View Full Version : Battle Report, 9-17-06
09-17-2006, 06:59 PM
Fancy title, eh? Oh, c'mon!
Anyway, I just happened to pass by EB when some guy was there named Unuduil (Lastname). I got Zerg Defiler out and found that he was a newb (not noob) to EB. So we fought for a while and he got served several times. The only time I died was when I had to kill him AND myself with Ice Storm when he got the edge.
For clarification, Zerg Defiler is my Sorc which I made to engage Halfwing's druid WNxBirch. He served me tons of times but I did manage make him Badly Wounded & on some occasions Near Death.
(waits 30 days for NWN2 so he can play)
09-18-2006, 08:42 AM
OK, so what you're saying is you tortured some poor soul who was new to the server? :P
09-18-2006, 02:17 PM
Quite frankly...yes. And each kill took around 10 seconds on average with me spamming Ice Storm on him. ^_^
I also killed 6 comps with the Muta Rush in Primeval Islands on SC. The one I didn't kill was killed by the other comps. I took 4 mutas and killed all of teal's probes & nexus early in the game. Then I expanded because I was gonna get pwnt by white. Then both white AND green attacked me. Of course, they were so busy attacking each other, I could get my overlords outta there. The Lair there was the only building that survived, miraculously.
Then I decided to play the pacifist and keep expanding while the other comps fought among themselves and then muta rushed green's expansions to much success. The spore colonies, while powerful, were easy pickings for the many many mutas. Then, knowing that minerals were low, I decided to expand a bit more.
I had around 33k mins and 10k gas when blue decided to attack one of my expansions with a guardian which was pwnt by mutas. Then I decided to go on the offensive. I got a Queen's nest up and a Hive along with a Greater Spire & the last armor/damage up. I pwned green (who had nothing but a creep colony left), white, OJ, & blue with Guardians and then I took all my mutas and guardians and attacked Purp. The attack failed no thanks to those damn High Templars, the bane of all Zerg.
With my 50k mins & 30k gas, I rebuilt my swarm of Mutas 2 more times. Purp could do nothing (just like the other pwnt CPUs) because he lacked the resources. The second attack failed, but 3's the charm, and that attack succeeded. I finished it off with attacking purp's last expansion, and +1 Victory for Toss.
09-18-2006, 02:48 PM
I actually like to torture the newbs a little more. I'll use spells that hurt them just a little bit, one after the other, until they die. That is, as long as my defenses hold up. I like to give them the hope that they *might* last long enough to take me down.
09-18-2006, 02:53 PM
Your all horrible i just do the right thing and kill them with a insta death spell repeatedly until they leave em alone and follow me around like lapdogs and protoss you got me to near death with your sorc when i forgot to rest -.- i started at 1/2 health with a few spells XD
09-18-2006, 03:16 PM
I never use Insta-death spells unless I'm getting double teamed. It makes folks leave the server and I cant have anymore fun.
Do it AFTER you've droven it through their skull that getting saving throw rings>>>insta-death spells.
09-18-2006, 04:05 PM
Besides, I have bad memories of the server being really popular when it was first built, and then everyone left because a couple of mages were spamming insta-death. :(
09-18-2006, 05:05 PM
They do that at EW and yet it stays popular. I wonder any rate, perhaps it would be wise to drop the DC on death spells just a tiny bit. The rest you should leave to the fort saves. Most of the spells aren't nerfed like hell like in EW so it should make a big opportunity for mages to inflict damage.
The reason we're not getting oh-so-populated is because of your competition. Bastions of War, Antiworld, Eternal War are your competitors and you need to strike them all down.
09-18-2006, 05:21 PM
Oh by the way the people who come get killed then leave are the same people that dont populate any specific server to unlikly they would come back anyway anyone who stays though typically plays pvp often so it helps weed out the peopel who jsut come for a day from the long time players
And as for peopel leaving because of insta death spammers... they went to BoW where dex monks > everything OR antiworld where shifters or clerics or monks > all OR EW where cleric monks or Paladins > all :/ evil cycle all casters get nerfed everywhere because no one realized that when you take out shadow dancer you take out a key advantage to counter spell casters ( the SD/Assassin/Bards are amazing anticasters stealth + silence = dead caster
Nerf it a little. Take off like 2 DC.
