered. There's good reason why Wandera couldn't nail Bodom: low HP. Wandera had the saves,the spell casting,some immunities-but low HP. Thus,1 Bigby later,and Bodom has scored again.
4. And yet no one is going to deequip their weapon in the mist of battle just to punch the guy,especially if he's being flanked.
5. Daredevil has enhanced senses all around. He hears better,smells better,etc. All you did was make your guy blind but leave the other senses normal. I wonder how Daredevil would fare against WSE...
6. You don't have any spells of said level. Sorc can't use scrolls to learn spells and wizard can't use them after Fogged Mind. From what you gave me,you don't learn any new spells as you level in Conjurer.
7. Your preferences are null when deciding what is balanced and what isn't. 100% immunity to ANYTHING is overpowered. Yes,RDD is overpowered. How many mages cast Fireball? But two 100% immunities? AC means squat if you can't be hurt. Oddly enough,you made the class powerful against mages and rogues,but you left it very vulnerable to the one true magekiller: THE MONK. Still,if only one class has a good chance of killing this,I think it's,gasp,overpowered.
8. You rolled a 1. I roll a 20,then roll max damage on my shotgun. (BLAM!) Insanity aside,you have ONE shot of Mist. Gaining vision over that one cloud of Mist won't help win fights. "but what about other mist spells?" you say? What spells? You can't cast them cause A: Your Int is 10,or B: You don't know any.
9. The max DC is 43 you twit. Add properly unless you're saying the DC stops increasing at 27 Conjurer. And yes,I did sigh at how you're blind to the cheesiness of this class.
10. Weaker? WEAKER? WEAKER?!? This is anything BUT weaker! This is insanely overpowered and you're calling it a WEAKER version of a SD? The SD has nothing on this! SD doesn't get 100% immune to pierce and slash,infinite invis,haste(unless it's from gear),and the ability to deal 90% HP damage to anything with low fort! (breathes in,breathes out) Whew.
11. In competitive PvP level 30 is indeed too late. Lack of DC means anyone can resist it easily. Mages can simply block it with Mantle,Clerics get Death Ward,Rogues can get Slippery Mind and some will save feats,Monks are pretty much immune,most melee classes have some gear that will boost will save by now,Barbarian can Rage,and so on. One Wail doesn't mean a whole lot at 30.
12. Really,which person is the idiot: The one who makes an incredibly overpowered class or the one who sees it for what it truly is?
07-16-2006, 11:55 AM
~thinks for a moment~
~big lightbulb appears over head, which goes out shortly after~
~replaces batteries, lightbulb lights up again~
I got it! For our countless CSer problems...
No man could ever escape the Findsman's wrath. The Findsman employs the use of magic, archery, and the talent that comes naturally to a Bard. With the use of refined spells and the like, the Findsman has no trouble dealing with pesky rogues, etc.
Well, enough about that. THE CLASS!
Skill Points per level: See Bard.
Skills available: See Bard, in addition to Listen/Spot.
Feats: The Findsman gains 1 Bonus feat every 3 levels.
Hit dice: d6
Saving Throws: Fortitude Weak, Reflex Medium, Will Medium
Bard 4
Listen 10 ranks, Spot 10 ranks
Feats: Point Blank Shot
Arcane Spellcasting: Level 2
BAB Progression: See Bard.
The Findsman gains the following abilities on said levels:
1 - Findereyes: The Findsman gains an innate +10 bonus to Listen/Spot checks.
2 - Improved Web: The Findsman may, as a standard action, cast an improved version of Web that has a DC of 20 + 1 per level of Findsman (to a maximum of 27). 1 use per day.
4 - Improved Slow: The Findsman may, as a standard action, cast an improved version of Slow that has a DC of 18 + 1 per caster level (to a maximum of 24). 1 use per day.
5 - Auto-Counter: When attacked, the Findsman automatically reacts with attacks of his or her own until the enemy is killed/leaves combat.
6 - Greater Findereyes: The Findsman gains an innate +15 bonus to Listen/Spot which replaces the bonus given by Findereyes.
8 - Field of Slow: The Findsman may, as a standard action, cast a version of Slow which affects everyone within a 40-meter radius of himself, hidden or not, with a DC of 20 + 1 per caster level (to a maximum of 22).
10 - 10-second sight: When engaging an enemy, if that enemy flees and goes into Stealth mode, the Findsman can detect him or her for 10 seconds. After that 10 seconds, the enemy is no longer visible to the Findsman unless he or she succeeds at a Listen/Spot check.
07-16-2006, 01:09 PM
Before I start countering your counter,I have this to say.
With that out of the way...
1. Meh. At least you're balancing it.
2. It's called damage shield. Rogues are doomed to die to mages because of it,barring EW. And really,the best counter to a mage IS a mage. Meanwhile,all the other guys with low fort choke on the fog and keel over very soon. And no one actually uses Gust of Wind. Granted,the Dragoon could use Wing Blast,but he's not official...yet. Besides,why would a wizard buff up his FORT save when there's Int rings he can use to increase his DC and spell slots instead? If a guy has to go waaaaay out of his way to counter a skill,it's overpowered.
3. The grammar here sucks. Really. Anyhoo,you said it yourself why this one is a bad idea. If he's got the saves,the HP,the immunity,and spell-casting ability,all at level 8,then I'm pretty sure it's overpowered. There's good reason why Wandera couldn't nail Bodom: low HP. Wandera had the saves,the spell casting,some immunities-but low HP. Thus,1 Bigby later,and Bodom has scored again.
4. And yet no one is going to deequip their weapon in the mist of battle just to punch the guy,especially if he's being flanked.
5. Daredevil has enhanced senses all around. He hears better,smells better,etc. All you did was make your guy blind but leave the other senses normal. I wonder how Daredevil would fare against WSE...
6. You don't have any spells of said level. Sorc can't use scrolls to learn spells and wizard can't use them after Fogged Mind. From what you gave me,you don't learn any new spells as you level in Conjurer.
7. Your preferences are null when deciding what is balanced and what isn't. 100% immunity to ANYTHING is overpowered. Yes,RDD is overpowered. How many mages cast Fireball? But two 100% immunities? AC means squat if you can't be hurt. Oddly enough,you made the class powerful against mages and rogues,but you left it very vulnerable to the one true magekiller: THE MONK. Still,if only one class has a good chance of killing this,I think it's,gasp,overpowered.
8. You rolled a 1. I roll a 20,then roll max damage on my shotgun. (BLAM!) Insanity aside,you have ONE shot of Mist. Gaining vision over that one cloud of Mist won't help win fights. "but what about other mist spells?" you say? What spells? You can't cast them cause A: Your Int is 10,or B: You don't know any.
9. The max DC is 43 you twit. Add properly unless you're saying the DC stops increasing at 27 Conjurer. And yes,I did sigh at how you're blind to the cheesiness of this class.
10. Weaker? WEAKER? WEAKER?!? This is anything BUT weaker! This is insanely overpowered and you're calling it a WEAKER version of a SD? The SD has nothing on this! SD doesn't get 100% immune to pierce and slash,infinite invis,haste(unless it's from gear),and the ability to deal 90% HP damage to anything with low fort! (breathes in,breathes out) Whew.
11. In competitive PvP level 30 is indeed too late. Lack of DC means anyone can resist it easily. Mages can simply block it with Mantle,Clerics get Death Ward,Rogues can get Slippery Mind and some will save feats,Monks are pretty much immune,most melee classes have some gear that will boost will save by now,Barbarian can Rage,and so on. One Wail doesn't mean a whole lot at 30.
12. Really,which person is the idiot: The one who makes an incredibly overpowered class or the one who sees it for what it truly is?
*sniffs the bullshit and moves on*
1. yes i am
2. its called you said it yourself its pointless to count damage shields because the mist conj cannot cast high lvl spells right this techinally would not be a mage though this is a prestiege class that specifcally targets a certain ability of a mage so according to you the best counter to a lvl 16 sorc is a lvl 6 wizard lvl 10 pale master brilliant my friend brilliant...
3. to gain spell casting ability equal to a wizard or sorcerer of same lvl he has to lose all of his benefits....the hp the saves the immunity..he becomes a naked spellcaster now nakes spellcasting to me doesnt seem imba but maybe i shoudl try it
4. your trying to tell me after 4 rounds of being hammered at dealing no damage ur not going to either A equip a mace hammer staff flail ect or deequip your wqeapon for a single round to avoid taking 1d20 damage every round? then my friend you have a dumb player
5. where do you think the 5 dodge ac comes from...enhances senses though if your happy ill change this to +5 dodge ac while in mist okay?
6. um then again as a DnD charactor you will have picked this spells as you go along knowing this was in store for you.
7. this class is meant to travel dungeons and kill liches and rashasa's and dragons as the main enemy to his allies mages though being able to kill mages pvp kills though you must think a rogue bypasses immunity with the sneak attack and this guy is blind... thus continually sneak attacked every attack
a druid can absolutely kill this class a cleric can a paladin can a ranger can a monk can a fighter can oh lord can a barbarian a bard easily can they gain +4 or 5 damage bludgeoning damage per hit no matter what weapon they use so an arcane archer mixed with bard can deal damage and the mist conj wouldnt know where the arrows were coming form let along the imbued arrows ice storms and misc other spells lets see it kills mages and um umm umm pure archers thats it in pvp
8. fog is mist myfriend only more packed....and dense
9. how is the max dc 43 when the DC is 10+ lvl of conj...... max would be 40 no other modifers apply to adding the DC after all this is a prestiege class and this cannot go epic until u hit 20..... 10+20 lvls of epic = 30 10+30=40 40 max dc
10. i meant this ability is a weaker version of SD yes the immunities are strong but a SD gains a shadow ( similiar to mist ele only stronger ) shadow evade ( similiar to the immunity and ac bonus's ( WHAA BUTS ITS CASTABLE ) also castable 3 times a day and how often to you fight 3 battles spaces far out without resting the HIPS is similiar to the infinite casting of invis only HIPS is instant and invis must wait 6 or when hasted 3 seconds to disappear and even still you may be silenced or broke in concentration.... and casting haste once per day just makes up for the lack of gear this guy has. adding 4 ac and haste really nt much but making this class bearable to use
11. in competitive PVP would you honestly use this class......besides horrid wilting and meteor storm and being able to summon a blade blade of disaster into a cloud to kill enemies this ability does not do much else but previde buffs for yourself to try and defend yourself even so the buffs would be immunsely underpowered now wouldnt they a damage shield dealing 1d6+5 damage on hit can be ignored by most people even three damag eshields dealing a combine 1d4 + 1d6 +1d8 ++12 damage for 5 rounds can be ignored by the hearty or just sat around because this bastard is blind and wait for them to wear off...
