View Full Version : Golem shaper Battle ( a forum game )
08-20-2006, 01:09 PM
Okay heres how it goes:
A. You buy one of 3 Golems
a(1). Heavy Golem ( seems to be very tough) Price: $150
a(2). Light Golem (seems very frail but has a spark in its Eye) Price: $150
a(3). Basic Golem (very average) Price $100
B. You train them
b(1). Strength Training ( makes the golem work on your Mage Tower) Price: $50 Effect: + 1 STR 20% to +1 size to tower - 1 INT
b(2) Intellegence Training (makes the golem craft magical gear for your Mage tower) Price: $75 Effect: +1 INT (INTX2)%chance of gaining a magic Artifact of level 1 Per 10 INT ( level 0 artifact for INT 1-9) 50% chance of losing 1 STP
B(3)Structural Prowess(STP) Training(makes the golem train at survival) Price: $50 +1 STP
B(4) Scouting (makes the golem explore) Price: $10 10% chance of increasing INT STR or STP 50% chance of Finding INTX5 Gold
C. Then you fight
c(1) Monster Fighting Price: $0 STR X10% chance of Success Effect: +1 EXP
c(2) Golem Fighting Price: $100 STR+INT X10% Chance of Success Effect: +5 EXP
c(3) Player Fighting Price: $0 Players then fight Eachother The Defender Gain Defensive Bonus's Attacker Gains Offensive Bonus's ( if any )
Defensive Bonus: (Tower Size)X5% Bonus to max Health, Various Artifact effects
Offensive Bonus: Various Artifact Effects
Fighting: Attacker Goes first May use any Abilities Known
Starting Abilities:
Bash ( slams fist ) Deals STR X1 damage
Block ( puts arms up ) Absorbs STP X1 Damage and has a INTX2% chance of dealing STRX.5 damage
Winning: When you win a Fight you may choose to Keep attacking the Tower
you deal STR/5 damage to the Tower per round but the tower deals damage Back to you of TowersizeX10/your STP a round to you
Losing: When you lose a player fight You golem runs back to your tower and repairs itself For 10 Rounds or until fight ends
Other Things to do:
Make your Golem Add on to your Tower Costs TowersizeX50/Golem INT and adds 1 To Tower size
Make your golem Craft Artifacts: Costs 200/Golem INT 50% chance to make a Artifact of Level INT/10
Makes your Golem Train Its Powers: Costs $100 You pick STP INT or STR and a Level 0-5 You gain 25% bonus if you have the previous Level and you have a 25% chance of Learning a New abilty You may pick to have a random stat but the level is ALWAYS 1 higher than your currect lvl ( lvl 0 is bash and block for STR and STP no one has lvl 0 int spell which is fireball )
Hire your Golem off Gains 100 Gold But you Miss 3 Rounds
Starting Gold : 200
you may have 1 Golem per 5 Tower Sizes
Starting Golem stats:
Heavy Golem STR 2 INT 0 STP 1
Light Golem STR 0 INT 2 STP 1
Basic Golem STR 1 INT 1 STP 1
Stat Benefits Not Listed : STR adds 2 HP STP adds 10 HP INT adds 5 Magic Power ( mana )
Effects Of EXP
Every LVLx10 EXP ( if ur lvl 1 u need 10 EXP for lvl 2 if lvl 2 u need 20 EXP for lvl 3 ECT ) You Level up Gaining 2 Free Stats and +10 HP and + 5 Magic Power
Any Questions Just Ask ^^ if not Lets get started
To Gain Money:
Hire Golem
Venture into Dungeon Conviently located Outside Your Tower
You Go into the Dungeon Which will be The Same except every time you leave the dungeon Monsters and treasure randomly replaces themselves or respawns
Each dungeon is 10x10x5 10 squares wide 10 tall 5 floors
1 is the surface lvl 2 is right below that ECT.
Common: 5 Per level
Uncommon 3 Per level
Rare: 1 Per level
Level 1:
Goblin[common] HP: 5 STR 2 Skills: Bash Reward: 1 Gold
Skeleton[uncommon] HP 10 STR 1 Skills Bash Reward: 3 gold
Skeleton Mage[rare]: HP: 10 MP: 10 STR: 0 INT: 2 Skills: Fireball ( deals INTX1.5 damage costs 3 MP ) Reward: 10 Gold
Level 2:
Skeleton[common]: HP 10 STR 2 Skills: Bash Reward: 3 Gold
Bandit[uncommon]: HP 15 STR 4 skills Bash Reward 5 Gold
Bandit Master[Rare]: HP 30 STR 4 skills Bash Reward 20 Gold
Level 3:
Bandit[common]: HP: 20 STR: 4 skills Bash Reward 5 Gold
Troll[Uncommon]: HP: 60 STR: 3 Skills Bash Reward 10 Gold
Troll Chief[rare] HP: 60 STR: 6 skills Slam ( 1.5X STR ) Reward 40 Gold
Level 4:
Troll[Common]: HP 60 STR 4 skills Bash Reward 10 Gold
Ogre[Uncommon]: HP 60 STR 10 skills Bash Reward 15 Gold
Ogre Magi[rare]: HP 60 MP: 50 STR 4 INT 10 skills: Fireball, Flaming Punch ( STRXINT damage MP: 10 ) Reward 75 Gold
Level 5:
Wyrmling[Common] HP 75 STR 10 Skills: Slam Reward 25 Gold
Young Dragon[Uncommon] HP 200 STR 30 Skills Slam Reward 100 Gold
Ancient Dragon[Rare] HP 500 STR 50 Skills Slam Reward 1000 Gold
1 Treasure Per level Treasure Randomly Chosen
Level 1:
Magic Artifact of level 0-2 (random)
Gold: 4d6 Gold
Level 2:
Magic Artifact of level 2-3(random)
Gold: 4d10
Level 3:
Magic Artifact of level 3-5 ( random)
Gold 4d20
Level 4:
Magic Artifact of Level 5-7 (random)
Gold 8d20
Level 5:
Magic Arifact of Level 7-12(random)
Gold 8d100
DUngeon: It takes 1 turn to Travel A level in the dungeon Each Floor looks like this
/=wall U=stairs up M=monster T=Treasure D=Door
[U][/][ ][T][ ][/][ ][D][ ]
[ ][/][ ][M][ ][/][ ][ ][M]
[ ][/][ ][ ][ ][/][ ][ ][ ]
[M][/][/][D][/][M][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][/][ ][ ][M][ ][/][ ][ ]
[ ][D][ ][ ][ ][ ][/][ ][M]
[ ][/][/][/][/][/][/][ ][ ]
[M][ ][ ][M][ ][ ][/][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][D][M][ ]
You get to pick what to fight Unless there is no way around a monster.