09-18-2006, 05:32 PM
Also, Monk/Cleric sucks in EW.
Casters suck in EW unless they're from Wing.
09-18-2006, 06:44 PM
Or Vesin, no?
09-18-2006, 08:05 PM
I've already nerfed the death spells. People just make suck characters. I refuse to nerf mages for that.
Vesin sucks period. The guy needs IGMS and insta-death spells to even hold an edge.
I always post my point late. -_-
09-19-2006, 02:08 PM
Monks, Clerics, & Druids can counter IGMS with Spell Resistance, Sorcs & Wizzies with Counterspell...but the melees & archers are doomed, you're right.
09-19-2006, 02:45 PM
The only thing I wish I could do was prevent you from casting the same spell over and over. I hate spammers.
09-19-2006, 05:01 PM
How about a trigger that decreases the damage with each consecutive cast?
09-19-2006, 05:05 PM
Trog the only issue with spammers is sometimes ( i know i do ) i get buffs and the best attacking spell from a spell level and spam that ( with sorc ) and if im sorc i just get the insta death+ a powerful spell if im wiz im gonna use more of a variety but i hate wizards
Wizards>J00. And you know it.
09-19-2006, 07:34 PM
Sorc> wizard in mage duel______PVM wizard > sorc
PVP Situation depends but 90% of time sorc> wiz
09-19-2006, 08:08 PM
Unless the player is really good. Then it wont matter what whether he's a wiz or sorc. :)
Wizards get a higher DC than Sorcs and can get more skill points than Sorcs,which can go into something useful like Hide/MS or Spot/Listen. Sorcs get better persuade skills and stuff,but you never see that used in PvP.
09-20-2006, 02:33 PM
One reason why Wizzies would make good anti-sneaks, melee sneaks in particular. If you stay in one place with Greater Stoneskin on while a CSer attacks you, chances are that CSer is gonna attack in the same place over and over again. So just Ice Storm the place he's attacking at and he should get hit.
Also, Wizzies learn spells faster than Sorcs so getting Stoneskin + Ice Storm is possible, thus creating a possible anti-CSer. For some odd reason, however, I use Sorcs more. Probably because of more casts per day.
09-20-2006, 03:00 PM
Wizards DC only is in effect with a School of magic.
That same concept works with Sorc's Toss and usually better because of the sheer number of spells
Sorc's get amazing Taunt
60% spell failure with -6 AC FTW
beat that with a Wizard
Also Sorc Synergize with many different classes
( barbarian/Paladin/blackguard/CoT/RDD/pale master )
What do wizards get? Assassins if they want to try and get decent AB
( why barbarian you ask? DC for some of the better rage involves the taunt skill making sorcerer a nice choice )
09-20-2006, 05:25 PM
Yeah, but Wizzies can get more skill points so they can fill in Concentration, Spellcraft, Tumble, Listen, AND spot. Sorcs only get one of the cross-class skills to fill in. That is, Sorcs & Wizzies with the average intelligence. Wizzies need the listen/spot for detecting the melee-sneaks but you're right, you can use either Sorcs or Wizzies for rooting out CSers. Problem is, it takes a L8 Sorc to do it, and since it's so hard to level in EW...
Of course, in EB, there's no problem.
Why the hell do you need Taunt? You just lost 2 spells(if hasted)if you even bother doing it. It's better on a melee guy.
Multiclassing Barbarian gives you 10% extra move and the ever-useful-when-remembered rage. That's it.
Paladin's like the best option for multiclassing for the saves. You lose a few levels for awesome saves. Totally worth it IMO.
Blackguard? You kidding me boy?
Champion of Torm. Wow. Just...Wing,think about that for a second and see why that's a bad idea.