12. i didnt mentiont his earlier but i think i will have no sense of balance your idea of balance is being able to summon 5 or so on hit paralyze summons but anyway gust of wind is a powerful spell indeed if your mage doesnt have it then you are doomed an aoe KD spell using fort saves slaughters the mages and rogues comign to kill u also instantly dispelling any aoe persistant spells weakens peoples ability to set the crawl on you ( the crawl in case you do not know is the combination of entangle grease hamper movement hold person crawling doom forgets thje name of the spell but the 1d4 damage every round and if u fail reflex save u lose 50% movement u get 3% movementspeed and then take ( assuming the duration of the spells 6 rounds ) 6d4 +21d6 damage along with casting spells at you is a nasty idea of druids capabilty against mages a high powered druid can simply just get spell def abjur and ur dispels will not work.
Your grammar still sucks. At LEAST capitalize the start of your sentences.
1. Ok. Good.
2. When you tell me where I said this class was a mage(and it ain't),I'll submit this point. A 6 wiz/10 PM is NOT a mage. He has some casting ability but really isn't too great a mage.
3. Eh. I guess it's fine then.
4. I'll address this later.
5. You just stated that the guy's blind. You didn't say anything else. Hence why the ability didn't make sense.
6. Ok. You got level 3 spells. Good job-wait. Level 3 won't do a whole lot later on.
7. Liches probably won't get themselves drowned. Rakshasa should have competant fortitude saves. And dragons? You're kidding.
Although now that I think about it,this class would suck for PvP once everyone is aware of its skills...
8. Nothing makes fog to my knowledge.
9. 30 Conj levels=40 DC. Enhanced Mist=43 DC.
10. It's a proven fact shadow pets suck.
11. Most good PvP servers don't let you hit epic very fast,if at all.
12. At least I can accept it when I'm wrong. Your arrogance is astounding. And I was wrong about this class. It's not overpowered besides the Dense Fog skill. In PvP,this class will earn the ire of everyone.
Conjurer: (poofs into arena)
Guy: Conjurer! Everyone get your bludgeon weapons!
Everyone: (pull out slings,warhammers,and maces)
Conjurer: Oh shi-(murdered)
Guy: Ok,he's dead. Resume regular operation.
The scary thing is,you make your class so underpowered it looks overpowered. And what about the mist elemental? He'd probably be killed by a stray bullet. The "crawl" as you call it,is painfully inefficient. The spell duration would take a hit as you're casting all those spells,which you are somehow getting off without being interrupted. Besides,the target can move out of the way after the first two spells.
So,I guess I was wrong on my first impression. Wasn't so overpowered. You still need to listen and take criticism without going berserk though.
And since I beat Monk to it,I'll check over Toss's class myself.
07-16-2006, 09:00 PM
...Must reclaim Blizzard from the icy grips of Pay2Play!
~sets off with rusty sword~
Felonious Monk
07-16-2006, 11:21 PM
.1) thank you for numbering and sorry for double post jyap just needed a whole post to himself or his ego might shrink to the size of the milky way
1. the bard song is only in effect for units inside the songs radius not including the bard himself none of the bards songs affect himself
2. so hes gonna need it
3. see above
4. the three bonus feats are nothign compared the might of the fighter bonus feats? and those span a wider range the bonus feats are similiar to the rogue bonus feats which are including ONLY that list
5.your absolutely right about the DC ill change to to the similar DC of the mist conj 10+ lvl of music
6. correct ill change it to 1d4 per lvl :)
7. forgets to mention they are once per day lasting a turn
8. at lvl 27 fighter/wepmaster gets the ability to fort svae or die with rediculous dc on 50% of attacks but a lvl 26 cannot cast bard spells?
9. yes it does every 2 lvls beyond 10 for a total of +5 charisma considering i changed it to lvl 20 bard req
10. would you have it any other way? imagine a bard that cannot sing? no sir i can not
No prob. I'm kinda anal like that anyway.
1-3) Fair enough.
4) Yeah, but bonus feats are the only thing special that a fighter has. They can't cast spells or rage or sneak attack or sing, all they have are feats.
5-7) Fair enough.
8) They don't automatically get it, they have to earn it by burning lots of feats and meeting the STR prereq. Even then it only works on certain enemies, has to actually hit, and the chance of success is never 55%. The best it can be is 30.25%. That's assuming it isn't banned outright. Full caster progression is reserved for classes that don't give much else in terms of class abilities, such as the Eldritch Knight or Mystic Theurge.
9) Yeah, but you changed the bard level prereq after I said it was overpowered. :P
10) But Silence is the only possible countermeasure to the effects of the Legendary Songs. It's like saying a mage all of a sudden is immune to dispelling.
Please, let's try to keep criticism constructive and the ad hominem rare. Save the personal attacks for the other topics.
So is that Airlord vs. Findsman then?
Evil sister claimed her turn on the comp before I finished this.
Unfortunately I'm lazy so I'm just gonna do a brief view over everything instead of something in-depth like before.
Improved Web and Slow are murderous on everyone. Access to DC 20 stuff at level 6 VS other level 6s? I know you intended to make this anti-CS,but this is ridiculous. -1.5 points for you.
So if Auto-Counter works the way I think it does,the Findsman can fight with 4 people at the same time. Clarify please: Does it mean if he is hit while idle he retaliates,or does it mean he hits back when he's been hit by anyone regardless of what he's doing? If it's the latter,-1 point.
Field of Slow is quite innovative.
-1 point for not being able to fight well. Let's face it: all he does is find people. He has nothing to aid him in actually killing those tricksy hobbitses as Halfwing likes to put it. 4 levels in Bard gives him a mediocre song and not enough time to develop other combat feats.
Overall: I like the idea of the class,but he can't really fight. He might spot those CSers but he's not gonna kill them solo. On the other hand,with backup,Improved Web/Slow turns into a deathtrap for any melee,considering it uses reflex and will saves appropriately,and I need verification on Auto-Counter. He gets a 7.5(6.5 if Auto Counter works how I think it does).
It could be Airlord VS Findsman. But go ahead and rate Dragoon and Enchanter as well if that's not much of a hassle. I have an idea for a Chemist class but I'll put him on hold till you finish rating.
07-17-2006, 08:38 AM
Yeah. The thing you need to do with it is hit him with Imp. Web/Slow and shoot him to death/heal when needed. Maybe I'll lower the DC.
07-17-2006, 08:42 AM
woah this was orginally a post of a half completed list replying back to jyap and i dunno how it got posted .... im sorry for the double O.o
07-17-2006, 08:46 AM
Your grammar still sucks. At LEAST capitalize the start of your sentences.
1. Ok. Good.
2. When you tell me where I said this class was a mage(and it ain't),I'll submit this point. A 6 wiz/10 PM is NOT a mage. He has some casting ability but really isn't too great a mage.
3. Eh. I guess it's fine then.
4. I'll address this later.
5. You just stated that the guy's blind. You didn't say anything else. Hence why the ability didn't make sense.
6. Ok. You got level 3 spells. Good job-wait. Level 3 won't do a whole lot later on.
7. Liches probably won't get themselves drowned. Rakshasa should have competant fortitude saves. And dragons? You're kidding.
Although now that I think about it,this class would suck for PvP once everyone is aware of its skills...
8. Nothing makes fog to my knowledge.
9. 30 Conj levels=40 DC. Enhanced Mist=43 DC.
10. It's a proven fact shadow pets suck.
11. Most good PvP servers don't let you hit epic very fast,if at all.
12. At least I can accept it when I'm wrong. Your arrogance is astounding. And I was wrong about this class. It's not overpowered besides the Dense Fog skill. In PvP,this class will earn the ire of everyone.
Conjurer: (poofs into arena)
Guy: Conjurer! Everyone get your bludgeon weapons!
Everyone: (pull out slings,warhammers,and maces)
Conjurer: Oh shi-(murdered)
Guy: Ok,he's dead. Resume regular operation.
The scary thing is,you make your class so underpowered it looks overpowered. And what about the mist elemental? He'd probably be killed by a stray bullet. The "crawl" as you call it,is painfully inefficient. The spell duration would take a hit as you're casting all those spells,which you are somehow getting off without being interrupted. Besides,the target can move out of the way after the first two spells.
So,I guess I was wrong on my first impression. Wasn't so overpowered. You still need to listen and take criticism without going berserk though.
And since I beat Monk to it,I'll check over Toss's class myself.
1. doesnt need response
2 And really,the best counter to a mage IS a mage. for that to even APPPLY to my class you would have to assume oneof thsoe two object ( mage or mage ) is my class
3. see #1
4. see #1
5. see #1
6. i meant you pick spell for your whole progression as sorcerer :/ 1-9 knowing you have teh ability to turn into it
7. your saying the on hit dispel grants by elemental and fists ist goign to take down a lich? and how would a dragon deal with immunity to his 2 most powerful attacks onlythign left is his third weaker attack 1d10+10 damage and he uses that 10% of time and then try hitting me with 90% conseal while i hammer with with horrid wiltings ( X2) and missle storms and missiles as for rhasasa the um... up to 90% conceal for standing in mist is gonna ruin a rhasasa's plans
I'll just counter his 2,6,and 7.
