View Full Version : Holy hell,there's a flood of guests!
I dunno WTF happened,but I was checking the stuff here and all of a sudden 13 guests pop up out of nowhere and read stuff!
You can post here BTW. It's safe.
08-07-2006, 10:52 PM
Half of them are bots. MSN Spiders, Google Spiders and such. And chances are, the guests won't even come here. Hate to burst your bubble, but it's true.
It would be nice if those 13 guests actually posted though.
08-08-2006, 08:36 AM
You can always click the words "Currently Active Users" on the forum home to see who all the guests are.
Give it some time guys....things are a little slow right now but I guarantee they'll pick up with NWN2 when I build my new mod and these forums are the home web for it.
Felonious Monk
09-03-2006, 12:43 AM
*drools at the prospect*
I gotta tell ya, I've been reading up on the NWN2 classes, feats, etc and PvP is going to be wicked sweet, especially team PvP.
Please tell me where I can read about this. Maybe I can improve upon Worst. Singer. Ever. :)
09-03-2006, 10:28 AM
...could this be the end for Dredoc? O_O
09-03-2006, 11:25 AM
*points out that the massive aoe warlock is going to completely dominate all living things in team pvp because his atatcks can make holes for allies*
ALSO because of updated rule sets JYAP GNOMES FAVORED CLASS IS BARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! ownage for bard/palemasters!!!
Felonious Monk
09-03-2006, 08:05 PM
All of these are based on the build presented at GenCon.
Complete type up of every race in NWN2 (
Complete type up of every base class in NWN2 (
Complete type up of every prestige class in NWN2 (
Bards are going to be sweet. In addition to songs they get inspirations, which act similar to the paladin's aura in D2. Harper Scout (now Harper Agent) is actually somewhat useful. Warlocks have taken a major power hit, but are still going to be standard magic artillery. DDs are even more uber, and WMs suck ass (anyone who wastes levels in it will probably stop at 5 unless they have a weapon that only crits on a natural 20).
It should be noted that the cap to ability scores has been removed, but bonuses no longer stack. The result being that a barb/frenzied berzerker can get up to +14 to STR while in a rage/frenzy, but everyone else needs to look for more diversity in their items. Also, you automatically get max HP on every level.
Mods can determine whether the cap is done by level or XP. If it is set by level, then all characters of all races have the opportunity to reach the level cap. If it is set by XP, subraces with ECL will end that much lower. For example, drow have an ECL of +2, meaning that they will end 2 levels lower than a human or other non-ECL race. The max level cap is 20, but using the level cap ECL races can get as high as 23 (for svirfneblin).
Power Attack has taken a necessary hit and now only allows you to lose 3 AB in exchange for 3 damage (-6/+6 for IPA). This was done because of the frenzied berzerker class and the way 3.5 changed how PA works with 2-handed weapons. A level 10 FB wielding a greataxe and using the unmodified IPA would trade 10 AB for 40 damage. With a level 20 cap, most characters are only going to be able to survive a couple hits from that.
In case it hasn't already become common knowledge, you can have up to 4 classes, but at least one of them has to be a PrC.
Knockdown and Disarm have been fixed and Discipline is no more! Instead KD follows the PnP trip rules (mostly). Knockdown is an opposed roll of attacker's STR plus (attacker's size - defender's size) * 4 against the the defender's STR or DEX, whichever is higher. With Disarm, the attacker makes an opposed attack roll against the defender modified by (attacker's size - defender's size) * 4, and the relative weapon size * 4. The defender opposes with an attack roll against the attacker modified by his relative weapon size * 4. If the attacker wins, the on-hand item, if any, is dropped on the ground. Improved Disarm does not draw AoOs and puts the on-hand item in the attacker's inventory. Neither of them do any damage.
The most skillpoints you can save after leveling is 5. However, the Able Learner feat allows you to buy ranks in every skill at a cost of only 1 skillpoint, but it's only available to humans. It also doesn't rasie the cap on how many ranks you can get. That is, you can still only get half as many ranks of a cross-clss skill as a class skill, but it costs half as much as before. But, if any of your classes has a skill as a class skill, the maximum number of ranks you can get in it is equal to your character level + 3. For example, if you are a human with the Able Learner feat and take rogue at first level for max skill points, you can take fighter levels all the way up to 20 (rogue 1/fighter 19) and end with 23 ranks in Tumble, UMD, Hide, MS, etc.
