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Merry Christmas
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Thread: Merry Christmas

  1. #1

    Merry Christmas

    merry christmas all Post your gifts as the day progresses

  2. #2
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Zerg Hive, VA
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    Good news - Santa brought me NWN2! Yay!

    Bad news - It's a pain in the ass to run. Lagginess everywhere. I set the graphics quality to as low as I can get it and it still won't run like I want it to. I may need a new video card/processor/something else. Like I'll ever get that.

  3. #3
    huzzah it shouldnt lag that much if you turn most of the things off shadows and water stuffs and things should run fine unless you totally missing any quality video card at all but whatever goto summerfell.com sign up and dl the newest PWC and join in the fun we releasing out PW in 1 version and we can own together

  4. #4
    Knight Protoss119's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Zerg Hive, VA
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    Not until you play ToEE. And it's not the video card; it's the processor that's making it lag.

  5. #5
    Oh the processor? go into CTRL ALT DELETE and click processes delete everything that is under your account name thingy in the catagory but not something important sounding you can usually free up 10-40 MB for the game which means it'll run fine ( if you do delete someting important restart the comp it'll fix everything)

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