2. I don't have to assume your guy's a mage. When I said that,I did not mean your class.
6. I'm quite interested in your method of gaining level 9 spells at 3. Please,elaborate as to how you do this.
7. Lich has a load of spells he can use. I'm sure among them he's got something to stop you cold. Dragon has fear aura. You run like a little school girl out of your mist. Uh oh,now he sees you. And you're assuming the retarded computer is using the dragon. Anyone BUT the comp and a noob would easily avoid using attacks that you're proof against. Furthermore,how do you get Wilting? I don't know how to get that at such a low level. I don't know too much about Rakshasa so I'll grant you that point.
07-17-2006, 11:37 AM
I'll just counter his 2,6,and 7.
2. I don't have to assume your guy's a mage. When I said that,I did not mean your class.
6. I'm quite interested in your method of gaining level 9 spells at 3. Please,elaborate as to how you do this.
7. Lich has a load of spells he can use. I'm sure among them he's got something to stop you cold. Dragon has fear aura. You run like a little school girl out of your mist. Uh oh,now he sees you. And you're assuming the retarded computer is using the dragon. Anyone BUT the comp and a noob would easily avoid using attacks that you're proof against. Furthermore,how do you get Wilting? I don't know how to get that at such a low level. I don't know too much about Rakshasa so I'll grant you that point.
2 fine
6. well the point was when u pick this class the person was to decide what spells he wants in his alternate form the sorc of same lvl basically as you gain lvled u pick spelled based on the equiv lvl of sorc you still need charisma to cast them when u condense fog but just so your not spellless :)
7. lich: dispeled away his buffs and a lich is nothign more than 2 casts of horrid wilting 3 fireballs a chain lightning and magic missiles all of which can be blocked with a few casts of greater mantle and dragons: deeaaddd elementals = immunityt o fear and dispel n his works on fear aura ive tried :) and fear aura is tiny compared to the fact i can cast form halfway across the map if i set up a mist and rhashasa: immunity to lvl 8 and less spells casts ice storm at range then closes in after a dispel for melee: has a weapon with + 5 enhancement does 1d8+9 bludgeon ( adding enhancement ) and + 20 pierce damage and they always act is groups of 2-4 :) oh oh oh oh and its a epic shifter form u gaina ll those bonus's and ts infinite ice storms and dispels :) anyway affity gives 2 spelsl of every lvl out of ALL sorc spells ^_^
I'm done addressing the Conjurer. Make something else I can chew out. :P
I tried to make a Chemist but I kinda ran out of ideas. Sorry. To make up...
Prerequisite: Set Trap 10,Disable Trap 10,Dex 16+
Skills: Like Ranger.
Skill Points: 4xInt mod
Profs: Since when do most PrCs have profs?
Saves: 1 reflex per level,1 will/fort every 4 levels
Rig Trap: At 1,the Traplord gets a better idea of how traps work. All traps set gain +2 damage. This goes up by +2 more every other level.
Trap Knowledge: At 2,the Traplord can add his Dex bonus to trap damage. He also gains +2 to Set Trap every other level.
Create Trap: At 7,the Traplord can make his own traps without the required materials by using random stuff lying around. This makes a Weak trap and puts it in your inventory. Can be used 5 times a day.
Greater Create Trap: At 10,the trap upgrades to a regular trap.
Trap Mastery: The DC on all traps set by the Traplord goes up by 3.
Nice and simple. Can't go wrong there.
07-17-2006, 04:00 PM
A few notes about the traplord
with slihgtly more knowledge about making custom classes i can make that class exist fairly well the only real issue i have with it is the Dex bonus to trap damage make it intellegence after all its not how fast you set the trap its how well you set it :) besides the feat is trap KNOWLEGDE not NImple trapping or the like.also maybe something increasing area of traps or decreasing setting time
As for chemist wouldnt be that hard *thinks*
Prereq lvl 3 Wizard int 13+ brew potion
all skills ect see wizard
lvl1: Bottle Store: makes an empty potion bottle or grenade weapon twice per day
lvl2: Alchemic Prowess Adds his int modifer to damage with a grenade weapon
lvl3: Poisonous Potions: when used on an enemy forces the enemy to drink a potion dealing 1d8+ int modifierX2 - targets constitution modifier magic damage
lvl4: Springload: May use acid flasks and alchemist fire's to rig "trap" which fire a acid flask or alchemist fire respectively at the target as a ranged trap from the chemists stores ( inventory )with origin of the chemist when the chemist dies his traps run out
lvl5: Adds int modifer/2 to any spell used from a potion
lvl6: Increased stores ( three times per day may use stores ) increased by once per day every 5 levels
lvl7: poison knowledge adds 4 damage to poison potion after modifers are added increaes every 5 levels by 2
lvl8:Springload Upgrade: fires two grenades per trigger upgrades by one every 10 levels
lvl9: Miracle potion: gains the ability to once per day gold make a heal potion
lvl10: Increased alchemic power: adds 1 to the effect of any stat or ac increase and adds 10 to any healing potion upgrade
lvl11: Epic Bottling may place epic spells in a potion for the cost of 2000 exp and 1000 gold
Felonious Monk
07-17-2006, 08:42 PM
I'll have the results later tonight. Right now baby girl and I are playing.
How the hell do you force a guy to drink a poisonous potion with no combat prowess?
Dexterity isn't just speed. It's precision. Knowing what to do is half the job. Actually doing it is the other half. Therefore,dex bonus to traps=reasonable.</logic>
I'd comment more but I gtg now.
Felonious Monk
07-18-2006, 03:10 AM
Pros: well balanced, no bonus feats (bonus feats aren't something you give every class just because you feel like it), elemental themed (Al would love that), Absorb Lightning should have been in the core DnD books
Cons: BAB and saves aren't by the rules; prerequisites are either way too high or way too low (see below); Shock is overpowered w/o save; New Spellbook doesn't make sense; all spells need info on saves, spell level, SR, AoE, etc; the difference between the Super versions of the spells and the Airlord's SLAs are negligible to the point of being within statistical error
Suggestions: The biggest problem is the prerequisites. In the core rulebooks, there are only 3 arcane spells, 3 druid spells, one cleric and one Air domain spell that deal electricity damage. Only wizards, sorcerors, and druids can actually take this class using core spells, and even then they don't meet the requirements until level 11 (wiz), 12 (sorc) or 18 (druid), meaning it isn't possible to take 10 levels pre-epic. Once splat books enter the equation, it's entirely possible to qualify as early as level 3 or so, maybe even level 1. I would probably drop the spell prereq and add Energy Substitution (electricity) and SF:Evo and maybe a couple small things like reflex save.
It should be specified whether the Air Control bonus applies to the class abilities, which I am assuming are SLAs. Penetrate Resistance would be nice as a feat or class ability, maybe reduce DR by 5 points every 3 levels or so (does it affect immunities at all?). Lose New Spellbook. It isn't practical and the only class that even uses spellbooks is wizard.
Findsman (original post)
Pros: I freakin hate CSers, reasonable prerequisites
Cons: no such thing as a "medium" saving throw; how does Findereyes give a listen bonus :P ; Field of Slow description needs uses per day; very much a one-trick-pony and slightly underpowered
Suggestions: Auto-counter could probably use a little clarification. I would either give some caster progression or increase the uses per day of the Findsman's SLAs. Ten second sight should probably be 12-second sight (what with the 6 second rounds and everything), although this would be totally useless in DnD. Honestly, this seems more like a ranger PrC to me.
The verdict: While the Airlord was more imaginative and, well, useful, the technical issues were crippling. The Findsman was well made from a technical standpoint, but it was lacking in good class abilities (three 1/day SLAs, a skill boost, and a couple vague, albeit unique, abilities) and was obviously geared to a special case. I'm going to give this one to JYAP, if only for the reason that it would much easier to fix the rules errors than to find a higher purpose for the Findsman.
I'll rate the other classes tomorrow. I'm tired.
You have to realize this is a caster that's making a touch attack. He's not gonna hit often. You're right though,I should've put a DC on it.
I'm sorry,I don't know what SLA stands for. Please elaborate.
You gotta realize my only knowledge of DnD is NWN. I'm going off that.
Oh well. Victory! So would you rate the next class in line against Toss's next,or do I have to make a new one? If the latter...
Ice Magi
Prerequisite: Level 3 arcane spells,at least one spell that deals cold damage(not too hard to find now,is it?),Spell Focus(Conjuration)
Skills/Skill Points: Wizard.
Saves: Wizard.
Profs: WIZARD!
BAB: Guess.
Other stuff: See above.
Bonus: See Airlord. Now apply to cold spells without the damage boost.
Ice Manipulation: As the name suggests,at 1,the Ice Magi can create,use,bend,(whatever) ice. This lets him select from spells unique to him every other level(including this one). The new spells are treated like sorc spells,so at 1 he can cast 1 spell,at 3 he can cast 2 of the same spell or 1 of each,and so on and so forth.
Adaption: At 2 and every other level,the Ice Magi gains 10% cold resist.
Ice Mastery: At 10,all spells are treated as Empowered,if applicable. The Ice Magi also gains a 10% vulnerability to fire at this level.
List of Spells:
Ice Armor: Creates a suit of armor made of ice around the Magi that grants +3 AC and DR -/20+1 per Magi level. The Magi also gains 50% immunity to cold damage while armored. However,fire and blunt damage will deal double against the armor. Lasts 1 turn per Magi level. The armor takes 60 HP+5 per level damage total.
Icicle Crush: Creates a icicle above the opponent,then sends it crashing down. Does 1d8 cold damage per Magi level and 2d6 piercing damage. DC is 10+Magi level.
Glacier Barrier: Creates a Blade Barrier-length wall of ice at the target location,perpendicular to the caster. The wall has 100+10 per Magi level HP and DR -/5+1 every other Magi level,but fire and blunt do double damage. Lasts 1 turn per level. Useful to block key passages or just to get away. Of course you could cast it four times and create a shell to protect yourself and-oops! I'll shut up now.
Ice Bolt: Flings a sphere of ice at the opponent. Does 1d6 damage every other level of the Magi and if it hits,the target makes a discipline save or gets KDed. If I need a DC for the KD,it's 10+1 per Magi level.