Monsters Appear Randomly on that and also You do not heal in between Fights you heal once u LEAVE the dungeon and if you die you lose ALL your reward
I buy: Basic Golem
08-20-2006, 01:17 PM
My Golems Stats:
Name: Sect
Class: Basic
STR: 1
INT: 1
STP: 1
HP: 12
MP: 5
Skills: Bash, Block
Cash: $100
I guess ill go First
STP Training - $50
+ 1 STP
Golem Stats:
Name: Sect
Class: Basic
STR: 1
INT: 1
STP: 2
HP: 22
MP: 5
Skills: Bash, Block
Cash: $50
He really does listen to me. Wow.
Golem Stats:
Name: Rocky!(shot)Stoney!(shot twice)Kirby!(nuked)Fine,how hit by Cure-4)Yay!
Class: Light
Int: 2
Stp: 1
HP: 10
MP: 10
Skills: Bash,Block
Cash: $50
Now go make yourself useful and scout out so you're not broke like a hobo!
Aleph: Well f-
Uh uh uh! No talking back!
Aleph: Grumble.
(Scouting. -$10)
08-21-2006, 08:48 AM
man...if i could figure this stuff out I'd join you guys on this one.
08-21-2006, 03:27 PM
I have a round about way of explaining things Al Ill do a small 3 Turn game
Mark Gets a Light golem -150
and makes it scout - 10
Mark Gets + 1 INT and 15 Gold
Frank gets a Heavy Golem -150
and makes it scout - 10
Frank gets + 1 STP and + 0 gold
turn 2
Mark makes his Golem have Strength Training - 50
Mark gets + 1 STR - 1 INT and + 1 Tower size
Tower size: 2
STR: 1
INT: 2
STP: 1
Gold 5
Frank Makes his Scout - 10
+ 1 STR + 0 gold
STR: 3
Gold 30
Turn 3
Mark Attacks Frank!
Mark: HP:12 MP: 10 STR:1 INT:2 STP:1 Skills: Bash, Block
Frank: HP:26 MP: 0 STR: 3 INT:0 STP:2 Skills: Bash, Block
Mark Goes first
Mark: Bashes (1 damage)
Frank: HP: 25
Franks Turn
Frank: Bashes (3 damage)
Mark: HP: 9
blah blah blah 3 more turns of this
Mark HP: 0
Frank: HP: 22
Frank Wins!
Frank gains [(Marks LVL[1])-(Franks LVL[1])+1]x5 EXP
Frank: EXP: 5/10 [][][][][] ] ] ] ] ]
Okay see how day to day works if any of the advanced things u need help with ask specifically
Okay JYAPS Golem: + 1 STR +10 Gold
Jyaps Golem:
STR: 1
INT: 2
STP: 1
HP: 12
MP: 10
Gold: 50
( oh and jyap i rerolled once for you because u didnt get any stats the first time and i felt like being nice )
And for anyone joining im going to go ahead anf go but after JYAP u get 2 turns in a row or 3 if u sign up the NXT turn. u know just to even things up
Wing's Golem: Monster Fighting STR: 1 = 10% chance Rolling....
+ 1 EXP
EXP: 1/10 [] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
JYap you turn
Yay! TY Wing! Now the only thing to make this better is more golem classes and more options to work with.
Aleph scouts some more since there's not much else to do to gain money(Missing 3 turns for 50 gold ain't bloody worth it)
08-21-2006, 04:07 PM
OK, so I'll take a basic golem -
Basic Golem STR 1 INT 1 STP 1
Now I have $100.
08-21-2006, 04:34 PM
K well im going to Just Head on in the Dungeon
[u][/][ ][T][ ][/][ ][D][ ]
[ ][/][ ][M][ ][/][ ][ ][M]
[W][/][ ][ ][ ][/][ ][ ][ ]
[M][/][/][D][/][M][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][/][ ][ ][M][ ][/][ ][ ]
[ ][D][ ][ ][ ][ ][/][ ][M]
[ ][/][/][/][/][/][/][ ][ ]
[M][ ][ ][M][ ][ ][/][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][D][M][ ]
Wing fights:
Monster ???= Skeleton!
Skeleton: HP 10
Wing: HP 22
time goes on
Skeleton HP 0 Reward= 3
Gold: 3
[u][/][ ][T][ ][/][ ][D][ ]
[ ][/][ ][M][ ][/][ ][ ][M]
[ ][/][ ][W][ ][/][ ][ ][ ]
[X][/][/][D][/][M][ ][ ][ ]
[ ][/][ ][ ][M][ ][/][ ][ ]
[ ][O][ ][ ][ ][ ][/][ ][M]
[ ][/][/][/][/][/][/][ ][ ]
[M][ ][ ][M][ ][ ][/][ ][ ]
[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][D][M][ ]
Wing Fights!
Monster ???=Goblin [WHEW]
Goblin HP 5
Wing: HP 13
time goes by
Wing HP 5
Goblin HP 0 Reward= 1 gold
Wing Snatches Treasure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Treasure= ARIFACT!!!!!
randoming Level
Level 2!!!!
Randoming Artifact Level 2!!!!!
( runs and looks at database set up for this game looks for the number 7 out of Level 2 Arti lists )
Wand of Stones!!!!
Wand of Stones: Once per fight increase STR by 1 For fight If fight is VS a Player and is won Add 1 Stone Counter ( every 4 Stone counters gives a STR point perm) Sell Price: 50 Gold
yaaaay ^^
08-21-2006, 04:35 PM
Yay trog joined in k troggy take 2 turns. do whatever u wish ^^ you can enter and leave the dungeon in a single tgurn but u have to wait a turn to travel further down or further up
APP for double post
08-21-2006, 04:57 PM
Can I scout twice?
08-21-2006, 05:03 PM
Yes sir ^^
*goes to random numbers site*
INT + 1 STP + 1 + 15 Gold
Total Cost -5 gold
Trog stats
Gold 95
HP: 22
MP: 10
After Al's twin turns I send Aleph into the dungeon even though his scrawny ass is gonna get pwned.
Cause I flippin CAN.
Oh,sorry for double post,but I'll be away for 2 hours.
Aleph's Mentality(what he does when I'm away)
Find treasure. Fight whatever is in the way. If HP<50%,run!
08-21-2006, 05:55 PM
Okay so time to Randomize the MOnsters Your going to be fighting 2 to get the treasure.
First Monster: Goblin!