RDD is best left to Bard/melee multiclassers. Sorcs get lousy hit dice and bard song+curse song>level 3 spells IMO.
Pale Master? Meh. Interesting proposition actually. Just one thing though: Wizard gets the much-needed skill points from his high intelligence and can use Pale Master more effectively. Granted,Sorc gets simple weapons,but that's why you take a level of fighter and cram those points Wizzie has been saving into Discipline.
09-21-2006, 06:22 PM
RDD+PM+Sorc = +360 HP by last lvl..very nice
Multiclassing barbarian gievs you a 48 DC on your terrifying rage ( which gives you fear if you come in range 48 DC will save >fighter/rogue/cleric/everything )
along with the fact the 18 sorc lvls can help you take down any mage you see
the bonus 8 HP/lvl + 4 HP/lvl for rage
total of 480 HP bonus AAND
to take down anything u cant with spells Buffed up Barbarian lvls!
COT gives you ( without true strike ) + 29 AB and + 26 Damage
add + 5 to all saves then flame wep/blackstaff/gretaer magic/true strike OR tensers transform
and you get +1d4+10 +31 damage
and + 54 AB
Bam owned anything doesnt it
and Taunt + deaf and you got a 100% failure on non silent spells but a 60% on silent ^^
I'm sure RDD/PM/Sorc will be plesant to level up...</sarcasm>
Wing,if the barbarian side can do ANY good,then your magic sucks and you're better off without sorc levels. Same with CoT.
I don't think the percentages stack. I think it's more like Evasion in WCIII,where if you have 2 15% chances to evade,the game checks once then checks again. Taunting and Deafening a guy won't give him 100% chance to fail. It'll give him a 60% chance to fail,then he has to try again for a 40% chance or whatever the odds are.
09-23-2006, 08:22 PM
No it stacks... otherwise the spell failure from armor wouldnt work the way it does...
09-24-2006, 09:54 PM
*gasp* is jyap submissive? O_O
I thrive off of disagreement. I'm not given much to work with since you didn't touch my other point.
09-25-2006, 02:57 PM
And about the barbarians sorc or cot sorc thing
thats like syaing a monk cleric is alot better off with just pure monk or pure cleric :/
or that Bard SD Assassins should stay pure bard
Monk/Cleric is different. Monk gets an AC bonus from Wis. It's actually worthwhile. A Bard/SD/Assassin is kickass,actually,despite a weaker song.
But that's not exactly related to how effective Barb/Sorc or CoT/Sorc is. Just because one skill may utilize a primary stat doesn't mean they go together well. I mean,really,is Xanos a good henchman? Is he?
09-25-2006, 07:00 PM
You cannot pick feats on Xanos and the true beauty of Barb/sorc is when you make it a damned half elf ( yes they are useful ) or human
also the barb/sorc combo works best in epic ( once you hit lvl ~30)
when terrifying rage's dc will stop all but the most powerful ( namely halfling clerics ) wills but with these your spells can take his will down roughly 10 knotches making him perfectly scared and tehn yuou can pummel with weapons or spells depending on the enemy
You conveniently exclude the exact level of both classes. At epic levels,a level 10 Sorc can't do alot with his spells,let alone level 30+.
09-26-2006, 08:43 AM
Everyone should be required to make good classes with 30 levels or less. Anything above that is BS anyway. I'm so glad that NWN2 is staring out with only 20 levels.
09-26-2006, 02:07 PM
Can't argue with that. Where's the elite of the elite when you need 'em?
They left after the noob mage Bigby'd him then FoDed him then calls him a noob.
09-26-2006, 09:54 PM
by lvl 40 u get lvl 22 barb lvl 18 sorc it takes some persuasion to get both rages in ur 2 epic barb lvls but it works and a lvl 18 sorc can do everything ^^
Also by lvl 30 ur lvl 8 sorc lvl 22 barb
Ok then Skippy. How do you solve the glaring AC problem? I mean,this guy CAN'T hang back anymore when his barbarian levels outnumber his sorc levels...
