The main reason is for the weapon choice (longsword) being the only holy avenger on the server. Relies on gear to boost Charisma for a better Divine Might damage bonus. Wisdom of 11 gives first level Paladin spells for AB boost with Divine Favor. Bonus spells are available if you wear Wisdom gear. You'll notice me using up my skill points at odd times. I didnt know what I was going to use them on until I used them, so use your extra skill points as you see fit (tumble, spot, open lock, and heal are all optional).
Race: Dwarf (of course!!!)
Starting/Finishing Stats
Str - 16/36
Dex - 10/10
Con - 16/18
Wis - 11/11
Int - 12/14
Cha - 11/13
Paladin Levels 1 - 20
1 - 4 Disc 4 Lore Toughness
2 - 1 Disc 1 Lore
3 - 1 Disc 1 Lore Weapon Focus Longsword
4 - 1 Disc 1 Lore +1 Str
5 - 1 Disc 1 Lore
6 - 1 Disc Power Attack
7 - 1 Disc
8 - 1 Disc +1 Str
9 - 1 Disc Cleave
10 - 1 Disc
11 - 1 Disc
12 - 1 Disc +1 Str Improved Critical Longsword
13 - 1 Disc
14 - 1 Disc
15 - 1 Disc Knockdown
16 - 1 Disc +1 Str
17 - 1 Disc
18 - 1 Disc Great Cleave
19 - 1 Disc
20 - 1 Disc +1 Str
Sorceror Level 21
21 - Epic Weapon Focus Longsword
Red Dragon Disciple Level 22 - 35
22 - 2 Disc 12 Tumble
23 - 1 Disc 1 Tumble
24 - 1 Disc +1 Str
25 - 1 Disc 1 Tumble Overwhelming Critical Longsword
26 - 1 Disc
27 - 1 Disc 1 Tumble Blind Fight
28 - 1 Disc +1 Str
29 - 1 Disc
30 - 1 Disc 20 Spot Epic Prowess
31 - 1 Disc
32 - 1 Disc +1 Str
33 - 1 Disc Greater Strength I
34 - 1 Disc 1 Open Lock 5 Heal
35 - 1 Disc Armor Skin
Paladin Level 36 - 37
36 - 1 Disc +1 Str Divine Might
37 - 1 Disc
Red Dragon Disciple Level 38 - 39
38 - 1 Disc
39 - 1 Disc Great Strength II
Paladin Level 40
40 - 1 Disc 5 Tumble 21 Heal +1 Str Epic Toughness