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Update v1_6
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Thread: Update v1_6

  1. #1

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Update v1_6

    Well this is a pretty major update. With this package we:

    Update to Hordes requirement
    Updated all spells to be Hordes ready
    Updated the new spells for elemental team damage
    Changed the XP and gold award system
    Resurrection and Raise Dead now function properly
    16 scrolls added to mage store
    Wizard books removed
    Infinite supply ammo added
    Infinite supply traps added
    New UMD system

    and probably some more that I have forgotten.

    Hope everyone enjoys the updates!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Is there a wipe or my char will wait for me until I get Hordes? And the max lvl now will be 40?

  3. #3

    Almuric's Avatar
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    There is no wipe. Your character will be waiting for you. We will start advancing the highest level...start with maybe 25. Dont want to find out the hard way when everyone is level 30 that we have a big problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ok, thx for clarifying that up for me.

  5. #5
    Could you give details on the new UMD system? Restricted items, scrolls, etc...? *Is hoping those wonderful sun soul boots aren't restricted anymore* Thanks!

    EDIT: And gold gain and/or starting gold REALLY need to be raised! There is absolutely no way a melee class can get enough money to be even moderatly equipped for their level, and with the cleric/mage spells, the casters don't have to worry at all about it. Which means that casters have an even bigger advantage over non-casters than before, and there was no way a non-caster stood a chance against anyone that could cast spells anyways. Heck, I couldn't care less if it was just for fighters/barbs/etc., but at least give them a chance to do something other than die against clerics, mages, bards, druids, pallys, rangers...
    *Insert sig here* I would make one up, but I\'m too lazy

  6. #6

    Almuric's Avatar
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    I think you'll find armor costs almost nothing now, so starting gold was changed to reflect that.

  7. #7
    Exactly - They can no longer ignore the armor and buy everythnig else instead, which was the only way a fighter had a chance. Whereas clerics and mages can get normal armor/shield/weapon and turn them into +4 or +5 items, saving a good ~45k right there, which they can spend on other stuff instead. Plus they don't have to worry about those spells being dispelled, unless you guys have changed dispell to cover them.

    The main point is that there is no reason to pick half the classes (at least!), simply because they don't have the resources to be effective at all - decent equipment. Heck, maybe just give non-casters a shop where they can get cheaper items, but they need something, because right now, they're just easy XP.
    *Insert sig here* I would make one up, but I\'m too lazy

  8. #8
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    I'm sure if it becomes a problem it will be corrected Remeber this is the second day of the changes so it could be changed further to help balance things up. I did as much testing as I could with only myself and sydra. It was a major thing fixing everything listed I'm sure there will be tiny bugs here and there

    I play a pure rouge archer and while I didnt have to buy a shield, I did front 34k gp for boots instead of the nominal 20k or so for fort boots +2. Maybe they cant have +5 everything anymore, but heck neither could I, I had to choose if I wanted ac or saves Anyways I was able to buy a full set of gear giving either 44 ac OR 18/25/17saves

  9. #9
    25 reflex on a pure rogue archer? With saves items? Ewww I'll stick to my 31/36/35

    Did some more playing around, and yeah, it looks like it balances out better at higher levels. Especially since it looks like magic vestment had it's duration lowered, which means it's dangerous to rely on that for shield and armor AC. It's still really rough for non-cleric (or pally) tanks at lower levels though, mid 30s AC and mid 20s AB, assuming they ignore saves.

    I still think that fighters and barbarians need a little more stuff. Maybe some more decent weapons at the elite shop (or a Fighter's Emporium! Fighters only, me not like pansy little casters! )
    *Insert sig here* I would make one up, but I\'m too lazy

  10. #10

    Almuric's Avatar
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    Its already been acknowledged that we need more items. There's alot going on right now so give us a week.

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