All skills except for Perform are open to all classes. That means paladins can pick up Spellcraft and barbarians can get UMD.
Mithral Armor is in! Mithral armor counts as one size category lighter than the normal version, has reduced armor check (-3) and ASF (-10%) penalties, and gets and additional +2 added to the max DEX bonus. A warlock or bard with the Battle Caster feat can wear mithral full plate and suffer no ASF. With 16 DEX that's 11 AC from mundane armor alone.
That's it. I'll do whatever it takes to get NWN2,even if I need to put a bullet in John Kerry's head.
Well,that was one of my goals anyways.
09-03-2006, 09:18 PM
It's the end of Dredoc as we know it! XP
~gives Dredoc a few levels of PM~
Felonious Monk
09-04-2006, 12:19 AM
That's it. I'll do whatever it takes to get NWN2,even if I need to put a bullet in John Kerry's head.
Well,that was one of my goals anyways.
Need a lift?
09-04-2006, 12:26 AM
Arbiter: Warp Field Stabilized.
How come my topics always go astray?
09-04-2006, 09:32 AM
Booming Voice is, again, wholly to blame.
Booming Voice: Why am I to- ~blasted by Zeji Tiamat~
We need to set up a uber team for NWN2 to be on Elemental Battlegrounds. That way we're nigh-unstoppable together.
I call dibs on Worst. Singer. Ever. being remade again. Wing's gonna get a druid similiar to Celr according to what he said.
09-04-2006, 12:11 PM
I hope to get DtD remade soon.
Hm. Fighting bard,jack-of-all-trades druid,cleric...sounds good. Bwahahaha...
09-04-2006, 06:10 PM
Offensive-Spells cleric. Storm of Vengeance spam FTW.
Felonious Monk
09-04-2006, 06:44 PM
Oooh, oooh! Dibs on the warlock!
09-04-2006, 07:14 PM
Even your warlock cannot resist the Storm of Vengeance spam. FTW.
09-04-2006, 07:29 PM
*points out kindly that the majoirty of upper levels spells got the boot tehrefore you no longer have storm of vengence* ( i will have to contcat my source on this one ( cousin hired by obsidian )
09-04-2006, 07:35 PM
I don't have Storm of Vengeance...says who?
09-04-2006, 07:39 PM
In NWN Upper level spelsl ( most of em ) got the boot. alot of the lvls 7-9 spells are not there which ones ill have to pry from my cousin but my mini demo of the durid class says druids dun get it anymore
edit it= SoV
09-04-2006, 07:45 PM
Never said Storm of Vengeance got the boot. FoD could get it though. And Horrid Wilting. XD
09-04-2006, 07:53 PM
I have a Cousin who showed me the druid class completely O_O ( as of august ) and there was no storm of vengence
So it's cleric only? Oh well. That sucks.
So we got a bard,druid,cleric,and warlock. Pretty nasty lineup. Too bad we'll all be bickering over who kills the noob with dual katanas named Drizzt.
Felonious Monk
09-04-2006, 10:58 PM
If you can get to him before I kill him he's all yours.
09-05-2006, 02:49 PM
Blah. If I haven't laid Storm of Vengeances all over the place, then he's all yours.
09-05-2006, 05:01 PM
*points out that i never said its cleric only i said it may not even be there at ALL*
and also.. as a druid obviously i get first dibs becaus eim the only one who can senak up to him fast enough without scaring him then i hug him and get him to carry me becasue all drizzt are gay then BAM earth elemental bitch
09-05-2006, 05:09 PM
Harm+Mace. Pwnt.
Curse Song. His fragile elven eardrums will pop and he dies. Then I inflict stabbity death. Amateurs.
09-05-2006, 07:52 PM
Maximized Implosion. gg
09-05-2006, 08:24 PM
A. Harm HAs been nerfed by BIOWARE and obsid to deal a max of 150 damage OR 50% of current health
B. Implosion is being taken out
09-05-2006, 08:55 PM
implosion was made way too powerful when it started working AROUND death wards.
