View Full Version : My October.
Yeah. All the good stuff is in October. So,I'll go ahead and post what happened to me each day. Whether you care or not doesn't matter to me,so hah. :P
Oct. 1: I get to jam all my homework in 2 hours so my friends can come over for 1 hour. -_- It was a decent hour though. I got to fight them 3 times in Pokemon. Won all 3 times despite Swampert being present in all 3. DEATH TO SWAMPERT!
Oct. 2: I get Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Team Red. I have an Eevee and Cyndaquil. ^_^
On to less cheerful and Pokemon-unrelated news. Turns out Domain of the Doomed has been offlined. Suspiciously,one of the members that was banned from there(Triple H/Zhou Tai/Ajith)has started his own forum,and when I went over to taunt,I'm assailed by not one,but TWO idiots. After I noticed DotD was down,I read their post and it seems Zhou Tai has done the offlining himself...or they did it to protect it from him. Whatever. If you want to join the war effort,the URL is
You don't have to. I can fend for myself,although two numbskulls ignoring all logic isn't the best of odds for me.
More to come.
10-02-2006, 09:08 PM
Lots of great stuff in October, like NWN 2 is being released on the 31st!
10-03-2006, 02:03 PM
I'll see if I can summon friends and get in there myself.
Oct. 3: Nothing overly special. Zhou Tai seems to have fled the battlefield,but Black Tiger/Xblade still wants to fight. He also uses Myspace. Sad,isn't it?
And my Eevee is level 25 or so. Woot for me.
10-04-2006, 08:53 AM
What's the max level for heros in WarCraft?
10-04-2006, 02:04 PM
L10. Except some maps - DotA and RPs in particular - break that limit.
At any rate, you should be able to kill your competition, JYAP. Xblade = Nothing. In fact, you shouldn't even have to argue with him; he's killing himself.
~predicts the future~
JYAP: Yup. Problem is,Zhou Tai is pro-Xblade,so he can't kill his reputation,really.
10-04-2006, 02:44 PM
ok, then what does the level 25 mean?
Al,the max level for heroes varies per map. It can go past 500 in some cases,or the hero can't ever get past level 1.
Oct. 4: Psion the Eevee and Cynder the Cyndaquil successfully beat down Rayquaza with the help of Calamity the Absol,who gets a honorable mention in the ending when Cynder freaks out about his absence. So Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Team Red's been beaten. Now I can evolve my teammates and befriend even more Pokemon,including legendaries. Too bad Zapdos won't join after 3 pwnings.
School-wise,I got a half-day and now I get the rest of the week off. Woot!
I think I routed Xblade for now.
10-05-2006, 02:58 PM
DAMMIT! You're so lucky! GAH!
GJ. All their forum are belong to us. They are on the way to- ~AYBABTU'd by CATS~
EDIT: Good, I have been validated. I should be able to use either Dredoc or Protoss119 now.
Oct. 5: I found a forum dedicated to SOS missions on Mystery Dungeon. Just now I got into a scuffle over a mission because of how they work. If you want to see the topic,it's
I'm in the right here. They really won't listen to me because I propose a new and better way of doing things.
On forums,I can make an invisionfree if you want,Toss. We could invite our buds there to hang out,discuss mapping,etc. Up for it?
10-05-2006, 07:46 PM
Sounds good to me. I know Shmidley personally so through Palidroma I might get him to come here.
Heh. An admin closed the topic and gave me a "warning" for threatening someone. The hell? People there need to loosen up. I'm frickin tired of these goons.
10-06-2006, 08:39 AM
We're superior here. :)
Apparently. Anyone from here can pwn anyone else pretty handily.
10-06-2006, 02:57 PM
Their forum has been destroyed. There is nothing left to do.
Really,me and Toss drove them off and filled every empty section with How are you gentlemen!! as the only topic in there. The Black Aces has been gunned down.
Oh,I sent a gigantic spam mail swarm to Zhou Tai. It basically goes like this:
You have no chance to survive make your time.
And that's the short version. The real version shut down Mozilla cause it was too huge. rofl
10-06-2006, 03:53 PM
I spammed it up a bit more though. I now have the most posts in The Black Aces.
10-06-2006, 04:16 PM
Guess you two are on the verge of being banned.
10-06-2006, 04:31 PM
Already done. However, I have an auxilary account that I will use to spam them all over again.
EDIT: I have initiated my second spamstrike. I finished it just in time for Black Tiger to come around.