Goblin : 5 HP
Attack attack attack blha blah blah
Goblin HP: 0
Reward + 1 gold !
You willl die if you fight anything else so im gonna just make you run yay you keep that 1 gold ^^
Trog you turn
08-21-2006, 07:49 PM
Enter dungeon!
Where's my exp? Don't I get exp? What a gyp. I head back in there after Aleph heals.
Aleph: Aleph's a sucky name for a golem.
Hmph. Always complaining. Fine. How bout...Calamity?
Calamity: Kickass.
08-21-2006, 08:24 PM
OH YEAH! I didnt name my golem!
Golem's name is: Rocky
08-22-2006, 03:17 PM
okay ^^ well let me do the dungeon for you im assuming you want me to fight in the best possible way for your golem ^^ which is blocking every attack unless its a skele mage then just pure attacking.
and trog Im assuimg you want to get to the treasure FIRST then decide what to do after you see the treasure so ill go up to there for you
First MOnster....Skeleton!
Trog Orders Rocky to stand firm and block constantly
Rocky Blocks for the duration of the fight
Skeleton: HP 0
Rocky: HP 22
+ 3 gold
Nxt monster ( right b4 treasure )
Rocky blocks entire time
Goblin HP 0
Rocky HP 22
+1 Gold
Found Treasure!!
Treasure: 4d6 Gold! total Gold Amount: 17 ( rolls: 2 6 5 4)
Total Gold Found so far 20
Exp rates will b 1 exp per monster per lvl of dungeon
( 1 per at lvl 1 2 per at lvl 2 ect )
+2 exp for JYAP 2/10
+2 Exp for Wing 3/10
+ 2 Exp for Trog 2/10
Trog your at full hp
do you want to fight the remaining 7 Monsters or just the 2 more u need to get to the stairs
You get to pick
Monsters Left: 4XGoblin 2Xskeleton 1Xskeleton mage
While we wait for Trog ill take my Turn Because i do not have to wait for you guys for it..
I sell my Artifact + 50 Gold
Total Gold: 104G
First Monster: Skele mage T_T X_X
Skele mage: 10 HP 10 MP
Wing's HP: 22
Wing blocks until skele mage runs out of mana
Wing's HP 19
Skele mage HP 9.5
Skele mage and all mage monsters when they run out of mana they spend 2 turns regaining all the mana
- 2 HP to skele ( my bashing )
+10 MP to skele
Skele mage :7.5 HP
continues ECT
Wing: HP 14
I want to keep going
+ 10 gold + 1 EXP
Fight again Monster: Goblin
Block until end
+ 1 gold + 1 exp
I get treasure
4d6 Gold: 10 T_T 4 3 2 1 rolls
Total gold + 21
Total EXP: + 2
I fight the rest of the monsters because i can win without taking damage
GoblinX4 + 4 gold + 4 EXP
Skeleton X3 + 9 gold + 3 EXP
+34 Gold
+ 9 exp 12/10 LVL UP
+ 2 to STP
Wing HP: 44/52
Wing MP: 10
STR: 1
STP: 4
INT: 1
EXP: 2/20
I wait in the Dungeon
Trog now that i think of it
+24 Gold for you and +8 EXP because u basically could do everything i could do
Trog: 10/10 LVL UP
2 free stats + 10 HP and + 5 MP
Trog: 0/20 EXP
Pick your stats and whether or you you gonna wait in dunegon to go to lvl 2 or comign back up
Gold: 136
08-22-2006, 03:24 PM
2 stren and going to level 2!
go Rocky go! 8)
So exiting dungeon=/=healing? Well ****. How do I heal?
If I did heal,then I raid the dungeon again. I'm still searching for treasures first,and if some goon's in the way,let's rumble.
Calamity's Stats:
STR: 1
INT: 2
STP: 1
HP: 12
MP: 10
08-22-2006, 04:29 PM
Okay JYAP yes exiting = healing but when u enter and exti same turn u cannot reenter.
lol duh
but anyway k
Goblin first fight
JYap takes
8 damage
2nd monster= skeleton
Jyap blocks entire time
HP: 6
+ 4 gold
+2 exp
4/10 EXP
jyap gets
lvl 2!
Amulet of Healing
Every turn you use a magical or defensive abilty you regen 2 HP
sell Price : 55 Gold
so u continue onward
and kill everything because of that amulet ( assuming you equip it and not sell it )
+20 MORE gold
+ 8 EXP
12/10 LVL Up
+10 hp + 2 MP
2 Stat points
Oh yea ur current HP is full. so its currently 22/22
08-22-2006, 04:47 PM
Trog Ventures into LVL 2! + 5 EXP for being first to this LVL!!!!!!
Trog: 5/20 EXP
Trog fights his first lvl 2 monster!
Monster: Skeleton!
Skeleton Shatters!
Trog stats
STR: 3
STP: 2
INT: 2
lvl 2
EXP: 7/20
Gold 141
HP: 36/36
MP: 15
Trog Fights nxt Monster!
Trog Bashes entire time!
Trog HP: 20/36
Bandit dead
+ 5 gold + 2 EXP
Trog finds Lvl 2 Treasure!!
random lvl:3!
Chain Mail! Trog blocks 2 damage from Physical Attacks ( STR stat attacks )
sell value: 75 Gold
Trog fights anotehr monster!
Trog HP: 20/36
+5 gold + 2 EXP
and clears the floor!
+12 gold + 6 EXP for skeles
+ 20 gold and + 2 EXP for bandit Master
+ 5 gold + 2 EXP for Bandit
42 gold + 12 EXP
Trog gold/exp
Gold: 183
EXP: 19/20
DO you want to go down to lvl 3 if so u have to wait for ur nxt turn
Also Im taking my turn Since it is...My turn
Bam i burst into the 2ND Floor
Fight skele
+ 3 gold + 2 exp
Fight: Skele
+ 3 gold + 2 EXP
treasure:4d10 Gold!: 36 Gold! 10 9 10 7
Fight again!
+ 3 gold + 2 EXP
Fight again!
HP: 36/52
+5 gold + 2 EXP
Fight again!
HP: 20
+ 5 gold + 2 EXP
HP: 4
+ 5 gold + 2 EXP
i high tail it out of there
Total gain:
60 gOLD
12 exp
exp: 14/20
JYAP ur turn go down past lvl 1 or go back up
08-22-2006, 04:51 PM
Can I use a turn to stand and heal or do I need to leave the dungeon to do that?
08-22-2006, 05:51 PM
You have to leave to heal also if you die you lose all your treasure/gold die in the dungeon
With my new amulet I'll just go down even more. If I get into anything tough I run.