Felonious Monk
09-05-2006, 09:09 PM
The ruleset that NWN2 is using caps Harm at 150 HP. Up to level 15 it only does 10 HP per level. Also, Curse Song is out.
Bastards. Curse Song effectively made the bard extremely helpful. It was like singing two bard songs. Now he's only half as effective. I might even let WSE die and make like a halfling fighter. Probably remake Halfling Hammer. Halfling with a warhammer FTW.
09-06-2006, 08:51 AM
heh...hammer is as big as he is. so funny watching a halfling use it two-handed
09-06-2006, 02:16 PM
~Sieth's Halfling w/ battleaxe raises hell in Bioware, forcing them to throw Implosion & Curse song back in~
Hm. We could all make a halfling fighter with a two-handed weapon,name them after that weapon,and unite,killing all the "big people" first.
09-06-2006, 04:12 PM
it's a hobbit revolt!! :naughty:
09-06-2006, 06:39 PM
And you are our first victim, Trog.
~Trog gets Rapier'd~
Felonious Monk
09-06-2006, 07:59 PM
Remeber, bards now get bard songs and inspirations, so it evens out. You might even say they're better than before.
09-06-2006, 08:17 PM
"Inspirations"? I still say he was better off with Curse Song...
Well,Curse Song can't cast Slow. Inspirations MIGHT be better. Curse Song was somewhat funnier though.
Felonious Monk
09-07-2006, 03:58 AM
Curse Song never gave your entire party +6 regen or +4 AB and damage or 5/- DR, certainly not before epic levels. Inspirations are always active and can be used an unlimited number of times per day.
Inspire Legion is going to be sweet. The game determines the highest BAB of your party mates in a 60' radius, and this now becomes the BAB of everyone in the AoE. In addition, everyone gains +4 damage to all their attacks. I can only imagine a dual-wielding monk/rogue/assassin buzzsaw with 10 attacks per round at full BAB just tearing everything up while everyone else tries to get their hits in before everything dies.
(faints from the monster that is bard)
09-07-2006, 04:14 PM
~PRC Tempest is torn apart~
09-07-2006, 06:41 PM
*laughs because this is at lvl 16 or 18* also you guys forget the amazing berserker/wep master scythe user with imp power attack dealing +12 damage for 6 ab along with getting something like + 30 natural damage to the scythe and then the X5 crit multiplier and 17-20 crit rate 2-8+42(+ any weapon bonus ) X5 so 10-40+210 damage on a scythe noted as normal a 1d4 weapon with +3 damage/ab ( enhancement is over with i think ) is just for - 3 ab u get 5-20+15 more damage but considering eb's weapons are 1-6 its 5-30+15 more damage total of
15-70+225 damage on roughly 25% of attacks dare i say "owned" oh yea make him half orc and thats + 20 more in crits
reg attacks with half orc u get 3-13 +49 damage per hit bahahahaa
Second amazing build
barblvl 4->lBardlvl 1> RDD LVL 10 -> berserker lvl 5
+ 8 STR
+ 10 STR from rage
= +9 damage
but its berserker
so + 18 damage
then add in a greatsword
+ 27 damage
then add in i dunno 24 natural str besides rdd
+30 without 2 handed
+ 45 damage
so 2-12 + 45 damage then add imp power attack and the +3/3 greatsword
for - 3 ab
you get 2-12 + 63 damage per smack not including ANY elemental bonus
with the 1d6 its 3-18 + 63 and double this on crits
but the real destruction is
+ 4 AC for RDD
+ 4 AC for tumple
- 2 AC for rage
+ 100 HP from rage ( lvl 20 X5 for the + 10 con )
+ 4 to will saves
Immunity to fire
Immunity to sleep
Immunity to Paralyze
UMD class skill
meaning if you wanted you could use a damned magic staff with 2-14+ 48 damage along with having a lets say its a dagger ( yay 1d4 damage ) which is anotehr EB dagger so its 2-10+ 48 damage : )
and then just cast the hell away with your fireball stick and then in vlose range pummel to death
Also Rangers get to focus in bows And get huge bonus's when fighting with them
Dear God. Another reason why Wing should go unopposed.
09-07-2006, 07:38 PM
PRC seems to be nothing compared to what Bioware could whip up.