Oct. 6: This was so unimportant I didn't even update this topic.
Oct. 7: And now war breaks out. The Pokemon Rescue forum suspended me. It didn't really help that I called them hypocritical bastards,but they asked for it. So obviously I want revenge. No,Toss,you are NOT spamming the forum. Instead,we'll find the root admin's password,give it to me,and get payback. Heh heh heh.
And I lost Toss to the demon that is DOTA. WHY?!?
10-08-2006, 10:50 AM
Oooh, but your idea is better. Kekekekekeke.
I was foolish enough to keep myself logged in,so I can't log out,so I need to use another computer to actually try hacking.
Alternatively,I could just get payback on the stupid admins that got me suspended,appoint you as my right-hand man and establish a dictatorship. Hm.
10-08-2006, 03:04 PM
Either plan sounds good to me. With foolishness and all, how's the hacking coming along?
Nothing has turned up yet. I'll try.
10-08-2006, 06:49 PM
or you could just clear your cookies. :roll:
10-08-2006, 09:40 PM
I have been known to come up with good ideas.
Oct. 8: Well,my friends came over. No Pokemon battle though,just Mario Party. That's about it.
Oh yes. I can't determine which admin is the root admin. Tee and Scarface are the two twits in particular I'm ticked at. Zero doesn't post much,if at all,and Juuhachigou is pretty nice. So,try hacking their accounts.
10-09-2006, 08:34 AM
Let's not post about hacking anything on these forums please. :)
10-09-2006, 02:07 PM
My analysis points to Draygon...but I could be wrong. Either way...
EDIT: Nope. He's a Global Moderator. Just get any one admin.
It's not just any one admin. I'd prefer to leave the ones that didn't bother me out of it. So go for Tee and Scarface.
10-09-2006, 04:54 PM
OK, I'll admit it. I don't know how to snatch their PWs.
Try random stuff. If need be,register and see what pokemon they like and/or their nicknames,then use that.
I have a lot of homework so I can't help much. And it was my idea. I feel so bad having Toss do all my work. :(
Oct. 9: Nothing too special other than the fact that I forgot my lunch. Despite the three dollar donation I got from various people,I wasn't hungry at that time. lol
It should be mentioned that I get along very well with the girls in my school,especially one in particular. :)
Oct. 10: Just another ordinary,"Why the hell do we have to do science classwork as homework on top of regular homework?" day. Yes,I DO loathe the way my science teacher teaches. Curiously enough,he lets his students(not me)out late sometimes,and when they show up at third period(English for me)you can tell my English teacher is a little upset. Other than that,that day was boring.
Oh,and I saw Guitardude93/Randall today. That's it.
10-11-2006, 02:05 PM
Hey wait. You feel BAD for making me do all your dirty work?
A girlfriend is not required for this operation. ~pulls out a Fusion Cutter~ XD
At any rate, I'll see what magic I can pull off. I had to do my MPQ file all over again since SC couldn't find units.dbl when I ran my old one. So yeah...GOGO SPEEDALISKS!!!
10-11-2006, 03:33 PM
true, girlfriend is not necessary for forum surfing!
Eh. At least Wing can shut up.
I really should get around to actually trying to get MY revenge.
Oct. 11: Too ordinary. Well,except for the fact my Espeon,ALONE(because his teammates were KOed and there was no one to recruit),battled his way to the 27th floor on Northwind Field only for a damn Politoed to use Perish Song. No Reviver Seed,gg Espeon.
I've dropped the whole revenge thing. If they piss me off again,I give you free reign to do what you will with your friends there,Toss.
10-12-2006, 04:56 PM
GOGO SPAMALISK!!!!!!11111one
Oct. 12: Lich's log,earthdate October 12,2006,9:12 PM. I am under attack by giant piles of evil history homework. The battle between my good grades and evil homework is grueling. I think I may have to eat Protoss...
That aside,I do indeed have a lot of homework. Wish me luck.
Something hilarious happened in science today,but you'd have to be there to get it. :/
End log.
10-13-2006, 02:42 PM
I've tackled more homework than you can ever imagine...wait. Eat me? YOU CANNIBALISTIC- ~shot~
Cannibal nothing. I'm a lich,you're a lurker. On my planet,liches enjoy a good lurker.
I need something original...
10-13-2006, 02:46 PM
Except this isn't your planet. Pwned.
Yeah. It is. And it ain't Soviet Russia either.
In Soviet Russia,door opens you!
