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Still Deciding the Theme - Page 2
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Thread: Still Deciding the Theme

  1. #11
    I may do Al as I am sure you guys will de a great job and it would be a cool thing to be a part of. Atm I have a website with 45,000 members (and growing!) to take care of so I am pretty busy and don't have a lot of time to game as I used to. I may mess with the toolset some more and see if I can get a bit more familiar with it. I swear it seems more difficult than the previous one. NWN2 certainly hasn't lived up to my expectations fully...yet

    /me huggggggggss everyone that knows me.. and some ppl that don't

  2. #12

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Sep 2003
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    Yes, the toolset is definitely more complicated then the last.

    Sounds like I need to let you manage this site if you can get 45000 to another! You'll have to let me see it sometime.

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