All Bioware needs to do is see PRC and balance out the classes. We'll need silver weapons of all kinds to keep from being overwhelmed with lycanthorpes,anti-undead gear,and something to pwninate dragons with.
09-07-2006, 07:54 PM
Ph34r. ~gives Dredoc Anti-Dragon Pwnage arrows~
09-08-2006, 03:28 PM
yea im a beast in PvP ^^
Not. T_T
09-08-2006, 04:27 PM
Nope. They've been creating the one game to rule them all for quite some time now.
20 bucks says I'll never play WC for at least 6 months when it comes out.
09-08-2006, 10:34 PM
20 bucks says you better not...
09-08-2006, 11:48 PM
Scareh. Nothing - NOTHING - can pull me away from SC for that amount of time. Not even WC.
They're discontinuing Starcraft.
09-09-2006, 08:57 AM
NOOOO! I'll never play SC again!
~plays SC~
09-09-2006, 01:15 PM
yea anyway jyap toss is gonna b my new apprentice dota'er so yea your screwed unless you get more willing XD toss will be the champ o dota!
No he won't. Only I get the Swift Learner trait out of our group of friends. My current experience will utterly annihilate Toss.
Yeah,this is an open challenge.
09-09-2006, 08:02 PM
toss supposedly got WC now O.o
Maybe I'll get on later. Not likely though.
09-10-2006, 04:56 PM
My mom said that I might have to wait until NEXT MONTH (when she gets paid) before I can get the game. This is bad because I REALLY WANT TO PLAY IT!
09-10-2006, 06:04 PM
Yea well im going to kill her in her sleep because of that .......IN HER SLEEP
09-10-2006, 07:34 PM
Yeesh, calm down. Nobody's gonna kill anyone in his/her/its sleep. I love Mom & Dad too much to kill them. WAY too much.
09-10-2006, 07:50 PM
fine they will die while they wake! but seriously beg and plead and cry!
At least I got a decent chance of getting NWN today.
09-11-2006, 02:34 PM
Halfwing, don't kill my parents. Period. Feel free to kill my brother though. (Jk)
Beware Rugnar Deseth. He's not a bad person, really, but he's got hellish DR, more hellish than Caradril.
09-11-2006, 02:51 PM
I wont Kill anyone...unless they come to EB or play me in dota i could never hurt anyone in real life unless my or my girlfriends life was in danger
Or an animal *is a vegetarian*
Dude,Caradril is like Heat,except with a little more damage. He's not as special as you make him out to be IIRC.
You're a vegetarian? That is incredibly unusual for a individual of your age-group. Why-
09-12-2006, 02:10 PM
And Heat is L17?
Somewhere around that. Doesn't matter,he's gone now. EW sucks now anyways. Wing can march in,cast a spell,and half the server dies,and the n00bs leave.
09-12-2006, 04:02 PM
I just came back to this thread and cant figure out how we got to talking about PvP?
09-12-2006, 04:12 PM
Neither can anyone trog we just accept it and move on
and JYAP its because i hate to see things hurt T_T and i hate to take part in that.. leather is sexy though so i juyst wont eat the poor things i have nothign wrong with anyone else eating meat though im not that hippi-esque
09-12-2006, 04:28 PM
So where do we go now? Bastion of War has players that just kill effies on sight, automatically assuming that they will attack them. Antiworld...lag-much. LvD...well, that COULD work. But for the most part, we need to populate EB.
09-12-2006, 06:15 PM
But for the most part, we need to populate EB.
i wish i knew how to accomplish that.
09-12-2006, 07:42 PM
If only members of WN would get on NWN more often.
Hunt down other small servers and portal up. Simple.
It's my curse on topics. If I post,the topic will gradually change its course.
09-12-2006, 08:03 PM
well trog
for once if we could get jyapt o play much anymore me jyap protoss and seith could be on it almost non stop then more peopel would come and get them t o stay non stop and more and mroe peopel we get the more will come
09-12-2006, 08:31 PM
oh, guess I shouldnt have given him a hard time about buying the program right before NWN2 hits. :P
It's in October correct? I got a month,right?