By level 30 a 8 Sorc will be squashed effortlessly. That's 8 wasted levels of barbarian.
09-27-2006, 08:21 AM
Yes, but what are you going to do in NWN 2? Come one now, where are the new builds?
Curses. Now I'm torn between Fighter/WM/CoT and Fighter/WM/Paladin. Which is better: the spell casting ability and Holy Avenger or CoT's bonus feats and saves?
09-27-2006, 02:03 PM
Fighter/WM/Pally by a hell of a lot. Holy Avenger, Diving Favor, & Deafening Clang are just too damaging to ignore; it will just spell doom for any melee build.
09-27-2006, 02:42 PM
Holy Avenger is insanely powerful. It's so much more powerful then a weapon with on-hit dispel. I'd take the paladin mix any day.
Works for me. Behold the new and improved Rain!
Too bad the sacrifices I'll have to take will kill him. >_>
I can get WM by level 5 Fighter right? So I'll end up like Fighter 5/WM 8/Pally 7,correct?
09-27-2006, 04:29 PM
I thought you got everything you needed out of WM by level 7?
09-27-2006, 04:48 PM
lvl 1 human fighter : dodge weapon focus and expertise
lvl 2:
lvl 3: mobility
lvl 4: Wep Spec
lvl 5: spring attack
lvl 6:
lvl 7: Whirlwind Attack
lvl 8: Wepmaster!
you CAN get it at on ur 7th lvl IF you skip weapon spec for 2 less damage every hit but that would be foolish
ALSO IN NWN 2 i would have to see the spells included to know exactly what builds to make
BUT i have stated earlier muy wep master barb berserker builds to deal 200-500 damage crits ^^ and 70-80 damage reg attacks without anything more than current EB gear
I can't believe it. Wing just made a suggestion for the actual leveling process and not how good a class will be at 20.
We're all gonna die.
But anyways,sounds good. I want a screenshot of that WM/Barb though.
09-27-2006, 07:05 PM
He's learning new skills. :)
09-27-2006, 08:01 PM
But he messed up the feats. I believe it should be:
L1 Human Fighter- dodge weapon focus and expertise
L2- Mobility (If possible)
L3- If not possible at L2, Mobility. If so, something else. XD
L4- Weapon Specialization
L5- No feat.
L6- Spring Attack, Whirlwind Attack
L7- T3h Weapon Masterness.
Fighters get a bonus feat every other level (L2, L4, L6). As well, all classes get a bonus feat at L3, L6, L9, etc.
EDIT: 1500th post. ^_^
Now Toss just corrected Wing. Yup,we're all gonna die.
(hit by flying pig from out of hell with frost on it)
You see?! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!
09-28-2006, 08:39 AM
Yeah, I was thinking you could go WM faster. You almost made me break out my character leveler.
I so wanna get together with you guys and go gank some stupid nooblets in NWN2.
WTF! My Banette lost in a contest despite kicking tons of ass in the appeal section! HAX! </Pokemon>
09-29-2006, 02:57 PM
no fighters bonus feat doesnt allow you to get whirlwind attack *shrugs*
and alsothats for martial and simple weapons if you want exotic u gotta wait til ur 8th lvl and most times u start wep master at 8th lvl for other races its on the 9th if u go fighter or the 12 if your rogue and halfling 11th if you human rogue ^^ and barbarians get it at lvl 10 if your a human ^^
Also i dont have a screen shot of that barb/wepmaster because
frenzied berserker is in NWN 2 but knowing his abilities you can deal that much damage with imp power attack ( which is +6 /-6 instead of 10 ) and because of frenzy its +12/-6) ect. that high of crits are for scythes you can aget 200ish crits with a longsword and 300ish with axes
(stabs those ^^ eyes)
That's irritating.
You can get Exotic at level 2 or 3. And are you completely sure that Whirlwind Attack isn't available as a bonus feat? If it's not,what about Spring Attack?
09-29-2006, 04:14 PM
I'm going to post my build after I get home and make it. I think you can juggle things around a bit.