Ice Minion: Makes a man out of ice that fights alongside you. Has 1d12 HP and deals 1d8 cold damage with his longsword of ice. The minion levels with the Magi,and at 7,upgrades his longsword into a bastard sword and gains Weapon Focus. Lasts till killed.
Freeze Aura: Causes cold to be attracted to you,forcing everyone in a 15 foot radius to make a fort save at DC 10+Magi level or be Slowed. The slow lasts 1 turn,the aura,1 turn per level.
Cold Enhancement: Purely a support skill,enhances the target's weapon with 1 point of cold damage per every other Magi level. Works with barefist as well. Lasts 1 turn per level.
Ice Dome: Creates a dome of ice in a 5 foot radius around you. You gain 1 HP regen per every other Magi level. The dome lasts 1 turn. The dome is inpenetrable,but spells such as Fireball will damage you while inside. Since you can't move,you're a sitting duck. And of course the regen goes with the dome.
Icicle Trap: Sets something similiar to Delayed Blast Fireball on the ground. When tripped,causes a icicle to strike the target from below,dealing 1d6 damage per level and 2d8 piercing.
Epic Crud:
You can still get ice spells every other level,and Greater versions,which let you use your Magi level past 10 for whatever.
I like this class personally.
EDIT: DC dropped by 5. Added HP of Ice Armor. Halfwing added to my voodoo doll collection. :angry:
07-18-2006, 12:25 PM
How the hell do you force a guy to drink a poisonous potion with no combat prowess?
Dexterity isn't just speed. It's precision. Knowing what to do is half the job. Actually doing it is the other half. Therefore,dex bonus to traps=reasonable.</logic>
I'd comment more but I gtg now.
Dexterity isnt precision
Dexerity: "skill in handling" ( i doubt it sthe 2nd def because 2nd is right handededness)
intellegence: "the understanding" or"quickness of understanding"
there is one part to setting a trap and thats settling it effectivly assuming you can set a trap knowing how to set it effectively would not be skill in using it it would be understanding of the situation...thus intellegence gets the bonus damage ( besides i have a lvl 40 epic rogue that with an epic trap ( 40d20- damage as it is has a modifer of 28 40d20+28 is adding 2 additional dice which is like taking magic missile a 5 and making it 20(assuming 1d4 dies into 1d20 = 5 missiles :/ (hmmm sounds like 5 spelll level upgrade into missile storm ) so basically what im saying is assassins DC for thier stabbing is int based because they need to know what to do not be able to do it a rogue is able to do it but they dont know how.
name:Escape Artist
Req: Opportunist feat any Non lawful
Skills: 4+int modifier
every 2 levels +1 fort + 1 will + 2 reflex
lvl1 : Escape: twice per day may use escape making the escape arttist undetectable for 1 round but if the escape artist attemts any action other than movement he is spotted
lvl2: iron Filings once per day may throw iron filings at the enemies eyes a Reflex save( imp evasion and evasion do not affect ) if failed causs 1d8 piercing damage and blinds the atrget for 2 rounds
lvl3: Sand: when stealthed may kick sand upwards to create a pseudo darkness effect ( anyone inside cannot see more than 5' in front of them ) lasts 5 rounds castable once per day
lvl4: Masterful Escape: gives a +5 affinity bonus to hide/ms (feat)
lvl5: Tricks of the trade:may cast Blind/deaf once per day
lvl6: Pouches: may use iron filings twice per day
lvl7: Souvenier ( spelling): gains a +10 affinity bonus to pick pocket when using escape ( pick pocket now does not bring you out of escape )
lvl8: obvious escape: Gains speed equal to a hasted monk of same level for 2 rounds
lvl9: Not Guilty: if Kd'd makes a reflex save against a DC of damage dealt to avoid the damage of the KD( makes a second DC against the maximum range of the weapon (greataxe is 12) and the sneak attack damage to avoid a sneak attack when kd'd )
lvl10: Escape Route: automattically triggers a free escape when kd'd more than once in 2 rounds
Epic Progressions gains +1 use of escape every 4 lvls and gains +! use of sand and iron filings every 5 lvls
lvl 15 and lvl 35 are bonus feats pickable from great dex skill focus hide/ms epic skill focus hide/ms epic dodge
Halfwing,the Escape Artist won't escape from Bigby. Nor can he actually fight. Sure,you got 10 levels of rogue behind you,but a 5d6 sneak attack only gets you so far in comparison to the other rogues that went either pure rogue or fighter/rogue.
I have too much classes out there. I'll add another one when one of mine gets rated by Monk.
Well,maybe just this joke class...
Preqs: Either 20 levels in Vesin,or complete lack of knowledge of the game's system.
Skills: Not likely.
Skill Points: -2.7xInt Mod
BAB: He gets BAB?
Saves: 1 fort/reflex per 41 levels,1 will per -1 level.
Stupidity: The n00blar's stats become 3. No matter what,even if a DM gives him exp,he cannot level up. This is at level 1.
Destroy Everyone: At 2,the n00blar can cast DC 99 Finger of Death on everyone as a spell-like ability as many times as he wishes.
Pl-l34R T3l-l l\l00131_4R!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111shift+1
07-18-2006, 06:15 PM
Halfwing,the Escape Artist won't escape from Bigby. Nor can he actually fight. Sure,you got 10 levels of rogue behind you,but a 5d6 sneak attack only gets you so far in comparison to the other rogues that went either pure rogue or fighter/rogue.
I have too much classes out there. I'll add another one when one of mine gets rated by Monk.
oh im sorry did you think that alvl 20 rogue has more of a ahcne againsta bigby spammer than a lvl 10 rogue lvl 10 escape artist if anythign the artist has a better chance ( omg its a mage *escape* )
and he can fight iron filings = dead mage/fighter and sand gets right of pesky rogues :) as for hit and run monks... obvious escape and hunt em down kding fighter spammer u say i think not :)
07-18-2006, 06:27 PM
You have to realize this is a caster that's making a touch attack. He's not gonna hit often. You're right though,I should've put a DC on it.
I'm sorry,I don't know what SLA stands for. Please elaborate.
You gotta realize my only knowledge of DnD is NWN. I'm going off that.
Oh well. Victory! So would you rate the next class in line against Toss's next,or do I have to make a new one? If the latter...
Ice Magi
Prerequisite: Level 3 arcane spells,at least one spell that deals cold damage(not too hard to find now,is it?),Spell Focus(Conjuration)
Skills/Skill Points: Wizard.
Saves: Wizard.
Profs: WIZARD!
BAB: Guess.
Other stuff: See above.
Bonus: See Airlord. Now apply to cold spells without the damage boost.
Ice Manipulation: As the name suggests,at 1,the Ice Magi can create,use,bend,(whatever) ice. This lets him select from spells unique to him every other level(including this one). The new spells are treated like sorc spells,so at 1 he can cast 1 spell,at 3 he can cast 2 of the same spell or 1 of each,and so on and so forth.
Adaption: At 2 and every other level,the Ice Magi gains 10% cold resist.
Ice Mastery: At 10,all spells are treated as Empowered,if applicable. The Ice Magi also gains a 10% vulnerability to fire at this level.
List of Spells:
Ice Armor: Creates a suit of armor made of ice around the Magi that grants +3 AC and DR -/20+1 per Magi level. The Magi also gains 50% immunity to cold damage while armored. However,fire and blunt damage will deal double against the armor. Lasts 1 turn per Magi level.
Icicle Crush: Creates a icicle above the opponent,then sends it crashing down. Does 1d8 cold damage per Magi level and 2d6 piercing damage. DC is 15+Magi level.
Glacier Barrier: Creates a Blade Barrier-length wall of ice at the target location,perpendicular to the caster. The wall has 100+10 per Magi level HP and DR -/5+1 every other Magi level,but fire and blunt do double damage. Lasts 1 turn per level. Useful to block key passages or just to get away. Of course you could cast it four times and create a shell to protect yourself and-oops! I'll shut up now.
Ice Bolt: Flings a sphere of ice at the opponent. Does 1d6 damage every other level of the Magi and if it hits,the target makes a discipline save or gets KDed. If I need a DC for the KD,it's 15+1 per Magi level.
Ice Minion: Makes a man out of ice that fights alongside you. Has 1d12 HP and deals 1d8 cold damage with his longsword of ice. The minion levels with the Magi,and at 7,upgrades his longsword into a bastard sword and gains Weapon Focus. Lasts till killed.
Freeze Aura: Causes cold to be attracted to you,forcing everyone in a 15 foot radius to make a fort save at DC 15+Magi level or be Slowed. The slow lasts 1 turn,the aura,1 turn per level.
Cold Enhancement: Purely a support skill,enhances the target's weapon with 1 point of cold damage per every other Magi level. Works with barefist as well. Lasts 1 turn per level.
Ice Dome: Creates a dome of ice in a 5 foot radius around you. You gain 1 HP regen per every other Magi level. The dome lasts 1 turn. The dome is inpenetrable,but spells such as Fireball will damage you while inside. Since you can't move,you're a sitting duck. And of course the regen goes with the dome.
Icicle Trap: Sets something similiar to Delayed Blast Fireball on the ground. When tripped,causes a icicle to strike the target from below,dealing 1d6 damage per level and 2d8 piercing.
Epic Crud:
You can still get ice spells every other level,and Greater versions,which let you use your Magi level past 10 for whatever.