And put the two points in INT.
08-22-2006, 06:25 PM
K. JYAP goes to LVL 2
And kills everything
+50 gold + 18 EXP
20/20 EXP LVL UP
2 more stats
Treasure: 4d10 Gold : 12 gold (bad luck) 2 4 5 1
JYAP stats:
STR: 1
STP: 1
INT: 4
HP: 13/32
MP: 30
Gold: 102
K so thats his NXT turn
Trog ur turn again ^^
Calamity: (is looking at things from a first person view HUD,like the stuff you see in FPS) There's sirens going off that sound like a Pokemon at low HP.
That's because you ARE at low HP you nitwit! Retreat now!
Calamity: Alright alright. Cool it...
(Calamity is getting the hell outta there. Since the last floor has been utterly annihilated,I should be able to escape without incident. This takes place after Trog's action of course.)
08-22-2006, 09:40 PM
Go out of dungeon....oh and do that thing where you make yourself stronger by spending gold, and heal too! How many turns did all that take?
08-23-2006, 03:05 PM
Well if you mean STR training ( the thing that makes you stronger )
then -50$ and - 1 INT but + 1 STR
and its all one turn heal in as soon as you leave dungeon.
Trogs stats
STR: 4
INT: 1
gold 138
EXP: 19/20
+ 1 tower size!
Tower Size: 1
Time for my turn ^^
I Make my golem Train his Powers ^^ - 100 gold
83 Gold
Stat: rando
Lvl: 0 or 1 depending on stat
Stat: STP
LVL: 1
100% chance 25+75=100 ( 100% chance when you random stat )
Learned Bulk: Absorbs 5X your STP in damage Wears off when Bulk is Broken MP cost: 5
Skills: Bash Block Bulk
JYAP ur turn
08-23-2006, 03:18 PM
How do I learn a skill? I see you have Bash, Block, Bulk.
Did I get out? If not,I do. If I did,Craft Artifact.
08-23-2006, 05:19 PM
k well which craft artifact ^^ the INT uping one of the puyre craft arti one
and trog to learn spell u spend 100 gold when ur out of a dungeon and 1 turn u get a 25% chanc eof learning a ksill of your stat type choice that you dont have the previous lvl of ( lvl 0 is bash for str lvl 0 for int is fireball ( you have t learn this first ) lvl 0 for STP is block ) and 50% for one you DO hav ethe rpeviouslvl for OR 100% for a random stat you dont know yet of
BUt all ways its 100 gold that what i di dmy last turn
The pure craft one.
I don't like the stat penalties you get while training. It make Scouting the most efficient since you don't lose stats and it doesn't make sense. It's like Calamity's structure will start to fail if he makes an artifact. Either eliminate the penalties or please work something else out.
08-23-2006, 08:47 PM
OK, I want to learn to bash stuff! and after that I'm gonna scout. there...planned out 2 turns.
08-23-2006, 09:36 PM
Trog Learns Hammer: Deals 1XSTR damage and 1XSTR for every INT point
So 1 STR 1 INT deals 2 damage 2 STR 1 INT deals 4 damage 2 STR 2 INT deals 6 damage ect
JYAP - 50 gold
Jyap crafts an artifact
LVL 1!
Artifact: Iron Glove Sell value: $40
Gains + 1 Damage to all Physical Attacks And Reduces any damage causing 10 or more by 1
Trog Scouts
+ 10 gold
No stats
total cost=0
My turn I go into dungeona nd i clear 2 floors
4d6 Gold 20
4d10 Gold 29
lvl 1: 24 gold
lvl 2 50 gold
total gold: 123
+18 EXP
30/20 lvl up
hp: 82
MP: 20
gold: 206
JYAP you just get 2 in a row then its trog then mine
08-24-2006, 08:29 AM
Hmmm...looks like I'm getting behind on levels. I might have to go back inside soon.
So can I equip multiple artifacts? If so,equip Gloves. Then tear up the dungeon again by ravanging the first floor and attempting to wipe out the second floor. Of course,if Calamity takes 50% of his HP in damage,he's outta there. After that turn,I wanna train powers and see if I can get a cool ice spell-ish skill.
08-25-2006, 08:20 AM
Re-enter dungeon!
Can I get my stats? I dont even know how much gold I have anymore.
08-25-2006, 02:42 PM
OKay let me catch up yesterday bellsouth was working on wires and i didnt have internet. so umm
STR: 4
STP: 2
INT: 1
EXP: 19/20
+87 Gold
+18 EXP
+1 Lvl 0 Artifact: Sword: Adds 1 Damage to All Physical Attacks
Jyap exits dungeon and spends 100 gold
Total: -13 Gold
Jyap Fails to learn an INT Skill
( thats what i rolled for you ) sry
+ 134 Gold
+ 18 EXP
38/38 HP
37/20 LVL UP
17/30 EXP
Yours on lvl 2/5
Nxt turn ( after mine and jyap again )
you can go to 3
JYAP: you had 1 Hp left when you finsihed lvl 2 so i made u leave XD
Goes to lvl 3
+ 50 gold + 5 EXP for first to lvl 3
Fights 2 bandits:
+ 10 gold
+4 EXP
Treasure: + 60 gold
Fights 3 Trolls
HP: 76/82
+ 30 gold
+ 6 EXP
Fights Troll Chief
HP: 60/82
+ 40 gold
+ 2 EXP
Clears floor
+ 15 Gold
+ 6 EXP
+145 gold
+23 EXP
+ 2 STP
STR: 1
STP: 8
INT: 1
Gold: 351
Trog Your turn:
Go to lvl 3 or go back up ^^
Wait,if I had 50 gold before the dungeon,and got 87 in there,how do I have -13?
Anyways,have I leveled up at all? If so,assign to Int. How many artifacts can be equipped? If I can,I equip all 3. Otherwise,I equip them in the order I got them. For my future moves I'll just raid the dungeon repeatedly until I have 350 gold.
08-25-2006, 03:11 PM
What did I get when I leveled up?
OH, and go to 3!
and looks like my new gold = 172
The irony is Protoss isn't participating.
08-25-2006, 03:40 PM
~Amukasier crashes the Black Dream into JYAP(Disrespecting fool!) and, while grounded, fires rapid-fire 120-damage Phase Transit Cannon (which is like the Muta Weapon)~
Amukasier: Allow me to assist you. ~fires~
Golem Name: T. Just T.
Type: Light
STR: 0
INT: 2
STP: 1 (You cheeky bastard)
Bash (Like it'll do anything)
HP: 10
MP: 10
And because there is nothing else to do, I shall scout.