Oct. 13: Hah! No bad luck! All the bad luck happened yesterday,with all the homework anyways. Nothing else cool though. I hate my life being so plain.
10-14-2006, 09:06 PM
but today is the 14th?
10-14-2006, 09:47 PM
He was recording yesterday today. It's a journal entry-type thing.
Oct. 14: I had Friday's two days in the same week. There's a good reason why I don't go out to the same place more than once a week...
Anyways,I'm off suspension at the center. The admins are still as arrogant as ever. If you need the link to that topic,it's
Yes,they are stupid. If you check the link from my last one,you'll see the topic Tee conveniently skipped over. Buncha morons...
10-15-2006, 09:01 AM
awful protective group of folks. i cant see anything so I'm assuming you have to be logged in to view this forum.
Yup. Not like they'll kill you if you don't post. If you REALLY need to give some information,make it up based off some of the others...or me...
10-15-2006, 02:20 PM
...must. Destroy. Forum.
EDIT: I have begun my attack. By attack, I mean visit.
Hey hey,don't annihilate the forum yet. If you could get your friends to register in advance though,it'd be nice.
10-15-2006, 06:31 PM
This mean you guys are going to try and take over?
The forum's growing too rapidly and the admins are too active. It's impossible. Furthermore,I would like to peruse some of the information there,so only if I get REALLY ticked will I let Toss and his friends go berserk.
Oct. 15: Something rather special happened in church that made me realize how much I mean to my friend Zach. Which also shows I'm an idiot for treating my friends so badly. U_U
Oh,and I got Latios and Latias in Mystery Dungeon. When I went to go kill Regirock for the Rock Part,I used my Escape Orb on the same floor I found him. BAAAAAAD idea. The orb was blocked and I had to go past Regice to get another. X_X
10-16-2006, 02:56 PM
If I elaborated,it probably would make no sense. :/
10-19-2006, 02:16 PM
Yeah. We experimented with the Bunsen Burner today. All I can say is this: FIRE!
10-19-2006, 02:50 PM
Hope you didnt wear long sleeve shirt!
10-19-2006, 02:53 PM
Of course I didn't. It was warm outside.
I'm cursed in Science. The teacher sucks,so I can only get up to an 85 on tests.
So you know,I don't study. All the information I need is retained as I read through casually or when the teacher goes over it. The teacher spends too much time ranting and taking forever to grade papers that we get nothing done in class,therefore,my grade goes down.
Yes,this is the same guy who can be described as "Oh my God,he's whacked."
10-19-2006, 05:46 PM
Holy hell. I do the same thing.
~cowers in fear~
The reason my Science teacher is so strict about talking is because we have a talkative class. She has to rant about being respectful to others and not talking and blah blah blah for about 1-3 minutes before resuming the lesson. And she does it frequently. I'm not contributing to it though, just so you know.
Same thing here. He also likes to go on big rants on how could we possibly miss this problem,blah blah blah,you guys are horrible,blah blah blah...So irritating. He also made a couple classmates miss from 1/3-2/3rds of their next period with a test. He doesn't allow for people to finish the test after school. He is,indeed,stupid. Like my old computer teacher,who I will set on fire if I see him again. How DARE he give me a demerit for not turning in a stupid progress report WITH ONE ****IN GRADE ON IT?!?
10-20-2006, 02:05 PM
He must be destroyed! GARGH!
~unleashes a L150 Crypt Lord on him~
On a side note, I think I just twisted my goddamn KNEE. Now it hurts - bad - every other time I walk on it.
Make it better by logging on WC. Nao.
10-21-2006, 07:42 AM
They came from...behind!
~crashes into WC~
I'll be right over.
Little late there. Plus I'll be gone all day from 1-8 PM. >_<
10-21-2006, 01:28 PM
I'll be on on 9 PM.
Get on NAO.
Anyways,I went to a Spirit Week get-together,which is a fancy way of saying a party. It's of particular interest because that was actually my first non-birthday party. And don't ever hold the ball in tackle football and venture near me. I'm a vicious beast. On the flip side,I'm almost impervious to being tackled,which lets me shout out little battlecrys like "LEEEEEEEEROY JENKINNNNNNNNNNS!" and such. rofl
10-23-2006, 02:01 PM
...and I stayed at the Middle School 'till 7:30 PM helping Dad with computer stuff. We left at that means 4 hours of work-ish stuff. Well, it was actually around 2 hrs...but then there was the problem of getting Microtype 4 to install, which it did not.
That is all.
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