I like this class personally.
somebody drank imba sauce this day..
change every referance to turn to round or for the case of 1 turn period 5 rounds and dorp the DC by 10 and add charisma modifier :) 5+cha modifier+lvl or this class is horridly overpowered :/ and fix ice enhancement or whatever so its at max + 5 or its imba too + 1d8+15 damage on ur summon is a tad much especially if its elemental and adding 1d8 ( or 1d10 ) slashing to it
then that will be balanced :/ sorcerer/cleric/ice thingy the ibma darkfire ice empoerment greater magic weapon thing and you got imba written all over it :/ +10 damage ( lvl 20 ice lord ) +1d8+5( darkfire ) +5 ( greater magic ) then make the hero use a greataxe and be high str and wow u have a 1d12+str modifer+greataxe bonus + 1d8+20 damage that deals 3d8+60 on crits.... :/ fix your classes before you say anything about mine
a slow lasting 10 rounds ( 1 minute) is imba for a lvl 7 to cast that a lvl 20 slow spell.... and since when can you cast a damaging bigby that can be spammed repeatedly :/ fix your classes
Also the + 3 ac better be armor AC and not stackable with any + bonus to ur armor and the /20 damage reduction is equiv to a freaking epic spell..... and if u meant resistance that means its basically like not being able to be hurt except by high high high high str warhammer that crits or a mage. now you complaind about the immunityt o 2 forms of physical and your saying double dmaage on a ahmerm that deals 1d8 damage is gonna get past 20 damage rejduct and eveyrhtign else doesnt stand a chance :/ at least my class had an easy weakness this is just way too powerful
Actually,with those overkilled saves,the escape artist could indeed get out of bigby. Then again,so could anyone else with those saves. And 1d8 piercing and blinding for 2 rounds doesn't kill a fighter or mage instantly,even though you get all those sneak attacks. You still gotta get by the fighter's armor,and if the mage has DR and damage shields your 5d6 sneak attack won't get by so easily. Meanwhile,a 20 rogue can just make one powerful sneak attack and potentially kill the mage in one hit or two. VS fighters,it depends on the roll and if CSing is considered reasonable.
I still say were it not for the rogue levels the guy can't fight. And do you need to quote my entire message?
I'm not gonna read the entire thing on the Ice Magi. I'll drop the DC by 5. That's it.
EDIT: Before I forget,I like Wizards better than Sorcs. So shut up.
EDIT 2: Ignore the first sentence of my original post. I'll go ahead and address it,just for kicks.
Just because you like sorcs doesn't mean you should force your sorc-loving views on me. And Skippy,DC 5+caster level spells=****ed caster.
Hmm...1d10+15 damage is imba when an actual fighter is doling out 1d10+8+whatever thanks to the weapon+enhancement bonus that my summon doesn't get. Yes. CLEARLY imba. (Assuming 18 Str level 40 fighter) </sarcasm>
Why oh WHY would I lose precious levels in Ice Magi and Wizard(hah) just so I could make a teammate's weapon overpowered? It's sticking a target on that guy for every mage on the opposing team to gank him now. Besides,I'd take forever and get killed incredibly easy just to get said combination. Just because it's a possibility doesn't make it a reasonable possibility.
I'll let you off with the mass slow point.
Ice Bolt being a damaging Bigby that can be cast repeatedly? Hardly. Go ahead,spam Ice Bolt. You'll run out of Ice Magi spells though. It gets by Protect VS whatever,but the DC isn't up to Bigby's. Furthermore,it's a REGULAR KD. Not a Bigby KD,REGULAR.
What are you gonna do if the +3 AC stacks? Hmmm? Are you gonna force me to change it? And you don't need a warhammer. Someone could cast Darkfire,and bam. Ice Armor gets itself cooked fast. Or worse,Darkfire on a warhammer. A maxed or empowered Fireball will obliterate the Ice Armor,magi and all,regardless of level. Consider how much casters there are in PvP. Done? There's your answer. The only point you brought up was that I didn't state how much damage it could take in total. I'll edit that.
In closing,shut your hypocritical arrogant mouth(or in this case,your fingers)before ranting on how my class is imba. The escape artist gets better saves than a pally/blackguard/CoT. Your classes are either overpowered or underpowered. And yes,this class does have an outstanding weakness,and a easy one to exploit too. Finally,you can't get on my case for not numbering my points on Conjurer when you don't do it for this class.
07-18-2006, 08:54 PM
I'm not gonna read the entire thing on the Ice Magi. I'll drop the DC by 5. That's it.
EDIT: Before I forget,I like Wizards better than Sorcs. So shut up.
EDIT 2: Ignore the first sentence of my original post. I'll go ahead and address it,just for kicks.
Just because you like sorcs doesn't mean you should force your sorc-loving views on me. And Skippy,DC 5+caster level spells=****ed caster.
Hmm...1d10+15 damage is imba when an actual fighter is doling out 1d10+8+whatever thanks to the weapon+enhancement bonus that my summon doesn't get. Yes. CLEARLY imba. (Assuming 18 Str level 40 fighter) </sarcasm>
Why oh WHY would I lose precious levels in Ice Magi and Wizard(hah) just so I could make a teammate's weapon overpowered? It's sticking a target on that guy for every mage on the opposing team to gank him now. Besides,I'd take forever and get killed incredibly easy just to get said combination. Just because it's a possibility doesn't make it a reasonable possibility.
I'll let you off with the mass slow point.
Ice Bolt being a damaging Bigby that can be cast repeatedly? Hardly. Go ahead,spam Ice Bolt. You'll run out of Ice Magi spells though. It gets by Protect VS whatever,but the DC isn't up to Bigby's. Furthermore,it's a REGULAR KD. Not a Bigby KD,REGULAR.
What are you gonna do if the +3 AC stacks? Hmmm? Are you gonna force me to change it? And you don't need a warhammer. Someone could cast Darkfire,and bam. Ice Armor gets itself cooked fast. Or worse,Darkfire on a warhammer. A maxed or empowered Fireball will obliterate the Ice Armor,magi and all,regardless of level. Consider how much casters there are in PvP. Done? There's your answer. The only point you brought up was that I didn't state how much damage it could take in total. I'll edit that.
In closing,shut your hypocritical arrogant mouth(or in this case,your fingers)before ranting on how my class is imba. The escape artist gets better saves than a pally/blackguard/CoT. Your classes are either overpowered or underpowered. And yes,this class does have an outstanding weakness,and a easy one to exploit too. Finally,you can't get on my case for not numbering my points on Conjurer when you don't do it for this class.
i am only responding to the bolded sentence.
did it look like my rant even HAD a point? no it didnt have a point so why number :/ and wait does the ice armor reduce all damage or just weapon damage i fail to see how ice would block a lightning bolt ( with heat and power up to 1000 degrees Celsius and 30k volts ) or acid ( unless by some miracle it can freeze acid or delute it with water or something ) and even worse negetive energy or positive energy or magical damage or divine damage ) i only said cha modifier because u said he casts spells like a sorc :/
Felonious Monk
07-19-2006, 02:35 AM
You know what the touch AC of of a great wyrm red dragon (CR 26) is? It's 2. The mighty tarrasque has a touch AC of 5. Making a touch attack is nothing against most foes, even for a crap BAB wizard.
SLA = spell-like ability
You should probably just give your caster PrC's full or partial caster progression. It's a lot simpler than how you are describing the class bonus.
I'll rate the Ice Magi against Toss' next creation.
I skipped most of the mud slinging between you two, but I will say that Ice Armor should block a lightning bolt and acid due to the properties of ice, but that based off of the description it doesn't anyway.
Said Class Bonus is full caster progression. Just that a certain type of spell is increased in damage.
Anyways,come on Toss. You're just as creative as I am.
07-19-2006, 10:03 AM
~brain explodes~
~becomes a noob for like 5 seconds until his brain is replaced (by the same one)~
Hmm. I don't know what came over me. Anyway:
Bah, to hell with the description. THE CLASS!
Skill points per level: 2 + Int Modifier
Skills: For Druid Variant, see Druid Skills, for Cleric Variant, see Cleric skills, and so on.
Druid 4, Ranger 8, or Cleric 6 with Plant & either War, Strength, or Trickery.
The Lizardkin (Druid Variant) gains 2 spell slots per level of Lizardkin (Druid Variant) in his highest divine spellcasting class level. The Lizardkin does not learn any new spells, however. (Note: Maximum level of 5 for all variants.)
The Lizardkin (Cleric Variant) gains the following abilities/feats per level in addition to gaining 1 new spell slot per level in his highest divine spellcasting class level.
1 - Amplify Domain Spells: The extra spells a Cleric gains from her domains have their damage and durations multiplied by x1.5.
3 - Lizardskin: The Lizardkin gains a +2 bonus to AC and a +1 (Soak 5) bonus to DR.
5 - Greater Amplify: The extra spells a Cleric gains from her domains now have their damage and durations multiplied by x2. This replaces the original bonus.
The Lizardkin (Ranger Variant) gains the following abilities/feats per level:
1 - Lizardskin: See Cleric description.
2 - Bloodline Sense: The Lizardkin gains an innate +4 bonus to Listen/Spot checks.
3 - Poisonous Arrows: Any nonmagical arrow the Lizardkin fires is treated as having a +1d4 damage bonus (Acid) and a DC 14 Strength Poison.
4 - Amplify Resistance: Any spell the Lizardkin casts that allows him to resist elemental damage to some degree (e.x. Endure Elements) has its properties multiplied by 1.5. For example, if a spell of that sort soaked 10 Elemental Damage and collapsed at 40 damage, it would then soak 15 Elemental Damage and collapse at 60.
5 - True Shot: As a full attack action, the Lizardkin may fire an arrow that never misses its target. Damage is applied normally with bonuses from Poisonous Arrow. 1 use per day.
(Note: In case you don't understand the spell slot bonuses for Druid & Cleric, they both gain new spell slots as if they had leveled up in Cleric/Druid. However, Druid gains double the amount of spell slots he would have if he leveled in Druid.)
All I'll say is that's an odd class...
Of course,nothing could be worse than the Harper Scout.
07-19-2006, 01:20 PM
Again thou art wrong jyap :/ harper is useful as a passing class ( lvl 1 harper ) when you are going for bane of enemies to be at its peak of effectivness ( an xtra favored enemy means when u get bane of enemies u will be able to use it vs EVERY i mean EVERY player race and not having to wait til lvl 25 for that ) though goign to lvl 5 in hrper would only be good oif your a monk going infor the saves vs a spellcasting army and not a single fighter lol
Oh just shove it Halfwing. Harper Scout sucks and that's that. Hurry Monk.
Felonious Monk
07-19-2006, 06:54 PM
The highest melee AB possible in NWN can only be attained with Harper Scout levels. It can also get Great CHA in place of the favored enemies, so paladins and sorcs benefit as well.
Anyhoo, before I rate them I want to make sure I get the descriptions clear.