(prepares debating skills on how Wing is wrong)
09-30-2006, 03:13 PM
Nah, you can get them both as bonus feats. I get both of 'em at L6 whenever I make a WM.
Wing is owned again. Something is wrong. The DOTA must've gone to his head.
10-01-2006, 08:40 AM
owned again jyap?
for stating something based on a weapon master?
and also i did forget that the reason my guy didnt get whirlwind as a bonus feat was he did not have expertise
I don't see how what you said is a counter to my post. It's unusual for you to make a mistake regarding NWN though.
10-02-2006, 02:33 PM
Then get Expertise at L3. Simple as that.
10-02-2006, 03:14 PM
That's sad not getting your skillpoints in on time!
10-04-2006, 02:20 PM
New SC battle report.
I was playing God's Land with some four other people and it was lagging like hell. One guy got banned, another left because of the hectic lag. So anyway, I was just finished blowing up red's stuff when blue attacked me with a ton of Rines and F-bats. What he didn't expect, however, is that I had a ton of mutas with 10 Damage/Armor ups and since his guys consisted mostly of F-bats and medics, he didn't stand a chance. However, he did have a rigged Hunter Killer on his side, but he got pwned by my Fenix (Dragoon). All the heroes were rigged, BTW.
So anyway, I decided to go attack from the north. Needless to say, blue got pwned. BADLY. But then god started giving him Raynors (which, I might add, are rigged) but I got them too along with Kukulzas. It all went downhill from there as god went mad and killed all our stuff and gave us a ton of heroes. I got the edge since god gave me a probe and I upped shields to L10 to add to my other ups. Then we both got banned to see who lagged.
So there. The end of a hectic experience.
Yeah. That's why God should be God. He knows what he's doing.
10-05-2006, 09:35 AM
See, it's things like that which mean I haven't played Starcraft in years.
BNet seems to get the very worst denizens of the online world.
10-05-2006, 02:56 PM
Rejoin the swarm, Dweia! calls for your eternal soul!
Bleh. used to be like that for me, but it's getting better. Just avoid the really perverted games and you won't end up as an idiot.
The worst denizens would be the bastards online that hack their monk's gloves to pretty much pwn you on contact,then camp your corpse until you cry.
10-07-2006, 08:23 AM
But protosss, what if I like perverted?
Oh, all those dead baby zerglings, combining necrophilia, beastiality and pedophelia.
...I'll stop now.
10-07-2006, 10:38 AM
Old games suck :P
10-07-2006, 11:18 AM
~stabs Trog~
My god! Dead Zerglings! Argh! I shall avenge their death!
~Muta Rush'd~
But by perverted, I mean all those games like "STRIP SAKURA!!!!1111one" and the like. Never played one of those games, never will.
It's not much better than the idiots who just make games with a random person's name or saying something like "(name) IS A DIRTY ****!".
Dweia's really disturbing me...
10-08-2006, 10:53 AM
Dweia you make me giggle and you freak out jyap keep it up!
10-08-2006, 11:12 AM
Bah. I am immune to Dweia's freaking out-ness.
You're not immune to Telefrags like I am.
(does so)
10-08-2006, 03:16 PM
DR +1/Soak 123456789 damage. I win.
Meanwhile, back on...bah, screw it. I'm too lazy to shun insanity.
(If you use 1138 ONE MORE TIME...)
10-08-2006, 06:51 PM
OK, so what was this topic about?
10-08-2006, 07:59 PM
Do you seek knowledge of time travel?
We'll take that as a yes. And now for your first lesson...muahahahahahahaha!
~sends Al back to the beginning of this thread~
(sticks a Terrorist sign on Toss)
(a bunch of dots appear on him,which are SWAT members aiming with their fancy automatic rifles)
(much blood is pouring out of Toss after 5 seconds)
10-09-2006, 08:32 AM i see neither one of you know!
in that case - thread closed.
You do realize Protoss answered your question indirectly right? If you wanted to see what the thread was about,you should've checked the first page.
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