09-12-2006, 09:02 PM
oct 17 my b-day is when it comes out sadly i wont have time to buy it for at least a week and a half after that because im in a music ( guys an dolls yes there is a mover about it ect )
09-12-2006, 09:34 PM
mine is preordered. :)
09-13-2006, 02:35 PM
screw you trog you money-having bastard XD no i love ya man and will EB2 be a EXP cap or a LVL cap at 20??? so i know if some of the races even worth it
I'm not sure what to vote on the EXP cap or the level cap. It's like voting for non-uber races or uber races to pwn PvP. I say go for a compromise and include unique items for the stronger races and put an exp cap on.
09-14-2006, 02:12 PM
Y' just occured to me that archers get crap arrows in EW. I suggest you make not the same mistake as that server and give Archers a little more damage. That way they don't lack damage and AC.
09-14-2006, 03:21 PM
Isnt NWN2 going to be limited to level 20 anyway?
09-14-2006, 03:50 PM
there is a Max LVL of 20 BUT with the ECL implimented a few races can reach 21 if you have a EXP cap and not a LVL cap
but iwth a EXP cap a few races cannot reach 20
09-14-2006, 04:01 PM
Limited to L20? NOOOOOOOO! I need more power!
09-14-2006, 04:44 PM
I'll have to go look, but I think they said they wanted to leave room for "expansions".
09-14-2006, 05:16 PM
ahah well anyway im gonna go kill everyone under lvl 20 if they show up to EB ^^
That's the point: Drow get flippin SPELL RESISTANCE. They shouldn't be allowed to hit 20.
And yeah,we need arrows. Awesome arrows. Preferably on-hit spell arrows that are really expensive but kickass. GRENADE LAUNCHER RAIN GO!
09-15-2006, 02:24 PM
Unless they throw in a Spell Resist cap for Drow. I say it should increase rather slowly.
09-15-2006, 02:59 PM
its 10+lvl i thought so max of 30 at lvl 20 and deep gnomes get SR and so do dark dwarves
Drow also get some free SLAs. It's gonna be a blast with 100 nooblets mimicing Drizzt but with no double-weapon feats. :D
09-15-2006, 04:51 PM
You people confuse me so. I never know if you're talking about NWN 1 or 2.
09-15-2006, 04:56 PM
NWN 2.........duh
09-15-2006, 05:03 PM
Embrace the confusion, Trog...
All the more Drizzts to kill. Whip out your Scimitars/Scythes/Shortbows! It's Drizzt season!
09-16-2006, 10:53 AM
~Caradril uses Force Halberd throw to slice through 10 groups of Drizzts~
(if you recall,in the terran mission where you can kill the physics lab,or the nuke silos to win,how they would nuke your base so badly you cry after they brought it so many reinforcements?
(yeah,that happens right now)
Get on SC. I wanna play Pokemon RPG.
09-16-2006, 05:26 PM
Zeji win. ^_^
EDIT: Need to get a download link working.
It's hilarious really. The civ gets out only to eat nuke. They send a ton of BCs and troops in to knock down a base,but they eat like 5 nukes and asplode. Almost as funny as the Patriot's Blood marine.
Marine: I hate computers.
09-16-2006, 08:44 PM
ROFL! That IS hilarious.
Marine: Aw man,another computer. Says here to "push any key"...Well...well which one's the any key?
09-17-2006, 07:08 AM
That was the one that pointed out the Goliath Repair Bay, wasn't it?
Same marine throughout the entire level.
Marine: Alright,tell us the password!
Civ: Don't tell him anything Harry!
Marine: Wax em boys!
Civ: Help!
09-18-2006, 02:37 PM
I wonder what would have happened if that same marine died...
Civ: Don't tell him anything, Harry!
Civ: Help!
I would wonder what would happen if Duran could trigger the stuff instead. Probably not as funny though.
It would be better with a firebat. The comedic potential there is insanely high.
And another quote from the mission.
Marine: Tell us the password!
Civ: We won't say a word!
His companions are asploded.
Civ: Ok ok! I'll tell! It's...Farnham.
Adjutant: Password accepted.
The marine shoots the civ.
Marine: Whoops...heh...
09-18-2006, 05:13 PM
~Firebat burns all the comps~
Adjutant: Warning,Psi Disrupter self-destruct commencing in 10 seconds.
Marine: That's why I operate the computers dumbass!
Firebat: Need a light?
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