Ice Magi
I'm still not sure what you mean in the "bonus" description. The same description in the Airlord class implies Airlord levels only add to the damage of spells that deal electrical damage (ex. a wizard 5/airlord 5 would deal 5d6 with a fireball but 10d6 with a lightning bolt), but the Ice Magi description implies that IM levels don't count towards spell damage at all, even cold damage spells. The wording is confusing. This:
Said Class Bonus is full caster progression. Just that a certain type of spell is increased in damage.
is self-contradictory. Is it full caster progression or is it simply caster levels, additional spell slots, and weakened spells in all but the selected category? Full caster progression adds damage to all spells up to the spell's cap.
Adaptation lists 10% cold resist. Is that 10% cold immunity or 10/- cold resist?
Does the Ice Minion have HD equal to the Ice Magi's caster level or class level? What are it's stats, what is it's type, and what does it get from leveling?
The Lizardkin (Druid Variant) gains 2 spell slots per level of Lizardkin (Druid Variant) in his highest divine spellcasting class level. The Lizardkin does not learn any new spells, however. (Note: Maximum level of 5 for all variants.)
The Lizardkin (Cleric Variant) gains the following abilities/feats per level in addition to gaining 1 new spell slot per level in his highest divine spellcasting class level.
(Note: In case you don't understand the spell slot bonuses for Druid & Cleric, they both gain new spell slots as if they had leveled up in Cleric/Druid. However, Druid gains double the amount of spell slots he would have if he leveled in Druid.)
Which one is it? Does it gain 1 (or 2) spell slots per level or does it gain as many (or twice as many) as it would if it leveled in the respective class? Just so we're clear, that means no caster progression right?
Adaption is 10% cold immunity. Like how Skellies have 50% pierce immunity.
It's full caster progression. It's a casting-type PrC specialized in a certain area,I don't see why you shouldn't level up in your casting. Anyways,Ice Magi levels count for oh let's say,Fireball,but Wizard/Sorc/whatever levels don't count for Ice Bolt and such. If I didn't mention something,bonk me on the head.
Ice Minion creates a Level (Ice Magi level) Construct(hey,he's not exactly living,or undead,or whatever) that has 16 Str,12 Dex,12 Con,10 Int,10 Wis,and 10 Cha. His HD is 1d12 as mentioned before,and he has no other feat s except at 7,where he gains Weapon Focus(bastard sword)and uses that from now on. Prior,he wields a longsword. Neither do physical damage,but cold damage instead. Is that good enough?
Felonious Monk
07-20-2006, 02:15 AM
Makes perfect sense now.
07-20-2006, 12:41 PM
The highest melee AB possible in NWN can only be attained with Harper Scout levels. It can also get Great CHA in place of the favored enemies, so paladins and sorcs benefit as well.
*thows monk in the line of fire*
AHA jyap you dont care about classes and the truth obviousl;y cause when monk agrees with a point that the class is useful you dont mention a single retort but if i say it then bam u insult and put me down
:/ and lizardkin to me just seems like somehtign you get after 21 lvls of druid to get an enormous amount of spell slots :/ personally i like it but it seems to be a tad weak even the cleric side
I don't care about Harper Scout. No one will still use it,they'll take that extra level of Fighter or something for the free feat. So why argue? Now,if Harper Scout was a requirement for a better class,maybe it'd be worth it.
07-21-2006, 09:18 PM
Full caster progression, except double the spell slots.
For example (and this is not possible), if a L1 druid takes a class in Lizardkin (Druid Variant), instead of having 4 Cantrip spell slots and 4 L1 spell slots like he normally should, he now gets 5 Cantrip spell slots and 5 L1 spell slots.
PvM,that's gonna make Druid a monster. Druid gets all sorts of nifty spells that wreak havoc on monsters. Extra spell slots will just murder them faster.
PvP,not so much. Most of Druid's spells aren't too good as players actually MAKE their saves.
07-22-2006, 05:27 PM
Now i dont mean to flare up the jyap again but huge amounts of ice storms and all the mage slaughtering buffs along with slay living, and maggots for rogues and all the nasty reflex spells for fighters :) druid is a nasty packjage flare up and SoV and buff up and enjoy the ride
Slay Living is a poor man's FoD. The DC might be fine for its level,but it drops off quickly after that.
Wizards get better "nasty reflex spells" than druid. Clerics get better spells that actually fall into the divine catagory. Druid's weakened at PvP. Can we just leave it at that?
Felonious Monk
07-22-2006, 10:01 PM
First, I'd just like to say sorry for not getting this up last night. I was in the middle of typing it and my wife wanted some... attention.
Second, I think the druid version of Lizardkin is balanced because of the loss of wildshape abilities. A druid 15/LK 5 completely misses out on the elemental shapes and only has 13 BAB (unless you use fractional BAB), but gets some more spell slots (which will probably never all be used anyway). When I rate classes it's based on a level 20 cap because that's the standard, although I still take epic levels into consideration for the sake of completeness.
Ice Magi
Pros: nice selection of SLAs
Cons: since the Ice Magi spells only count Ice Magi levels when calculating damage, they are going to be weaker than any other spells for a long time and will only even out in epic levels (most DnD games only go up to 20); again, no spell levels; not much in the way of class abilities
Suggestions: The difference in damage between longsword and bastard sword is negligible, so I'd probably give the Ice Minion a greatsword upgrade instead. The DC on Freeze Aura is low early on yet potentially very high in epic levels. A DC of 15+1/2 Magi levels should balance it out, or the standard spell DC formula with a spell level of whatever and the school of evocation. Ice Dome strikes me as not worth it since you can chug a potion as a standard action and go on fighting at little cost.
Pros: different bonuses for different classes, cleric domain bonus is real nice
Cons: druid variant is useless after druid level 20, no BAB or HP listed, Lizardskin bonus is kinda meh
Suggestions: I think I'd give the druid variant bonus spell slots like the PnP dragon disciple (same as bonus slots from having high WIS only in one spell level at a time), rather than doubling what they normally get. It can get really tricky to keep track of at later levels and becomes completely useless after level 20, when druids stop gaining additional spell slots. True Shot should be a standard action, though I'm sure that's what you meant.
Verdict: I like these classes. Both are tight rules wise (except a couple slips on the Lizardkin), and, IMO, better then the previous ones. I think I would probably have to give the point to Toss on this one though, as his was more original.
You chug a potion. You trigger an AoO from every enemy in range and could get hurt beyond what you healed. Besides,most potions are junky and in PvP,you'd be hard-pressed to find them.
You cast Ice Dome. At level 20 you're protected from damage barring AoE while healing 5 HP. It gives you time to recoup and is always available(till you run out of spells).
Meh. I could've made the Ice Magi more than 10% vulnerable to fire but then everyone would lock on to him and he'd die in a few rounds.
07-23-2006, 06:33 PM
Slay Living is a poor man's FoD. The DC might be fine for its level,but it drops off quickly after that.
Wizards get better "nasty reflex spells" than druid. Clerics get better spells that actually fall into the divine catagory. Druid's weakened at PvP. Can we just leave it at that?
Slay living is a lvl ( i want to say 4 but maybe 5 ) spell FoD is 6 or 7
spell wise your right druids are not as powerful as a wizard but HD wise druids get a huge bonus also nasty reflex spells include bombardment ( slightly weakened meteor storm at a lower lvl ) earthquake ( kding all units in area and dealing PHYSICAL damage meaning its elementalless and hurts most people ( also this damage is not reduced by stoneskin or premo ) fire storm/flame strike both dealing half its dmaage in divine ( unblockable ) damage inferno ( not a reflex spell but very useful nonetheless) call lightning an amazing spell all around with a huge DC
druid get HARM..........HEAL.......and finger of death later on so dont complain that wizard own because of it ^_^ + in epic lvls a druid takes the cake over wizard wow wizards get epic mage armor and epic warding special so what durids get the 2 epic spells and then dragon shape buff wise druid> wizard and spell wise druid < wizard by only a tad surviability druid>wizard 2:1 druid wins id rather have the ability to cast FoD slay living harm heal and inferno and ONLY those spells ( attacking wise ) than get wizards weakness and crap buffs :) also dont forget the crawl :) ( DC's at lvl 20 can be around 22-28 )enough to topple a mage creeping doom just slaughters
I'm not arguing with Halfwing. No point.
Too lazy to post a class. Use Dragoon for the next matchup.
Felonious Monk
07-23-2006, 07:58 PM
Casting spells also draws AoOs and has a chance of failure from damage.
I'm going out of town for a couple weeks. I'll see you guys then.
07-24-2006, 01:25 PM
Bye monky!!!!!!! :) jyap i think uve been forgetting CELR my casting druid that made it to epics pre wipe he thrived on slaughtering mages...
Who's Celr? Sounds more like cellar.
07-25-2006, 02:36 PM
Who's Celr? Sounds more like cellar.
Celr was my lvl 22 caster druid at EB completely slaughtered mages and fighters and rogues :)
I recall. Hope Monk gets back soon...
Aw hell with it. I'll compare Halfwing's classes against Toss's in his absence. gogo classes
07-26-2006, 06:16 PM
If only I still had DtD. Then Celr would be a spud. (No offense Halfwing)
Alrighty. My class:
Mechanical Menace
Somewhere on the plane of Mechanus, there lies a circle of magic that transforms a living being into a golem-like dreadnought of mass destruction. He gains immense power and...blah blah blah.
Skill points per level: 3 + Int Modifier
Available Skills: See Weapon Master
Feats: The Mechanical Menace gains 1 bonus feat every 3 levels.
BAB Progression: 4/4 (Fighter Progression)
Saving Throw Progression: Good Fortitude, Poor Reflex, Fair Will
Fighter 5
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus (Any), Improve Critical, Expertise
Skills: Discipline 6
The Mechanical Menace gains the following feats on the indicated level:
1 - Artificial Strength: The Mechanical Menace gains a +2 bonus to Strength.