T: Scanning area for targets.
08-25-2006, 03:48 PM
Now dont be throwing all that war cruiser and cannon stuff in this thread! :angry:
08-25-2006, 03:50 PM
~force-chokes Trog~
Ha. I have a heart for Sci-Fi...don't think you can take it out of me.
Better put my creativity to use.
Granite Golem: Str: 1 Int: 0 Stp: 2
It's a harder than normal golem with extra health. 150 gold.
Armored Golem: Str: 1 Int: 0 Stp: 3
Innate: Metal Skin: Reduce damage dealt to golem by 1.
A golem made with metal instead of rock. 250 gold.
Crystal Golem: Str: 1 Int: 3 Stp: 0. Yes,0.
Innate: Reassemble: This golem heals itself by 1 HP every turn.
Crystal Soul: Stp HP boost is cut in half. Int gives 1 HP per point.
A golem made for spellcasting. Very fragile. 275 gold.
Siege Golem: Str: 3 Int: 0 Stp: 1
Innate: Smash: This golem deals Str/2 bonus damage VS Towers.
A golem built for war with enlarged fists. 250 gold.
Builder Golem: Str: 1 Int: 0 Stp: 0
Innate: Build: Money cost for increasing Tower Size cut in half.
A repair golem. Pathetically weak in battle. 275 gold.
Seeker Golem: Str: 1 Int: 3 Stp: 0
Innate: Scan: When scouting,gold recieved is doubled.
A golem built to explore. Could only win if its opponent was a builder golem or another seeker. 300 gold.
Swarm Golem: Str: 1 Int: 0 Stp: 0
Innate: Horde: This golem deals 1 more damage for each Swarm Golem attacking. This golem cannot be hired out.
Apparently the inventor enjoyed zerg rushing his friends. 50 gold.
Basic Golem MK II: Str: 2 Int: 2 Stp: 2
Upgraded Basic Golem. 240 gold. If converting a Basic Golem,price cut in half.
Guard Golem: Str: 2 Int: 0 Stp: 2
Innate: Sentry: This golem must be fought prior to attacking the tower. Defensive bonuses are doubled. This golem cannot enter the dungeon,scout,or fight monsters.
A guard to protect the tower. 320 gold.
Mercenary Golem: Str: 2 Int: 1 Stp: 2
Innate: Merc: When hired out,has a 50% chance of bringing back (Total stat sum/2)x10 money and a 30% chance of gaining +1 to a stat. This golem cannot scout.
A golem built to improve with missions. 350 gold.
Basic Golem MK III: Str: 3 Int: 3 Stp: 3
Top of the line Basic Golem. 450 gold. If upgrading from MK II,cut price in half. If upgrading from Basic Golem,cut price by 1/4.
There,Wing. Approve or disapprove at will. And BTW,there's no Stp specialist golem,so at the very least,approve that.
08-25-2006, 09:57 PM
That all looks interesting. *waits impatiently to level up*
08-25-2006, 10:06 PM
Better put my creativity to use.
Granite Golem: Str: 1 Int: 0 Stp: 2
It's a harder than normal golem with extra health. 150 gold.
Armored Golem: Str: 1 Int: 0 Stp: 3
Innate: Metal Skin: Reduce damage dealt to golem by 1.
A golem made with metal instead of rock. 250 gold.
Crystal Golem: Str: 1 Int: 3 Stp: 0. Yes,0.
Innate: Reassemble: This golem heals itself by 1 HP every turn.
Crystal Soul: Stp HP boost is cut in half. Int gives 1 HP per point.
A golem made for spellcasting. Very fragile. 275 gold.
Siege Golem: Str: 3 Int: 0 Stp: 1
Innate: Smash: This golem deals Str/2 bonus damage VS Towers.
A golem built for war with enlarged fists. 250 gold.
Builder Golem: Str: 1 Int: 0 Stp: 0
Innate: Build: Money cost for increasing Tower Size cut in half.
A repair golem. Pathetically weak in battle. 275 gold.
Seeker Golem: Str: 1 Int: 3 Stp: 0
Innate: Scan: When scouting,gold recieved is doubled.
A golem built to explore. Could only win if its opponent was a builder golem or another seeker. 300 gold.
Swarm Golem: Str: 1 Int: 0 Stp: 0
Innate: Horde: This golem deals 1 more damage for each Swarm Golem attacking. This golem cannot be hired out.
Apparently the inventor enjoyed zerg rushing his friends. 50 gold.
NO ( pointless because large numbers are impossible )
Basic Golem MK II: Str: 2 Int: 2 Stp: 2
Upgraded Basic Golem. 240 gold. If converting a Basic Golem,price cut in half.
Guard Golem: Str: 2 Int: 0 Stp: 2
Innate: Sentry: This golem must be fought prior to attacking the tower. Defensive bonuses are doubled. This golem cannot enter the dungeon,scout,or fight monsters.
A guard to protect the tower. 320 gold.
Mercenary Golem: Str: 2 Int: 1 Stp: 2
Innate: Merc: When hired out,has a 50% chance of bringing back (Total stat sum/2)x10 money and a 30% chance of gaining +1 to a stat. This golem cannot scout.
A golem built to improve with missions. 350 gold.
Basic Golem MK III: Str: 3 Int: 3 Stp: 3
Top of the line Basic Golem. 450 gold. If upgrading from MK II,cut price in half. If upgrading from Basic Golem,cut price by 1/4.
There,Wing. Approve or disapprove at will. And BTW,there's no Stp specialist golem,so at the very least,approve that.
YEa basically io rejected all ofthem because i planned this to have only 3 types of golems that you would customize
+ 1 INT + 15 Gold
you also lvled up one so add 2 stats anywhere you want and add 5 MP and 10 HP
Your total gold for the trip was -13 gold
You gained 87 in the dungeona nd spent 100 on skill training.
You kill 4 monsters
+ 8 EXP
You have 1 HP left im assuming your running like bloody hell. ^^
Every time you lvl up or your stats or gold or EXP change woudl you please post that because it helps me keep track and not have to re add everything over again ^^ thank you
I go down to the 4th Floor
+ 50 gold + 5 EXP for first to 4th floor
Fights 1 Troll
HP: 59/102
+2 EXP
+ 10 GOLD
Fights 1 Ogre
HP 55/102
+ 2 EXP
+ 15 GOLD
Artifact lvl: 6
Staff of Frost:
Casts Icebolt: Deals 5XINT damage Mana cost: 5
Also Adds 2 INT
Sell price: 150
Fight Monster:
Ogre magi T_T
HP: 1/102 O_O i love my bulk
+ 2 EXP
+75 Gold
+150 Gold
+ 1 Artifact
+ 11 EXP
14/40 EXP
I leave dungeon
JYAP ur turn again
08-25-2006, 10:22 PM
Cool. ~levels~
New Stats:
New STR: 1
New INT: 4 (Am I right?)