3 - Turreted Crossbow: Here is where the roots of the golem-like dreadnought begin. As a standard action, the Mechanical Menace can fire a crossbow bolted to his left shoulder. The mounted crossbow does the same damage as a regular Light Crossbow (1d6 piercing), but has unlimited bolts. Unlimited uses per day.
5 - Mounted Catapult: As a full attack action, the Mechanical Menace may fire a Catapult bolted to his right shoulder, doing 1d10 Bludgeoning damage to the Target. 1 use per day.
7 - Mounted Ballista: Replaces the Mounted Catapult. As a full attack action, the Mechanical Menace may fire a large Crossbow bolted to his right shoulder, doing 1d12 Piercing damage to the target. 1 use per day per 3 levels.
10 - Transformation Completion - At this point, the character's race changes to Construct and he gains immunity to Disease, Level/Ability Drain, Paralysis, Poison, & Sneak Attack.
(Note: Forgive me if the last ability seems a bit overpowered)
Halfwing,the challenge has been issued. Come on and post your class. I'll be fair. HONEST.
(the Dragoon's wyvern grabs the topic and carries it to the top)
08-04-2006, 02:57 PM
*points out that a pale masters final level is more powerful and also that last lvl makes you severely weak take of the turning to construct dont want crumble being used on a PC thats just imba*
08-04-2006, 07:29 PM
Severely weak? You gain immunity to Disease, Level/Ability Drain, Paralysis, Poison, & Sneak Attack. If you think that's weak, you must think FoD is pathetic.
Erm...actually,Toss,a construct also gains immunity to Knockdown,Critical Hit,Stun,Daze,Dominate,Sleep,and pretty much anything else I forgot. So,if you include that,your class is crazy overpowered.
08-04-2006, 09:04 PM
They are not immune to KD only a few are like mithril and adamantine. but iron battle horrors and the lesser golems are NOT immune to KD i enjoy kding them much
08-04-2006, 10:43 PM
Which is why I didn't add those. The character's race changes to Construct but he/she doesn't gain all the bonuses of Construct.
Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense. @_@
Halfwing,post a class.
08-05-2006, 10:49 AM
Sure it does. Surely you remember the PRC classes (I.e. Ooze Master, etc.) that changed the players race but didn't give all the bonuses? Heartwarder is a huge example of such.
08-05-2006, 01:33 PM
but still 25d6 damage being able to be cast twice a round at a player is a tad much....
(whacks halfwing with a wet noodle for not posting his class)
Come on man...
08-05-2006, 09:26 PM
Dude, Halfwing, what are you talking about? Where in all the special abilities does it say something does 25d6 damage?
08-05-2006, 10:30 PM
25d6 is from crumble i meant u get that cast against you :/
08-06-2006, 11:52 AM
Oh. Then yeah, you're right, that is a little imba. I may have it do only 12d6 to the PC Construct (and Reflex Save DC 13 + every 2 caster levels of enemy does 1/2).
08-06-2006, 01:39 PM
yea my point was the class would get slaughtered by a few casts
08-06-2006, 06:11 PM
Ah, I see you're point now. I'll probably go back & edit the class so the above changes occur.
On a side note, this is my 999th post! One more to go!
Halfwing,please,just post a class so I can compare it to Toss's. You're better at it...
08-15-2006, 05:57 PM
Skills: sorcerer
1 gains ability to cast up to lvl 3 spells of ALL casting types
2: spells increase past the maximum all the way to lvl 40 but ONLY when purely this class
3: cantrips gains + 1 damage every 2 lvls up to lvl 40
4-40: various spell bonus's
Ha there is the wimpy ass class buahahaha
the various spell bonus's are from 2-3
(shoots Wing)
Please,be serious...
I joined my friend's forum. They're a bunch of blithering idiots that barely construct points when they post. I know I'm starting to get on their bad side with my repeated logic bursts,so if need be,can I count on you guys for a board invasion? This is worst-case though,and I'm sure it won't get to that.
08-15-2006, 07:45 PM
Can you get the mod to do anything about it? If not, then I have my spam message of death ready...
It's loose! Kill it!
~takes Confed's gun, blasts its brain open~
The scary thing is that it makes sense at the end.
Yeah,relations with a board member(not my friend,but he's friends with almost if not everyone on the board in RL and he's admin)are dropping fast. I'll keep you informed of anything else.
In-battle update. Here's the last 10 posts in reverse order.
JYAP Posted on Aug 16 2006, 01:26 AM
How can you call me a nerd? You don't know a single thing about my life. You cannot make such a judgement because of a dispute. Now give it a break and leave me and my opinion be.
Motives Posted on Aug 16 2006, 01:21 AM
awww thank you. go play WOW or whatever you comp nerds play
JYAP Posted on Aug 16 2006, 01:20 AM
This guy is golden. Because I disagree with him,he wishes that I be banned. It's called an opinion. And my opinion is protected by the First Amendment. Now leave me be.
Motives Posted on Aug 16 2006, 01:16 AM
i wish to see you banned cuz your a nuiscance
JYAP Posted on Aug 16 2006, 12:59 AM
Wow. You wish to see me banned because I typed Checkmate? This is laughable.
Motives Posted on Aug 16 2006, 12:57 AM
whats up with that checkmate thing?
ban his ass
JYAP Posted on Aug 16 2006, 12:54 AM
I'm being immature? Hardly. I'm merely responding to your post in my usual critical manner. And telling me to commit suicide and calling me the biggest nerd ever while rabidly defending rock music? Checkmate x 3,get off my Internet.
P.S. I listen to Christian music. I advise strongly against attacking what music I listen to.
Motives Posted on Aug 16 2006, 12:51 AM
will you stop being imature. when some one calls me hypocritical or gets on my nerves i call them dickwad if you have a problem with an arguement you started then you should go kill yourself right now. btw you are probablly the biggest nerd ever. vastly inefficient? that stupid post insulting rock was vastly inefficient. i dont care whos right case closed.
p.s. what music do you listen to?
JYAP Posted on Aug 16 2006, 12:45 AM
I thought the dickwad comment was directed at Fuhrer. I never showed any disrespect. I merely stated I didn't like rock music. And for more hypocricy...
if youre not gonna say nice dont say anything at all.
i called you a dickwadbecuase you dont respect other peoples beliefs.
Checkmate x 2. Furthermore,define debate. Any argument can be a debate. I'm not gonna start a new topic to respond to one post in another topic. That's vastly inefficient.
Summary: You're wrong.
Guitardude93 Posted on Aug 16 2006, 12:34 AM
yes Motives is right
Forgive the horrid formatting. Too lazy to do anything other than C/P. This was all about some blogthing about what rocker are you. I respond with this:
Rock music makes me shatter apart. I would prefer to listen to the broken cries of my victims as my army crashes through.
Wow,I'm on a RP kick.
I am met with this:
stop insulting people. you have no right to insult peoples music because they are free to listen to whatever they want to. thats why God gaves us open minds dickwad
Now being the critical dude that I am I respond:
Nothing makes you sound like a hypocrite more than doing what you are saying to stop. If you can't comprehend that...
stop insulting people.
thats why God gaves us open minds dickwad
Checkmate. That aside,God gave us open minds to criticize like Fuhrer just did. It's also protected by the First Amendment. Therefore,your post falls apart.
Apparently,he missed the point:
okay fine. if you want me to baby it down. if youre not gonna say nice dont say anything at all. i called you a dickwad becuase you dont respect other peoples beliefs. debates are for the debate section
And THAT'S when the last 10 posts connect.
Guitardude93=Friend and Admin.
08-21-2006, 12:33 AM
~applauds JYAP~
Yer right. No matter what you say, he just keeps going on and on with his already corrected "arguments".
If all else fails...
Nuclear PM detected.
"Kekekekekekekekekekeke...I shall enjoy infesting your toys, and I hunger for your mind! Kekekekekekekekekekeke..." -Parakas, Starcraft: Prophecy (Campaign Creations conversion)
So you know,we're somewhat neutral now. And they're coming over when they read the advert I posted. So if this goes to hell,we're taking them with us.
Their forum is
I really don't want to go mess up their forum,but if they turn this into DotD 2.0,I'll lose it completely.
08-22-2006, 06:24 PM
Right. Green dots, Red dots, Blue dots...Magenta dots, if we still have room...But truth be told, I hope that this forum doesn't turn into a battleground or else we're talking possible links to viruses, links to trojans, and impersonations all around.
~throws at JYAP~
08-22-2006, 06:27 PM
Toss join us in the Golem Game ^^ ill let u start at lvl 2 with 400 gold and 2 free turns because of how fare behind you are ^^
08-22-2006, 09:09 PM
Nah. Sounds wierd, but I'm probably gonna sit this one out. I must do what I can and help Trog. Besides...I think I have a score to settle with Adult Swim...kekekekekekekekekekeke...
Well you're participating anyways. So hah.
08-26-2006, 10:36 AM
Damn you. ~throws Tassadar at You, who flames Me, who gets mad and starts to beat up You~
~throws another Tassadar in front of the undead army which gets psi-stormed~
Prep for battle,Protoss. The Admin and me are pissing each other off.
And go ahead and post our board link. I'll be ready for them.
EDIT: And this guy has the audacity to call me out.
War's on the horizon. I'm gonna need friends to help.
It's a frickin conspiracy. I join cause I know one of them in RL(MetalMilitia/Guitardude93). You can tell they shun me cause I don't know them in RL. And with this Kayek punk going around trying to defame me...
EDIT 3: I need to stop editing. Here's the link to the forum in general.
I feel wrong dragging you guys into my own little feud though. You don't HAVE to help me. I'll still be friends with you even if you don't. I just can't take this without telling you guys first.
08-28-2006, 12:08 AM
Naw, JYAP. You're my best friend, yo. And this forum won't go down without a fight!