New STP: Still 1
HP: 22 (?)
MP: 20 (?)
Man,you suck now Wing. You lose 10 coolness points.
Lemme get my stats.
Str: 1
Int: 6
Stp: 1
HP: 32
MP: 40
39 gold
18/40 exp
There we go. I raid the dungeon repeatedly for my next turns till I get 450 gold.
08-26-2006, 04:07 PM
+124 Gold
+18 EXP
46/30 LVL UP
16/40 I lied to you jyap sorry XD its 40
+ 2 stats
Jyap leaves dungeon because of less than 50% hp
Trog ur turn then its toss's
Str: 1
Int: 6+2
Stp: 1
Gold: 150,give or take a few gold.
Exp: 16/40
Next turn I try to learn another Int power. Preferably ice-related,even if it's just a ice version of Fireball.
08-27-2006, 06:04 PM
*cough cough* Trog you and Toss's Turn
08-28-2006, 08:35 AM
Im not moving until I figure out my stats. Gotta dig back cause the last time you gave me my stats it was an imcomplete list.
08-28-2006, 03:38 PM
STR: 4
STP: 2
INT: 1
EXP: 27/20 LVL UP
08-28-2006, 03:42 PM
ok, how many points do i get from leveling? If it's one then +1 INT, plus I learned a skill. Was it hammer?
Edit: also - is that 6/ that my HP?
STR: 4
STP: 2
INT: 1
EXP: 19/20
+ 134 Gold
+ 18 EXP
38/38 HP
37/20 LVL UP
17/30 EXP
Yours on lvl 2/5
Nxt turn ( after mine and jyap again )
you can go to 3
Trog Learns Hammer: Deals 1XSTR damage and 1XSTR for every INT point
So 1 STR 1 INT deals 2 damage 2 STR 1 INT deals 4 damage 2 STR 2 INT deals 6 damage ect
Sheesh,I wanna get on with my turn. Let's just skip Trog for holding us up. :angry:
(Don't kill me!)
08-28-2006, 03:47 PM
hey...i just realized that you took away 10 xp!!!
ok, I'll go ahead and enter the dungeon again. :P
08-28-2006, 05:07 PM
oh god that was totally a miscount of my part sorry trog
27/30 exp
and yes you have hammer
u have full HP
and clear 3 floors
HP: 20/38
+54 Gold First level
+71 Gold 2nd Level
+95 Gold 3rd Level
Total Gold: 210 Gold
Current gold:460
+ 1 lvl 5 Artifact: Grand axe of Scar + 5 STR when worn Sell Value: 200
total EXP:
New rule:
you may have up to 4 artifacts equipped
+36 EXP
63/30 LVL UP
2 stats on lvl up
also You can choose to go to lvl 4 or go back up and
Toss rarely checks this. Skip him and when it's his turn again,give him two turns.
I already detailed my action,so carry it out and it'll be your turn again Wing.
08-28-2006, 07:10 PM
JYAP learns: Anti-Ice-Ball AKA fireball deals 1.5XINT damage costs 3 mana
-100 gold
My turn: Learns:
Armored Hide: reduce all physical damage by 3
Trog your turn again Buddyboy
08-28-2006, 07:43 PM
Then I shall take my time while it's my turn.
Fine, I'll enter the dungeon.
Str: 1
Int: 8
Stp: 1
HP: 32
MP: 50
Gold: Bout 50
Exp: 16/40
Skills: Frostball(TAKE THAT!),Bash,Block
With my newfound powers,next turn I-
08-28-2006, 08:11 PM
Toss clears 2 lvls and leaves
+56 gold
+ 74 Gold
+ 18 EXP
+130 gold
You are late.... so therefore i give a half ass attempt at doing your thing
08-28-2006, 08:32 PM
You cheeky bastard. XD
08-29-2006, 08:31 AM
Still gathering data from other pages so I can finally get my stats together. Looks like I only gained 2HP last time I leveled up. What a crappy roll!!!!
STR: 3
STP: 2
INT: 2
lvl 2
EXP: 7/20
Gold 141
HP: 36/36
MP: 15
Well if you mean STR training ( the thing that makes you stronger )
then -50$ and - 1 INT but + 1 STR
and its all one turn heal in as soon as you leave dungeon.
Trogs stats
STR: 4
INT: 1
gold 138
EXP: 19/20
+ 1 tower size!
Tower Size: 1
within my next couple of posts I'll finally get my stats right. :P
ok, so on the level up I just had I get 2 stats, so +2 STR!
08-29-2006, 10:20 AM
OK, here i go:
OK, so I'll take a basic golem -
Basic Golem STR 1 INT 1 STP 1
Now I have $100.
INT + 1 STP + 1 + 15 Gold
Total Cost -5 gold
Trog stats
Gold 95
HP: 22
MP: 10
First MOnster....Skeleton!
Trog Orders Rocky to stand firm and block constantly
Rocky Blocks for the duration of the fight
Skeleton: HP 0
Rocky: HP 22
+ 3 gold
Nxt monster ( right b4 treasure )
Rocky blocks entire time
Goblin HP 0
Rocky HP 22
+1 Gold
Found Treasure!!
Treasure: 4d6 Gold! total Gold Amount: 17 ( rolls: 2 6 5 4)
Total Gold Found so far 20
Exp rates will b 1 exp per monster per lvl of dungeon
( 1 per at lvl 1 2 per at lvl 2 ect )
+2 exp for JYAP 2/10
+2 Exp for Wing 3/10
+ 2 Exp for Trog 2/10
Trog your at full hp
Trog now that i think of it
+24 Gold for you and +8 EXP because u basically could do everything i could do
Trog: 10/10 LVL UP
2 free stats + 10 HP and + 5 MP
Trog: 0/20 EXP
Pick your stats and whether or you you gonna wait in dunegon to go to lvl 2 or comign back up
Gold: 136
2 stren and going to level 2!
go Rocky go!
Trog Ventures into LVL 2! + 5 EXP for being first to this LVL!!!!!!
Trog: 5/20 EXP
Trog fights his first lvl 2 monster!
Monster: Skeleton!
Skeleton Shatters!
Trog stats
STR: 3
STP: 2
INT: 2
lvl 2
EXP: 7/20
Gold 141
HP: 36/36
MP: 15
Trog Fights nxt Monster!
Trog Bashes entire time!
Trog HP: 20/36
Bandit dead
+ 5 gold + 2 EXP
Trog finds Lvl 2 Treasure!!
random lvl:3!
Chain Mail! Trog blocks 2 damage from Physical Attacks ( STR stat attacks )
sell value: 75 Gold
Trog fights anotehr monster!
Trog HP: 20/36
+5 gold + 2 EXP
and clears the floor!
+12 gold + 6 EXP for skeles
+ 20 gold and + 2 EXP for bandit Master
+ 5 gold + 2 EXP for Bandit
42 gold + 12 EXP
Trog gold/exp
Gold: 183
EXP: 19/20
DO you want to go down to lvl 3 if so u have to wait for ur nxt turn
Well if you mean STR training ( the thing that makes you stronger )
then -50$ and - 1 INT but + 1 STR
and its all one turn heal in as soon as you leave dungeon.
Trogs stats
STR: 4
INT: 1
gold 138
EXP: 19/20
+ 1 tower size!
Tower Size: 1
Trog Learns Hammer: Deals 1XSTR damage and 1XSTR for every INT point
So 1 STR 1 INT deals 2 damage 2 STR 1 INT deals 4 damage 2 STR 2 INT deals 6 damage ect
Trog Scouts
+ 10 gold
No stats
total cost=0
+ 134 Gold
+ 18 EXP
38/38 HP
37/20 LVL UP
17/30 EXP
Yours on lvl 2/5
Nxt turn ( after mine and jyap again )
you can go to 3
You kill 4 monsters
+ 8 EXP
You have 1 HP left im assuming your running like bloody hell. ^^
at this point my stats are:
Name: Rocky
STR - 4
INT - 1
STP - 2
HP - 36 (I see it says this from my extra stren?)
MP - 15
Gold - 290
XP - 45/20
Level - 2
Artifacts - Chainmail (-2 Physical Damage) value 75gp
Size - +1 Tower
Skills - Hammer (1xSTR + 1xINT DMG)
Effects Of EXP
Every LVLx10 EXP ( if ur lvl 1 u need 10 EXP for lvl 2 if lvl 2 u need 20 EXP for lvl 3 ECT ) You Level up Gaining 2 Free Stats and +10 HP and + 5 Magic Power
therefore going from level 2 to 3
Name: Rocky
STR - 5
INT - 2
STP - 2
HP - 50
MP - 20
Gold - 290
XP - 15/30
Level - 3
Artifacts - Chainmail (-2 Physical Damage) value 75gp
Size - +1 Tower
Skills - Hammer (1xSTR + 1xINT DMG)
+54 Gold First level
+71 Gold 2nd Level
+95 Gold 3rd Level
Total Gold: 210 Gold
Current gold:460
+ 1 lvl 5 Artifact: Grand axe of Scar + 5 STR when worn Sell Value: 200
total EXP:
New rule:
you may have up to 4 artifacts equipped
+36 EXP
63/30 LVL UP
2 stats on lvl up
ok, so on the level up I just had I get 2 stats, so +2 STR!
OK, so then my gold went actually to 510 and xp only went to 51/30, therefore my new level 4 stats (finally) are:
Name: Rocky
STR - 7
INT - 2
STP - 2
HP - 64
MP - 25
Gold - 510
XP - 21/40
Level - 4
Artifacts - Chainmail (-2 Physical Damage) value 75gp & Grand axe of Scar + 5 STR when worn Sell Value: 200
Size - +1 Tower
Skills - Hammer (1xSTR + 1xINT DMG)
08-29-2006, 10:29 AM
Also, since it's my turn (I think), I'll use it to leave dungeon so I can spend some of this gold.
Name: Rocky
STR - 7
INT - 2
STP - 2
HP - 64
MP - 25
Gold - 510
XP - 21/40
Level - 4
Artifacts - Chainmail (-2 Physical Damage) value 75gp & Grand axe of Scar + 5 STR when worn Sell Value: 200
Size - +1 Tower
Skills - Hammer (1xSTR + 1xINT DMG)
08-29-2006, 04:07 PM
Yea my bad totally i kept trying to find the last note of your stats but i guess i overshot it a few times and screwed it all up I Strongly encourage you guys to manage your own stats and you dont need me for anything stat related only really dungeon
and trog After you is Toss..
Then me
Then Jyap
Then trog
Then Toss
Then me
08-29-2006, 04:12 PM
ok, this is what I'm interested in:
Makes your Golem Train Its Powers: Costs $100 You pick STP INT or STR and a Level 0-5 You gain 25% bonus if you have the previous Level and you have a 25% chance of Learning a New abilty You may pick to have a random stat but the level is ALWAYS 1 higher than your currect lvl ( lvl 0 is bash and block for STR and STP no one has lvl 0 int spell which is fireball )
I dont lose any abilities doing this one..just gold. I'd like to do this 2 times (200 gold).
Toss still thinks it's Trog's turn. I want to skip him,but that's gonna get annoying...
08-29-2006, 05:06 PM
Right. Going into the Dungeon.
08-29-2006, 06:08 PM
tOSS: +111 Gold
+ 18 EXP
16/30 EXP
+ 2 stats
state ur stats nxt post u make
You find Skele Bone Use=Unknown sell value: 15
HP: 102/102
Mana: 20
STR: 1
STP: 8
INT: 1
Gold: 383
Skills: Bash Block Bulk(Mana cost: 5 5XSTP extra health that must go to 0 before damage to main self [all blocking effects apply]( 1 cast at a time ) Armored Hide: All physical attcks -5 all magical -2 Passive
I attack JYAP and use Bulk
Bulk HP: 40/40
Wing HP: 102/102
Wing Mana: 15/20
YOu move JYAP
( btw we finish our fight b4 any more turns taken )
Wait...if I read that right,Bulk can be used as soon as it drops,making you impervious. In that case,I can't win,and I leave this annoyed.
If it's one use though,I spam Frostball till I'm out of MP,then block.
08-30-2006, 10:24 AM
Cool. ~levels~
New Stats:
New STR: 2
New INT: 5
New STP: Still 1
HP: 32 (?)
MP: 45 (?)
Oh, and I edited everything in this thread that you edited, JYAP. Ph34r me.
08-30-2006, 03:02 PM
Wait...if I read that right,Bulk can be used as soon as it drops,making you impervious. In that case,I can't win,and I leave this annoyed.
If it's one use though,I spam Frostball till I'm out of MP,then block.