~brings about his Zerg Army, his old guard from when he activated that shield thing, the CIS Army, the Imperial Army, the drive-by tromboners, the custom sprites, the custom Fireflies, Uziels, & Supernovas, 1138 Zealot Mobs another Zerg Army, the Death Star I, II, III, IV, & V, & an Infested Death Star~
~gives JYAP, Halfwing, & Trog a kit dyed in the uncomprehendable color including a Shortgun, a Metroid Gun, a Book of Weather Atrocities, the Unlimited-Uses-Per-Day IAMAGOD slip, the Unlimited-Uses-Per-Day DIEDIEDIE slip, Kirbies in a Can, Yoshis in a Can, Undead in a Can, an Undead Clown in a Can, a Stop Sign of Doom, a Grunt which rapidly throws plasma grenades in a Can, & a Yield Sign of Wonderment~
~gives Genocide 1000 Color Spray/Prismatic Spray scrolls~
~buffs the Blue Arbiter & the Red Scout~
~drags Felonious' ass out here~
HAHA! Bring it on, domain dumbasses! General Almuric, prepare this forum for battle!
...whoops, went over the edge...again...
Ah, but I feel like taking on 10 Triple H's & Kayeks. I'd face all of them in an Insanity War and win!
I'm not engaging in an Insanity War. If you look,I'm out-debating the phools. Hopefully we won't have to go through with this...
08-28-2006, 09:13 AM
Yeah, I know, but it's just as a last resort. It looks like logic bursts hurt them.
~Triple H & Kayek have 0 HP and die~
It might be of interest that Triple H messed up your Interests section in your Profile. I shall DECLARE WAR!
Really? Son of a bitch. If you got a dynamic IP address,so long as you don't associate yourself with me,spam that whore whenever you want. Sky's the limit on what to do on him.
08-28-2006, 07:47 PM
Kekekekekekekekekekekekekeke...this'll be fun! ...kekekekekekekekeke...
But wait! Triple H got banned for suspending Superior! You is FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
I still might join the forum though.
Actually,I'll go for a traffic exchange. I'll post the URL here again,and in exchange you go over and post some. Everybody wins.
08-28-2006, 08:02 PM
Right right. Preparing my profile now.
08-31-2006, 07:02 PM
They moved...I'm not going through all that registering again. I'd say we'd just abandon the damn forum.
If they moved just so they can have their own private forum,**** it. I'm not gonna bother.
09-01-2006, 07:02 AM
Yeh. Even though's not much different, at least has games. XD
When will you get WC? And when will you reply to Blizzard's Pub?
09-02-2006, 11:09 PM
Still need to ask Mom to go to Target/Wal-Mart/etc. so I can trade in WoW. The game seems promising.
Also, Xaax has plagued my creativity tanks. Gotta...think...of something...
Felonious Monk
09-03-2006, 12:13 AM
Awww... I missed all the drama.
That's right! The classes! Quick Toss! Make something up!
Description: A slayer of anything supernatural,be it vampires,werewolves,liches,what have you.
The ever-evil Preqs: Non-Evil,10 levels in Lore,Weapon Focus(any sword or Dagger or Whip)
Saves: 1 fort/reflex per 2 levels,1 will per 3 levels.
BAB: Same as Fighter.
Skills: Ranger skills.
Specialize: At 1,the Slayer must choose his specialization: Vampires,Undead,Demons,or Shapechangers. He gains +1 to AB for that enemy and an additional +1 every 2 levels. He gains +1 to AB for the other ones at 5 and 9.
Bane: At 4,the chosen enemy takes 1d6 more damage from the Slayer's weapon.
Wooden Bolt: At 6,if the chosen enemy is Vampires,once a day the Slayer may load a stake into the crossbow and fire that instead of a regular bolt. If it hits the vampire,instant kill. Of course the stake isn't meant to be shot from a crossbow so the Slayer gets -3 to do this.
Silver Weapon: At 6,the weapon is considered Silver when dealing with Shapechanger DR. If Shapechangers are favored,the weapon is also considered to have +3.
Seal: If Undead are the chosen enemy at 6,once a day the Slayer may place a seal on all nearby Undead,stunning them for 2 turns. Pale Masters are affected for only 3 rounds. Deadlords are affected for 1 turn.
Banish: If Demons are the chosen enemy at 6,once a day the Slayer may attempt to destroy the demon outright by banishing him to another realm. The Demon must make a Will save with the DC being the Slayer's Will save+level. If the Demon wins,the Slayer is stunned for 3 rounds. If the Slayer wins,the Demon is destroyed.
Greater Bane: At 8,the bonus damage increases to 1d10.
Ultimate Slayer: At 10,the bonus damage increases to 2d6,and the bonus skill granted against his favored enemy is increased to 2 times a day. For Shapechangers,the weapon is +5 now.
Epic Crud:
AB for chosen enemy still goes up every other level.
AB for non-chosen enemies goes up every fourth level.
At 15,the skills increase by 1 use per day and the Shapechanger's weapon is +7. At 20,it increases again and the weapon is +9.
This is NOT overpowered since it only deals with a specific class of enemy. The saves might be,but this class isn't really suited for PvP,just for killing that irritating vampire or werewolf.
09-03-2006, 10:31 AM
~drags the Mechanical Nightmare from 3-4 pages before onto this thread~
09-03-2006, 11:18 AM
*points out that you shuld also add crossbow as a weapon that could be used because Helsing ( no not the fag from the movie ) used a crossbow in The Novel Dracula Along with various Herbs and effects you should really add more pizazz into this class with all the various details
"seal" types for demons aka seals that prevent movement/attack/both or cause death or damage
herbs for Vampires aka Buttercup to Blind Garlic to ward Basil to attract Daisies to paralyze
Charms against Undead aka Cross to ward Holy water boosted effect
Grave Markers to Kill ( a Zombie ( in the mythological sense ) may kill someone who will be raised as a zombie under the Zombie head's control if the zombie head comes in contact with his burial site he is slaughtered instantly killing all his subservants ) ( by zombie head i mean the head of a group of zombies not a litteral head with ears eyes and nose ect. )
Circles For Shape Changers aka Circle of Banishment to prevent them from altering form
circle of The sun to force them to take damage if they stay shifted
Circle of Heart to Cause them to be paralyzed
and no i didnt make ANY of this up
i borrowed it all from various books and classic novels about were wolves demons undead and vampires
Felonious Monk
09-03-2006, 08:13 PM
Wow, that didn't take long. You'll have to forgive me if it takes a while to get the comparison up, I'm just really busy lately. That's why it took me so long to get back to EB. I've got my daughter, this thing where I make some extra money online, and my website that I'm working on all taking up nearly all of my time. Plus the missus, of course.
09-03-2006, 08:35 PM
Cashscam FTW.
Felonious Monk
09-03-2006, 08:47 PM
That business folded shortly after Stewie started it. It seems his only employee quit soon after starting.
09-03-2006, 09:27 PM
Yup. I wonder what happened to Brian's worms in that episode...
Felonious Monk
09-04-2006, 12:20 AM
Zerg rush. Wasn't pretty.
09-04-2006, 12:21 AM
Yes. A Zerg Rush by yours truly- ~shot for arrogance~
Get to rating the classes. I'm sure my Slayer beats out the Mechanical Menace. :)
09-06-2006, 02:52 PM
You know Can you really confirm that your class is better than mine without becoming the judge yourself?
...but I think you're right.
Paging the Monk of Felonies...
01-11-2007, 03:01 PM
All undead use d12 for HP . The DL is pretty close the PnP version of PM (if it's good enough for WotC...).
Libris Mortis FTW.
05-08-2007, 02:45 PM
Y'know what? I'm gonna drop my original Mechanical Menace PrC and drop a new one on ya.
Disciple of Geryon
Geryon was once an archdevil of great power and, like any archdevil, he commanded a cult. Since his transformation into a vestige, his cults have expanded toward malcontent binders, but the prerequisites to join the cult remain the same: a little divine spellcasting is required.
Hit Die: d6
Skill Points per level: 3+Int Modifier
Available Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Discipline, Heal, Intimidate, Listen, Lore, Persuade, Spellcraft.
Alignment: Lawful or Neutral Evil.
Skills: Lore 10 ranks, Bluff 4 ranks.
BAB: +5
Divine Spellcasting: 2nd-level or more.
Bonus Feats:
The Disciple of Geryon gains the following feats at specified levels:
1 - Unnatural Strength: The Disciple of Geryon gains a permanent +2 bonus to strength.
2 - Tenacity: As a standard action, a Disciple of Geryon may study a target for 1 round. After that, the Disciple of Geryon gains a +1 bonus to AC and Attack rolls and does an extra 1d3 damage upon landing a successful attack upon that target. Lasts for 3 rounds after the Disciple of Geryon has finished studying the target. This ability may be used unlimited times per day and improves as the Disciple of Geryon gains levels.
3 - Malevolence: The Disciple of Geryon radiates an aura of diabolism that forces enemies within 20 ft. of the character to make a Will Save (DC 10 + Disciple of Geryon level) or become shaken for 5 rounds.
4 - Arm: One of the Disciple of Geryon's arms suddenly inflates with strength, becoming extremely hairy like that of the disciple's master. Roll d2 when making an unarmed attack. If the character rolls a 2, she attacks with her greater arm and gains a +2 damage bonus to that attack. If the character has an item in her offhand (ex. a shield or another weapon), do not apply the d2.
5 - Tenacity: The bonuses to AC and Attack rolls increase to +2 and the damage bonus increases to 1d4.
6 - Malevolence: In addition to enemies becoming shaken, the Disciple of Geryon gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies affected by Malevolence.
7 - Diabolical Intellect: The Disciple of Geryon gains a permanent +2 bonus to Intelligence.
8 - Tenacity: +3 bonus to AC and attack rolls and 1d6 damage bonus.
9 - Malevolence: +2 bonus to attack rolls.
10 - Baatezu Blood: The character gains immunity to poison and resistance to acid, cold, and fire 10.
05-08-2007, 04:10 PM
Oh! I almost forgot: the character does not gain new divine spells or spell slots while progressing as a Disciple of Geryon, meaning if you went Cleric 2/Disciple of Geryon 1 (not possible, but still), you would gain no new spells or spell slots until you hit Cleric 3.
05-08-2007, 04:44 PM
wtf is up with #4? Where did that come from?
05-08-2007, 05:42 PM
Geryon had two hairy arms, right? One of the character's arms turns into something similar to it.
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