Think of it like stoneskin.
A. It Costs Mana Therefore i can only cast it once per 5 mp + once per 3 turns at that
Wing casts bulk:
Jyap using Torrent ( the lvl 3 INT spell )
Jyap does 5XINT damage= 40
Bulk ends!
Wing casts bulk=phail
Jyap using Torrent
wing - 40
Wing uses bulk=phail
Jyap using torrent
Wing uses bulk= Success ( bulk back up )
Also int abilities are the MOST powerful later on ( imagine torrent which is only halfway to the best ( meteor ) and with 10 int it does 50 damage with 20 it does 100 Meteor is= 10XINT damage which is almost insane amounts with even 10 int ( where yo would normally have like 30-40 ) The most damage a STP spell can do is 1/4 the physical damage applied to me
The most the str can deal is STRX5+20 which is 70 damage at 10 STR 30 less
its true a 1 int caster and a 1 str fighter golem the fighter golem will win because of the + 20 but as you get to upper stats and spells int > all but STP's 10 mana costing spell shield which blocks 1 spell
in that case it blocks one attack but normally if you can break it in 2 or 3 turns i take a hit or 2 before reapplying it and even so i only do it for 4 times then im manaless
and you frostball= 10 damage
Bulk: 30/40
Wing Bashes: 1 Damage
Jyap: 31/32
your move again
08-30-2006, 03:32 PM
Whenever it's my turn I'll be training INT as mentioned above. And not the kinda that reduces str!!
How'd I learn Torrent? Oh well,not complaining. What I will complain about is that if I hit with Torrent twice,how does your HP remain at 40? Hax?
Whatever. If I'm out of MP(and I probably am),I just block till you drop. Since I'm healing 2 HP a round and you neglected to include any retreat option whatsoever,you lose.
08-30-2006, 04:10 PM
Well as it goes we basically have a stale mate becaus ei can block non stop and basically reduce your damage to 0 and so um... battle ends...
Trog Learns Fireball
Trog Learns Lightning ( 2XINT damage + 1XINT damage if the enemy uses a defensive skill next turn )
and you didnt learn torrent.. im just using torrent as an example XD you ever play a concsole rpg when in tuts they use things you dont have lol
08-30-2006, 04:50 PM
hey! 50 gold??
Makes your Golem Train Its Powers: Costs $100 You pick STP INT or STR and a Level 0-5 You gain 25% bonus if you have the previous Level and you have a 25% chance of Learning a New abilty You may pick to have a random stat but the level is ALWAYS 1 higher than your currect lvl ( lvl 0 is bash and block for STR and STP no one has lvl 0 int spell which is fireball )
thats the thing i wanted to do..and do it twice
08-30-2006, 07:14 PM
i reedited my post look back see what ya learneded
You never explicitly said it was an example. Anyways,my turn? If so,just to be mean,I go attack Toss with a flurry of Frostballs(My MP did recover right?).
08-31-2006, 08:25 AM
Kewl, my stats are now:
Name: Rocky
STR - 7
INT - 2
STP - 2
HP - 64
MP - 25
Gold - 310
XP - 21/40
Level - 4
Artifacts - Chainmail (-2 Physical Damage) value 75gp & Grand axe of Scar + 5 STR when worn Sell Value: 200
Size - +1 Tower
Skills - Hammer (1xSTR + 1xINT DMG)
Fireball (not sure on the damage for this one)
Lightning ( 2XINT damage + 1XINT damage if the enemy uses a defensive skill next turn )
Somebody let me know when it's my turn.
08-31-2006, 09:48 AM
T matrix-dodges. XD XD XD XD XD
08-31-2006, 02:52 PM
You never explicitly said it was an example. Anyways,my turn? If so,just to be mean,I go attack Toss with a flurry of Frostballs(My MP did recover right?).
Wing casts bulk:
Jyap using Torrent ( the lvl 3 INT spell )
Jyap does 5XINT damage= 40
Bulk ends!
Wing casts bulk=phail
Jyap using Torrent
wing - 40
Wing uses bulk=phail
Jyap using torrent
Wing uses bulk= Success ( bulk back up )
so i said examble instead of example still :/
but um
trog fireball is on first page its 1.5XINT
and your MP heals when your HP does except via certain spells/artifacts
08-31-2006, 03:02 PM
On my turn reenter the dungeon. Apparently I need to get some INT so I need to level. :P
I'm still Frostballing Toss's golem to death. Then afterwards I turn the dungeon into a dungeonsicle. :)
If we all can go into a dungeon,shouldn't we at one point hit an area where we could potentially meet?
Str: 1
Int: 8
Stp: 1
HP: 32
MP: 50
Gold: Let's just say 50
Exp: 16/40
Skills: Frostball,Bash,Block
08-31-2006, 07:14 PM
We all have convieniently enough different dungeons but they connect on the 6th+ floors but you cannot get to the 6th floor without clearing the 5th which is near impossible XD
and um anyway im not going to update this and jyap toss gets immunity
trog just go into the dungeon and do the thing yourself your trust worthy ^^
Urge to quit rising.
In that case,it's STILL my turn. Which means I raid the dungeon.
09-01-2006, 08:12 AM
you cant update this? this mean you're abandoning us? :(
09-01-2006, 10:27 PM
NO what i meant well today ( september first ) i left the house at 6:30 and didnt get back until 11:30 PM i didnt have any time so i just got back and
posting this and now im way too tired to update at this time i iwll do so im the morning
Uh huh. I still go into the dungeon.
09-06-2006, 04:13 PM
:spam: :censor: double poster!!
Bumping is a perfectly reasonable method of getting a topic back up.
Or I could merge the posts. Let's go with that.
09-06-2006, 04:40 PM
I think you can stick a fork in this thread.
09-06-2006, 04:48 PM
aww im sorry guys its just i havent been able to get more than 1-2 minutes on at a time and the dungeon crap takes a while
We need something less exausting on Wing. Suggestions?
I say scrap the dungeon,add a shop instead,and put more focus on PvP. And dramatically reduce gold prices for stuff since the primary source of gold(dungeon)is gone.
09-06-2006, 07:25 PM
I think you guys have too many 10+ page threads. :P
09-06-2006, 08:19 PM
Point, Trog?
Protoss is right. Just because there's a bunch of 90+ post threads means nothing. It means we're pretty active for a group of 3-5 people.
Wing,update or I'll play Starcraft only instead of Warcraft only.
09-21-2006, 06:34 PM
Besides, what would you want more of? 90+ Page threads or 90+ Thread forums (spam)?
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